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[\ ;� <br /> �.. \.��V <br /> �S <br /> ��JZJJ� L511��J�,�J��� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTED WORDS <br />� <br /> _.! -3TA � . . . . . . , _ .. . _ . . <br />__ �;__,��..�_..-__......._,._,_..._�._..r _ ' __� - . <br /> ;; ST.qTE OF �NEBR.qSIf✓1, <br /> (� ss. � <br /> �� Lu1Lt R.JO SCPh 8e husb HRll County, Entered in Numerical In- � , <br /> 1 <br /> dex and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed's ofj'ice of said � <br /> `` TO �arranfy � � � <br /> Deed County, the 25 day of �pT3.1 19 27 , at 11 ;I <br /> H.T.Brov�n �� <br /> �� <br /> . o'clocic and 30 minutes, A. �� <br /> ��� �����y� �� <br /> ;; � Re�ister of Deeds, � <br /> °' By � Deput9. �I <br /> i� . �; <br /> �--i�—� d.�. r�._____ --�� ---_�._______.__.________ _ �_..��_._. <br /> -- �; <br /> � jl <br /> �.r�o� ��� ,�e� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�. �, <br /> �, <br /> �; <br /> That Lulu R.Joseph and Charles A.Joseph,�vife and husband ;E <br /> Ii <br /> Il <br /> � of the Count� of H8,11 , and St�zte of Nebraska , for and in consider�tion of the sum of ;; <br /> 'E <br /> 4ne Dollar and other property in e�chang;e - DoLL.�RS, r'� <br /> �� <br /> �;i <br /> ;; in hand paid, do hereb� �Srant, barSain, sell, conver� and confirm unto H.T.BTO�A i <br /> ;� <br /> lj <br /> 'E <br /> i; <br /> � <br /> ;: of the County of H8,11 , and State of �ebraska , the followin� described real estate situated j! <br /> i in in �,11 County, and State of Nebraska , to-wit: �� <br /> , Lots Number Seventeen and Eighteen (17 & 1�) in Block Number Fourteen �1�+) in Ashton Plaae, �i <br /> � an Addition to �he (?ity of Grand Is1and,Nebraska,according to the reoordedplat thereof. � " <br /> - �� <br /> �; <br /> ;� <br /> �i <br /> ,;� <br /> �� <br /> ;� <br /> i <br /> i� i <br /> �; <br /> �� <br /> i <br /> �� <br /> i <br /> 20 H.-4VE .gND 20 HOLD the premises above described, to�ether with all the Tenements, l�ereditaments and✓lppurtenances i� <br /> � �� <br /> thereunto belon�in�, unto the said H.T.BTOWri �" <br /> f' <br /> ' and to hi� heirs and assi�ns, forever. E! <br /> �� i! <br /> ` .qnd wE c�o hereby covenant with the said Grantee ,and with h18 heirs and assi�ns, tyiat '� <br /> �j <br /> W� lawfullz� sized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance � <br /> 4 <br /> � <br /> that W6 have 600d ri�ht and Zawful authority to sell tlze sa�ne; and il�@ do hereby covenan.t �, <br /> i� <br /> ,: <br /> `` to warrant dnd defend the title to said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of al,l persons whomsoever �� <br /> a <br /> , <br /> �� <br /> ;f .lnd the said Charl�s A.Joseph hereby relinquishes all �� <br /> ;' rights of every nature,absolute and contin�ent ,inaluding dower,courtesy,Homestead and inheri�anae <br /> in and to the above described premises. I�, <br /> ; � <br /> �, <br /> Signed this 20�Y1 day of April � , J1. D., 19 �� j� <br /> i <br /> In the presence of �' <br /> ' Eva B.Delaney Lulu R.Joseph � <br /> '' Charles A.Joseph ji <br /> I� <br /> ,; <br /> ;= State o� I�ebTaBka. <br /> ` ss. ij <br /> Ha.11 Count�, On this 20'�»: day o� April, .1. D., 19 27 � !i <br /> , � <br /> � �i <br /> bej�ore�the undersiBned FVS B.�81cL216y I <br /> a Notarz� Fublic, dul� commissioned and qualified for and residin�in said County, peTSOnally i <br /> �! came Lulu R.Joseph and Charles A.Joseph,wife and husband, i <br /> I' <br /> i; � <br /> ��� � - <br /> to me known to be the identical person 6 whose name 8 8T6 afJExed to the fore�oins �� <br /> ;l � <br /> ` (SEAL) instrument as �rantor Q and ack�towled�ed the same to be tY18�r voluntary act and deed. �� <br /> �� Witness mr� hand and Notarial Seal the da� and z�ear last above written. <br /> ]i <br /> ;; <br /> j� .Nly commission expires the 1� day of March, 19 3� I <br /> l� �ra B.Delaney �; <br /> , <br /> Notary Pzcblic. �� <br /> ; 'I�' I <br />-=_--- <br />