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431 <br /> � <br /> D���>>� ������� <br /> CONTAINB 2A1 PRINTED WORDB <br /> _ _. _._ .._ __- <br /> . .�ISS4S-BTA7E JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB.' �---- <br /> , - ST.1TE OF NEBR✓ISK'.1, { <br /> I <br /> il Emil �Golbach,single H�Lll County, SS Entered in Numerical In- '' <br /> i �� <br /> dex and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed's ofy'ice of said �� <br /> !j �1'arranty , <br /> ; TO Deed <br /> '� County, the 29 aa� of December, 19 2�at 9 <br /> �'i <br /> { $d�fi11 J. iPolbach , o'clock and 30 minutes, A. .M. ; <br /> ;� �-�v�-�0�-���d <br /> ;i Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> �� By Deputr�. <br /> ii <br /> i ` i <br /> i,j <br />, �, _ �!C�t�r� ,��i ,��e�t �b�� �1����e ���e���t#�: <br /> �� <br /> ; That I,Emil Wolbach,a single maxi, <br /> i �'' <br /> !� of the County of H811 f l�ebraska f f f i <br /> , , and State o , or and in consideration o the sum o � <br /> ��� <br /> ;� One Dollar and other valvable conaider�ion------------------ DOLL.IRS, ,l <br /> ' <br />. ;{ I <br /> � in hand paid, do hereby�rant, bar�ain, sell, con�vez�and confirm unto Ed�rin tT. �folbaeh i <br /> Ij I' <br /> � <br /> ';j of the County of H811 , and State of Nebraska , the following described real estate sivated �� <br /> � � <br /> i in (�TBAd Isl�id in $811 County, and State of l�eb�aska to-wit: I <br /> � �y undivided one..half interest in Lot N�mbered Four (4) in Black 1Qv�mbered Sixty-four (64) ia j <br /> � t�e Ori inal ToWn now Citq of Grand Islar�d Hall �ounty,Nebraeka. The �rantor also conveqe his � <br /> � one,hal� undividec� interest and t itle acqu�red. from Bayard H.Paine in and to the party wall � <br /> i bu31t upon the dividing line along the East line of said lot arising under and virtue cf a <br /> � certaia partq wall lease between George H. �iller and wife Ella M. aad Clans 3tolteaberg and <br /> � Abel his ��fe whi�h said lease pas recorded in �iseellaneous Recards of Hall Co�ty,Nebraeka i <br /> ;1 Book L.Pg. 2� and all of the rights af said Claua Stolten erg and Rife Abel being tra,r�sferrec� <br />_ �� Ato said SLayard H.Paine bp Rarrantq D�ed recorded iA Book �3,at Page 394 0� the Reeords oi Hall <br /> . !a �/�Wj��'��M������ N�����������������NM I <br />�� �I �. 5o i.�. stamp� �. <br />- ;� �asncell�a ; <br /> !, <br /> � <br /> i <br /> ;; <br /> � � <br /> � �� <br /> ;; TO H.qVE .qND TO HOLD the premises above descTibed, to�etlzer wityc all the 7'enements, Hereditaments and.lppurtenances �i <br /> � <br /> ii �I <br /> '� thereunto belon�ing, unto the said Ldwin J. Rolbaeh � II <br /> �� <br /> �I and to hie heirs and assigres,forever. <br /> �; �, <br /> , � <br /> ;; .Ind I do hereby covenant with the said Grantee , and with hi$ heirs and assi�ns, that i <br /> I j � � <br /> _ ;; lawfullz� seized of said premises; that ther� are free from encumbrance i <br /> �� <br /> � <br /> �� that I have �ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell the same; and I do hereby covenant ' <br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises a�ainst the Zawful claims of all persons whomsoever <br /> '� .lnd the said Et�iil VPO1b8Ch �1 <br /> hereby relinquishes all , <br /> '�i in�erest ,rl�ht and title � <br /> � in and to the above described premises. <br />_. ,i <br /> Si�ned this �'�h day of July, , ✓1. D., 19 25. ! <br /> �; <br /> ; <br /> j; In presenee of Em11 WO1b8.Ch � <br /> �', I.R. Alter j <br /> i' I <br /> ', I' <br /> ;± state of Nebrasga j� <br /> ;:, . <br /> .� <br /> !i Ha,ll County, ' On this �th ddy of oTLtly� .1. D., 19 25� I <br /> !j <br /> � before me the undersi�ned I.R. Alter - � <br /> ;� <br /> !! a Notary Public, dulz� commissioned and qualifced for and residin�in said County, personally �� <br /> ;; <br /> came Emi,l Wolbaeh,a single �Sn� <br /> � <br /> ,; <br />- � <br />_ ,� I <br /> �� to me known to be the identical person whose name f S df)Exed to the fore�oing I <br /> " conveqanae exeeution of the f <br /> .i (�EAL) —��ri�'t as �rantor , and ackn.owled�ecl, th�same to be hi s voluntary aet and �leed. <br /> !i <br /> � N�'itness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. <br /> �i .My eommission expires the �3d ddy of AU$u8t� 19 2�j. <br /> `i I.R. Alter <br /> '! Notary Publie. � <br /> !i <br /> !� <br /> � <br /> i <br /> i� <br /> - ii <br />