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<br /> l7."I'r�m�fcr of'tl�e Ih•opirty��r u I�enef"icti�l hetcrest In l3�►rrnw•cr. If;dl ur any p<<rt uf chr Properry ur uny intcrctit in it
<br /> � i�+uld ur n•nn,t'rrrcd lur if��Ucnctiri.d intcrc,t in Hurrowcr i++ufd ur n•,uitif�rrcd und Burr��wcr i,nat u natural pur,unl�vithuut
<br /> Iwndcr'ti priur �vriUCn cnn,ent. I.�rndcr may. at its uptiun. rcNuire inuncdiatc payment in full uf �ill sum� �ccured hy this ..
<br /> , . Sccurity Instrumcnt. Hiiwcvcr. this upliun�ht111 nul hC CxCrcl�Cd hy l.cndrr if Cxcl'rlu i�prohlhilCd by fcdcl',d law ati c�fihr_d:uc
<br /> of thi,Sc�urity Instrument.
<br /> - II'I.rndcr c�rrci�c.�hi,uptiun. I.�ndcr�hull givc Burn�wcr notirc uf;i�:cclrratiun. '1'hc noticc,hall pruvidc a peri�Kf �� not
<br /> , ;, ,• Icss thun ;o aay� fr��m thc datc thc notirc i� dclivcrcd or mailcd wi�hiu whi�h E3urr�,«�cr must pay ;ill ,um, ticrurrd hy this ,
<br /> Sccuriry Instrument. If Burrc�wer fuils to pay thcse sums prior tu thc cxpiratiun uf Uiiti perind. Lcndcr may invakc any rcmcdics
<br /> ,;,,�,��' • permittcd hy this Sccurity lnstrumcnt without furthcr noticc or dcmand un Bittrc�wcr.
<br /> ..� .. 19. Horro�r•er's �Ylght to Rclnstutc. If Barrowcr mcctti rcrtain �onJitiun�. Rurro�vcr .hall hav�� thc right tu havc
<br /> cnfurcement uf thiti Sccuriry In,u�ument discontinucd ut uny tinu priur a� thc carlicr ai`. (a) S day+ (��r such othcr pericxi a�; _ �
<br /> ' applirublc law may tipecify for rcinstatemcnt) hefore sulc uf thc Pn�perty pursuant tc� any puwcr uf' .alc runtain�l in this
<br /> Serurity Imtrument:ur (bl entry of a judgment enti�rcing this Securiry Intitrument.1'hc�se cunditionti are that Borrrnver:(u)pays ;s
<br /> � Lendcr all sum+�vhidi then wauld be due under this Security Instrumcnt und the Nate us if nu accelerution had occurred:(b) ', ,
<br /> .. � cuces any default of any nther covenants or ugreements: (c)pays all expenses incurrcd in enforcing this Security Ins�rument, �_�__._
<br /> including, but nm limited to, reusonable uuorneys' fees;and(d) takes such action as Lcnder may reasonably require to assure (�z._�_�
<br /> • thut thc licn of this Securiry lnstrument, i.ender's rights in the Properry und Borrowcr'ti obligatian to pay the sums sccurcd by .�_.
<br /> � this Security lnstrument shuU continue unchunged. Upon reinstatement by Bc,rrower, this Securiry [nstrumm�t and the ��=
<br /> � obli�ations secured he�eby shull remain fully effective us if no ucceleration had occurred. However, this right to reinsiate shall �-___
<br /> .. not apply in the cuse of acceleration under paragruph 17. �
<br /> 19. Sale oP Note; Chan�e of l.nan Servicer. The Nate ur a partial interest in the Note (together with this 5ecurity
<br /> • „ �_�� lnstrument)m:�y be sold one c�r more times�vithout prior notice tu Bon•owcr' A sale may result in.i chuuge in the entit}�(kno�vn �1-
<br /> as the"Loun Serviccr"1 that collects monthly puyments due unde�thc Note und this Secunty Instrument. Thcrc also rn�y bc rnie ._������-
<br /> • .�� or more chan�es of thc Loan Servicer unreluted ta a salc of the Notc. If ther�is a chunge of the Loan Servicer, Borrower will be _ _
<br /> � given writtcn noucc ot'thc cliangc iri acc�rdancc witii p3ragrapli 14 abnvc and applicablc law.Thc noticc will stutc thc namc and �,�;z
<br /> � address of the new Li�an Servirer and the address ti� which payments tihauld he made. The notice will also contain any other —
<br /> information requircd by uppli�ahlc law. ___
<br /> 20. Huzsirdous Substnnees. Borrower shall not cuuse o►' permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release cif uny �_
<br /> HuxurSous Substances un ur in thc Propeny. Borrower shall not do. nor allow anyone clsc to do, anything at'fating the _
<br /> � Property that is in �•iolation of any Environmental Law. The prececiing two sentenee�shall not apply ro the presence, use, or
<br /> ;, storage on[he Pre�perty of small yuantities of H:uardous Substunces that ure generally rccognized to he appropriate io normal
<br /> , :� residcnt�ul u+es;uid to maintcnancc uf thc Property.
<br /> Borrowcr shall promptly givc Lcndcr wr�tten noticc of any invcstigation, claim, dcmund, lawsuit or othcr action by any
<br /> ......� ,,...,..,,a.��,.... :�..��,o� �r nrivacc nanv involvin�the Property�tnd any Hazardous Substancc or F.nvironrnental Law
<br />._ . ' �'l�vl:tlltl��t��u� v� ...b.........J »o""♦ • ~v� ��..� _ .
<br /> of which Borro�ver has urtual knowledge. IF Borrower Iearns, or is notitied by any�overnmentui ur reguiat.;�y a�t.�"r'i�. ••."•
<br /> ' � any removul e�r other renieciiation of any Harardous Substance affecting the Property i�necrssary. Burrower shall proroptly take
<br /> � ' all necessury remedial actions in accordance with Environmental l.aw.
<br /> . ,';.;,,,;. � As used in this paragraph 20. "Ha�ardous Substanceti'are those substances detined us toric or huzardous substances by
<br /> ' Environmental Luw and the following substances: gatioline, kerosene, other flammable or mxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> ,�•-�::., . pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvent�,mxterials containing asbesros or formaldehyde. �ind radioactive materials. As used in
<br /> ='� �. y this puragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means federnl laws and laws of thc jurisdirtion where the Property is lucated that
<br /> t'"�"��''�'`''• � relate to heulth,safery or environmcntal protection.
<br /> ``"'� '`"�'" NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.ender further coven:uu and agree as follows:
<br />.=�=`��`�` ' �='• 21. Acceleratfon;Remedies. I.ender shaU�Ive notice to Borrower prior to accelerntion followtng Borrower's bresith
<br /> °.�"'•i:i''`,`•:��'• of any covenanC or agreement in this Security instrurnent (but not prior to accelecntton under paragrnph l7 unl�s
<br /> -�—~��i� applicuble lnw prnvides othen�•ise).7Che nottce shall spec(fy: (a)the default; (b) the action required to cure t6e defuult;
<br /> - —���'=.�a (c)a date,not I�s than 30 duys from the dute the notice Is �iven to Borrower,by which the default must be cured;und _
<br /> :•K-w���:�� (d) thi�t faflure to cure the default on or before the date sr�ecifted ia the notice muy result in acccleration of the sums
<br />__�::x►'�'n��!�;8 secured by thls Sceur[ty Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower of the right to
<br /> ^.�� reinstate efter acceleratfun and the right to brM� a court uction to assert the non-existence of e default or any other
<br /> __;_���,� defense of I3arrower to accelerallon and sale. If tiie defnult is not cured on or before the date specifie�i in the notfce,
<br /> '=?�"LILY.ZS��- Lender, nt its optlon, muy require immediate pavmctet(n full oF all sums secured by t�is Securlty Instrument wfthout
<br /> � -=?'�''��.`"� furtl�er demnn� nnd enay invoke the power of sale nnd nny other remedtcs permitted by upNlicu6le law. Lender shaU be
<br /> -,�a���;�— endtled to collect nll expe�ues incurred In pursuing the remedfes provtded in thls pnru�raph 21,inclu�lin;,but not limited
<br /> ;;T;:::; to.reasonuble aetarneys' Pees nnd costs of title evidence.
<br /> --•�r�'=•:..� If the pawer of sule is invoked, Trustee shull record A notice of default in ench county in which nny part of the
<br /> ---�"-- = ='` ('�•operty Is Iocated und sha�l mail coples oP such notice In the manner prescrlbed by nQplicable la�v to BorrAwer and to
<br /> -=�=,�+>�-� , the otl►er persons prescribed by appl[cable In�v.After the time requtred by appl[cable law.Trustee shull give public notice
<br /> --��' of snle to the permns and in the manner prescribetl by epplicnble la�v.Trustee, without demund on Borrower,shnl! sell
<br /> -�� � 'L'- the Propei4y nt public auction to the hlghest bidder at tl�e time und place and undcr the terms deslgnnted in thc taotice o£
<br /> ��:.��"'� sale in one or mure parcets and In any order Trustee determin�. Trustee may pastpo�e sale of all or any parcel of the
<br /> �� '"�-� Property by public annuuncement at tl�e dme and place of any previously schedule�l sale. Lender or its drslg�ee mny
<br /> __- ._ �` �urchuse the Pr�perty at nny snle.
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