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I <br /> � <br /> �. ���� <br /> � �JJ�j ��J�J W�/J��� <br /> �_ �J� � <br /> CONTAINB 281 PRIIVTED WORDS <br />� S .8 -3TA7E JOURNAL GQMPANY.61NCOL.N,NEB. � � � � - -- �� � � � � -- <br /> i� �- � � I I <br /> ;; ST.1TE OF NEBR.StSK'.L, <br /> ss. <br /> " EZiZB. F��,T2f 8 & Y1ti6b ��'i County, Entered in Numerzcal In- ; <br /> dex and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed's offEce of said <br /> TO �arranty ' <br /> Deed County, the 19 day of April 19 27, at 2 ' <br /> �argare�ha Hersslep <br /> o'clock and 15 minutes, p.111. � �; <br /> Re�ister of D� � <br /> B� Deputy. <br />_ -- —__�____�_.._ - - - __.� - .�._.��- --- ---- -- - - —_--�----__ <br /> ii <br /> I <br /> �.r�o� �Y� �er� �p �C�je�e ��e�e�t�: ,�� <br /> , <br /> �� <br /> �! That E1i za Ha,rris and George Thomas Harri s ,her husband, <br /> ,� <br /> � � i': <br />, of the County of H311. , and State of Nebraska. , for and in consideration of the sum of <br /> Twenty—f ive Hundred and No/100 (�2500.00) DOLL�RS, <br /> '�, in hand paid, do herebz� �rant, bar�ain, sell, convez� and confirm unto M2.Tga,retha, �HeriSl�y � <br />� <br /> of the County of Buffalo , and Stdte of Nebraska , the following described real es�ate situated <br /> in in Ha.11 County, and State of Nebraska , to-wit: �; <br /> Lots Three ,Four,and Five ,� and � �I <br /> (3 5) in Block EiTht (�) �f P�.cker and Barr� s Adclition to I <br /> Grand Island,Nebra.ska,as surveyed,platted and recarded. ;', <br /> i', <br /> '�I <br /> ;, <br /> � <br /> ;; <br /> �, <br /> '; <br /> 1'O S.gT�'E .1ND 2`O .FIdZD the premises above described, to�ether with all the 2'enements, �Iereditaments and✓lppurtenances ;!, <br /> I thereunto belongin�, unto the said �argaretha Hensley ' <br /> �� <br /> and to her heirs and assi�ns, forever. �; <br /> .flnd ype do hereby covenant with the said Grantee ,and with her jaeirs and assi�ns, that ��' <br /> " i'i <br /> We are lawfully sized of said premises; tliat they �re free from encumbrance �; <br /> ;; <br /> that VVe have �ood risht and lawful authorit,� to sell tyee same; and yPe do hereby covenan.t <br /> to warrant and defend tlie title to said premises a�ainst the Zawful claims of all persons whomsoever <br /> i� <br />� ?; .�nd the said Eliza Harris and Geor�e Tho:nas Harris hereby relinquishes alZ �� <br /> �i ri�;hts of every nature ,absolute and contingent ,including doiver courtesy ,Ho:mestead a.nd inher— ';'; <br /> 1t3nCe in and to t�Ce above described premises. �! <br /> ,; <br /> Si�'ned this Fourt:� da� of Sept ember , , .�. v., 19 26 ,i <br /> �i <br /> In the f ner �� <br /> presence o Ellza X Harris �I <br /> O.A.Vieregg ) as to both :nark mark '! <br /> t a.nd signature T ��' <br /> D, �P.�eves � George Thomas rlarrie � <br /> �' <br /> '! State o�' Nebraska ;! <br /> ss. i' <br /> Hall County, on this ZFth day of September , .1. D., 19 26 �; <br /> TTI� i! <br /> before the undersisned Chas.F.Dryer ; <br /> � �� <br /> � <br />' � a Notar Public dul commissioned and ualc ed or and residin an said Count ersonall I <br /> � , � �r f f � � �, A � !I <br /> came �liza Harris and George Thomas Harris ,her husband, � <br /> , <br /> ,� <br /> � j( �I <br /> r� <br /> �� <br /> to me known to be the identical person B whose name s are afjaxed to the fore�oin� �I <br /> �� <br /> (SEAL� instrument as �rantor � and aeknowled�ed the same to be their voluntary dct and deed. �i <br /> _ I <br /> ,� <br /> �� <br /> �; <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. j! <br /> i <br /> ,� <br /> .My commission expires the 23rd day of January, 19 2$' '� <br /> � Chas.F.Dryer �� <br /> Notar Public. <br /> i <br /> y <br /> �� <br />==-�_�__-::�--_-__--__�-�_-_--=_=-----_—-_-------- ---__=-- - - _—_-_- � <br /> :� <br /> ; • , <br />