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�_���-��.. <br /> ��J�j� ��J�j���� <br /> CONTAIN9 281 PRINTED WORDS <br />-. . - � S -3TATE JOURNAL COM NY,IINCOLN,NE9. � �� � �� �-��� � ��� � - �V <br /> �` �( � ST.qTE OF �N'EBR.1SK.q, ii <br /> „ <br /> ss. <br /> Andrew Smith �11 County, Entered in Numerical In- <br /> dex and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed's ofJice of said <br /> �,O �arranty � <br /> Deed County, the 21 ddy of April 19 27, at 2 <br /> Q.R.H@81Y o'clock and 3� minutes, p. ✓12. � <br /> �,����/�-�-�-��� <br /> Resister of Deeds, �' <br /> 4 <br /> By Deputy. <br /> --��-; --�- -- -- __�. �_� -�_ � -- <br /> ;,, <br /> . , <br /> �r�o�a �YY �et� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�: i <br /> �� <br /> '�; That Andrsw Smith A �idower <br /> �; <br /> of the Count� of Buf falo , and State of Nebraeka , for and in consideration of Lhe sum of <br /> � T�elve Hundred Fifty and no/1�0 DOLL.IRS, ';; <br /> ; <br /> ! in hand paid, do hereby �rant, bar�ain, sell, eonvez� and confirm unto (�.R.Healy �' <br /> i�' <br /> ; <br /> of the County of �11 , and State of Nebraska , the followin� described real estate situated <br /> i <br /> in j�gll .an County, and State of Nebraska , to-wit: <br /> Lot One ( 1) in Block T�ree (3) in Nagg$ Addition to the City of q�rand Island,Nebraeka. i� <br /> �. <br /> , <br /> ,; <br /> !i <br /> �, <br /> ;i <br /> �I <br /> ;i <br /> �� <br /> � <br /> 1`Q..B.�T�'.Ti.BrY'.�:CQ_HaL12�1ie�rea�,i.ces.�ab.nue.descxihed,_t.o���'eriem,en.ts,�er�ditamen.ts.a�.d�,uputtez�a�a�..es_ ii <br /> �; <br /> t heasabra�a-bede�ixa.�,-zcazta-t�as�esi� I <br /> �� F <br /> I <br /> _ �s�ce3-te---------- -Te,earr��aeb-�raaa�ea�;-f'eretrer. �I <br /> C.R.Heaiy `; <br /> .lnd I do hereby covenant with the said G4a�etee ,and z� hf S heirs and assi;ns, that j; <br /> - �; <br /> � I 8ri1 Zawfullz� sized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance i; <br /> that W8 have �ood risht and lawful authoritr� to sell tlae same; and I do herebr� covenan.t ;; <br /> �; <br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises a�adnst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever <br /> , <br /> .gnd the said hereby relinquishes all j'i <br /> i; <br /> �: <br /> in and to the above described premises. 'I <br /> , � <br /> __.__ i! <br /> Si�ned this � 4� day of ��,TCh , .g. D., 19 ��f �; <br /> ii <br /> , <br /> the ,�: <br /> << In�the presence of ii <br /> his , <br /> C.H.Prat t Andre� X 8r�i th �! <br /> mark �i <br /> John P.Smith �; <br /> •,i State o�' NebTa$ka <br /> I; <br /> sa. j; <br /> CoLU1ty of Buf fa10 -�'•�t�, On this 7th day o� �arCh .q. D., 19 27 �I <br /> � <br /> ;i before��ha�,q�n,�aL O.H.PTafit II <br /> �, <br /> ; <br /> �� a Notary Public, dulz� commissioned and qualified for and residin� in said County, personally i' <br /> i <br /> came At1d1'81� Smith �' <br /> �, <br /> �: <br /> �; <br /> !� <br /> described in and who eaecuted the !i <br /> to me known to be the identical person � �vheae-�crme-- �f}"ea�ed,-�s-t�a foregoins 'i <br /> conveyance said f.ns�rurn��� 'i <br /> -a�e�r��e�a�-as �rantor , and ac7cnowZed�ed the�sa�rte�to e voluntary act and deed. '� <br /> � � � �I <br /> ;; Witness my hand and ,A''�t,c�rae�-,6'eal the day and �ear Zast above written. i <br /> I <br /> ���I'� .My commission expires the 4� da� �f Ati�u$t 19 27 +i <br /> O.H.Pratt ij <br /> Notar� Pzcblic. i; <br /> �� <br /> ,� <br /> -__- _-�__,-_--=_ .__=--_—_---=----__------ _ <br />