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�_i�:� <br /> .�. <br /> ����� �������� <br /> CONTAINB 281 PRINTED WORDS <br /> .�.____._.__—� __�._ .� <br />- , ''75'7IIB=aTa�'�73u�F�7'A�S�RY11A , <br /> .– --:�'.: - __.�._r.��.__-�� ° — <br /> I.� STJITE OF NEBR.gSK.q, <br /> Clinton P.��iecnam and P;Tartha E.:Recha . ss. <br /> I '; Ha,ll County, Entered in Numerical In- ` <br /> j <br /> dex and fcled for record in the Re�ister of Deed's of)ice of said � <br /> �� <br /> � <br /> arrant �� <br /> Y <br /> TO Deed County, the 19 da� of April 19 2�, at � �; <br /> Ea.rl A.2�ecnam. i! <br /> . o'clock and 30 minutes, P�J�� `l� i� <br /> � -�-«��. ii <br /> Reaister of Deeds, �i <br /> B� Deputy. ;i <br /> � <br />_�_.�—_�.-..��:=�=-_�_�v_`--__��.___�—,�—u <br /> _ �—; � <br /> !: <br /> �� <br /> �r�ob� �Y� ,�er� �p �C�e�e ��e�er�t�: '' - <br /> �i <br /> ' � IIThat Clinton P.'�;ECha:n and �artha E.:�echam,Husband and �Yife , , <br /> �; � <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> of the Count� of Hall , and St�zte of Nebr�,ska , for and in consideration of the �um of <br /> � (I <br /> Two Thousand and no/100 DOLL.gRS, �i . <br /> �'! <br /> ,roaid, do herebr rant bar ain sell conve and con rrn unto Earl A.I�eeham �i <br /> ` in hand .! � , � , , �J � � I; <br /> i� <br /> ` of the Countz� of Ha.11 , and State of Nebraska , the followin� described real estate situated �� <br /> I€ <br /> in � in H�.11 County, and State of Nebraska , to-wit: �; <br /> o; <br /> !I <br /> The North H�,lf of t�e South Half (N�—S�) of the Southeast Quarter ( SE�) of the Southeast ; <br /> Qu�.rter ( SE�) of Section Eleven ( 11� ,in Tow��shi Eleven ( 11) N�rth ,Range Ten ( 10) West of the, <br /> Six�h P.�. ,Ha.11 County ,Nebra.ska ,containing ten �10) acres ,a little more or less ,according tof <br /> governnlent survey tnereof. !j <br /> ,, �` <br /> I� <br /> I� <br /> I <br /> . � <br /> I <br /> � <br /> �! <br /> ii <br /> � <br /> ; I <br /> 2'O H.1VE .1ND TO SOLb t�ie premises above described, to�ether witTa all the 7'enements, .1�'erec�itaments and.Ippurtenances i' <br /> ;, <br /> , �i <br /> ' thereunto belongin�, unto the said �arl A.�IeCham ,; <br /> I' <br /> and to h�$ hcirs and assi�ns, forever. � . <br /> `; .lnd We do hereb� covenant with the said Grantee ,and with h'18 heirs and assi�ns, that �� <br /> f� . <br /> ;� we are lawfully sized of said premises; that they dre free from encumbrance �j <br /> ,� i <br /> `. that W8 have �ood risht and Zawful authoritr� to sell tlie same; and �,qe do hereb� covenan.t � <br /> i - <br /> �� to warrc�nt dnd defend the title to said �remises against the lawful claims of aZl persons whomsoever �j <br /> i� <br /> �' {i <br />� ! �4nd �he said Clinton P.l�ecnam a.nd Martha E.P�echam hereby relinquishes all i,i <br /> ' rig'rits of every r�a: ture ,a�bsolute and contingent ,includin�; d�wer o�rte��r Ngrr�st�ad and inherit��nce <br />' "' a an to th� a oae sc�P� e pre ases. <br /> i �` <br /> `; Sianed this l�th day of April , , �• D•, 1`� 27 i. <br /> :; (� <br /> '! In the presence of �i <br /> Clinton P.�iecham <br /> i! "� <br /> ;i <br /> �' u.E.Grundy._ Martha E.Mecham �� <br /> ; - <br /> �i <br /> ;� State af Nebrasl�a � <br /> i; as. <br /> Ha,ll County, On this l�th da�/ of April , �. D., 19 27 � � <br /> � <br /> ; �. <br /> ,, me �� <br /> ;� before�,the undersi�sned C,E,Grundy <br /> ;i <br /> I� <br /> '' a Notar� Public, dul� commissioned and qualifiec� for and residin�in said County, personalL� �� <br /> !; <br /> s; came Clinton P.�echa.m and P�artha Mecham,Husband and VPife , �; <br /> ;i <br /> I� ` <br /> �� � <br /> i to me known to be the identical person 8 wliose name s are af)"ixed to the fore�oins <br /> �s <br /> �� <br /> � ( SEAL) instrument as arantor S, and acknowled�ed the same to be their voluntar�act and cleed. I <br /> ; i, <br /> ij Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the daz� and year last above written. j; <br /> Ij � <br /> ti, � <br /> x s da o June 19 2 <br /> ' Jt1y coinmassaon e pare the I�th � f , 3 �� <br /> j� C.E.Grundy i <br /> �� Notar� Public. � <br /> i� <br /> _---------__ — _---- — - — — <br /> ----- -___-- __— =_�= -- --=- -- <br /> �=_ <br /> �, j <br /> � <br /> I <br /> �� _ , <br />