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<br /> 'fOGtiTHEfs V�'ITH all ihc impruvrmcnts naw on c�rcut'tcr crectcd �n the propcny. and all ca,emcnt,.uppurtcnancc+, uitd „
<br /> fixturc� nuw un c�rcuftcr �i purt uf th� pmperry. All replucemcnts und u�lditiun+ �hall alsu hc cuvcrcd hy thi� Sccurity
<br /> Instrument. All uf thc fumgoing is rcfcrred ta in thiti 5ccuriry Instrumcnt as ihc "Properry."
<br /> BOftROW EIZ COVENANTS thut Borrowcr is la�vfully sciscel of thr c�iutc hcreby cunvcycd und hus thc right ta grant und
<br /> ronvcy thc Pruperry und that thc Property is uncncumbcrcd, cxrcpt for encumhrunccs c�(rccorJ. Borrowcr wxrrunts und will
<br /> . Jcfcnd gencrally thc titic to thc Propcnp against all rl;�im�;�nd dcmand•,, �uhjcrt in any encumhranrc���f rccurd.
<br /> THIS 5F.CURITY INSTRUMENT cumbincs uniform rovcnunts for na�iunnl usc and ncm-unifi�rm r��vcnunts with limitcd
<br /> . � vuri�uiun,hy juri+diction to cunstitutc a uniform sccuriry instrumcni r«vcring rea!property.
<br /> ""�� UNIFORM COVENANTS.Aorrowcr and L.�ndcr cuvcnunt und a�rcr a�ti�llows: ••
<br /> � 1. Pnyment��P !'rinclpnl und Interest; Yrepayment und la�te i'har�;cs. Borrowcr shall prompUy pay whcn due thc
<br /> principal af and imercst nn thc dcbt rvidcnrcd by the Notc und any prcpaymcnt and laic cha�•ges duc undcr rhe Notc.
<br /> 2. Fundy far Taxes and Insurnnce. Suhject to applicahlc I;iw or tu,i wrinen waiver hy L.endcr. Borrower shnll pay to
<br /> L,endcr on the day monthly paymcnts are due under thc Notc, unti 1 thc Notc is paid in ful I,a sum("Funds") fur: (a)yearly tnxes
<br /> � and assessments which muy uttain priority ovcr this 5ecurity Instrument as a lien im the Property; (b)yeurly Ieusehold payments
<br /> •� or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c)yearly hau�rd or prapeny insuranee premiums;(d)yeurly floc�d insurance premiums, "`
<br /> if any; (e) ycarly martgage insurancc premiums, if any; t�nd (fl uny sums payahle by Borrowec to Lender, in accordance N�itti
<br /> the provisiom of paragraph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiurns. These items are cuUed "Escrow Items." :,`-
<br /> Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in un amount not to excced the maximum amount a lender for n federaUy "
<br /> ' , re!ated mortgage loan may reyuire for Hurrowrr's c,�ruw aecuunt undcr lhe feJerul Rcul Etitate Settlement Procedures Aet of �
<br /> �. 1974 as amended(ro�n time to tirne, l.'. U.S.C. Se�tion 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"), unless anothcr luw that applies to the Funds _
<br /> ` sets a Icsscr amount. If so, Lcndcr may, at any timc, collect and hold Funds in un amount not to exceed the Iesscr amount. •--
<br /> � I..endcr muy estimate the amount of Funds due on the butiis of current data as�d reasonublc e�timates of expenditures of futurc
<br /> Escrow Items or otiterwise in accordunce with upplicable law.
<br /> ' The Funds shall bc held in an institution whosc dcposits arc insurcd by a fccieral agency. instrumcntulity, ur entity _
<br /> (including l.cnder,if Lcndcr is such an institution)or in any Fecleral Homc Loan Bank. C.endcr shall apply the Funds to pay the __
<br /> Escrow ltems. Lender may not chnrge Horrower for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing thc escmw uccount,or �
<br /> ' I' q verifying the Escrow ltems,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable luw permits l.endcr to tnake such �%-,
<br /> a charge. However, Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time chArge for 1n independent real estate tax reporting service �-
<br /> used by L.ender in connection with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an a�reement is made or �"-
<br /> .. . .._.... .. � • ' _ '"'" ...L...,.....1 T..«.1..�.. 11 ..... L.._,....:.....1 �.,�.... :..�..�nr♦ r n � __-
<br /> � a' uPPucauie iuw �eyuuca mic�c+i w vc Naw. �uu�� a�idu uu� v��uMuuw au pay ri6iiv"n�i uiy u ......,.C� .:::::l:be�n t�P Fg�rlc. -
<br />. �• � Borrower und Lender may agree in writing, however, that interest shall be puid on the Funds"L.endcr shall give to Borrower, �
<br /> without charge, an unnual accounting of the Funds, showing cre.dits and debits to the Funds 3nd the purpose for whith each --
<br /> � debit to the Funds was made.The Funds arc plcdged as additional security for all surns secured by this Security Instrume�tt.
<br /> • If the Funds held by L.ender exceed the umounts permitted ta be held by applicable I�w, Lender shall uccount to Borrower
<br />_ �;� for the excess Funds in acwrdance with the reyuirements of applicable law. If the amuunt of the Funds held by L.ender at any
<br />_� �"�" '��� ' time is m�t suf�cicnt to pay�he F.scrow [tcros whcn duc. Lendcr rnay so notify Borro���cr in u•riting, and,in such case Borrower
<br />-- _ � . ;1
<br />_ ,. shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to mnke up thc deficiency. Borrower shall make up the dc6ciency in no more than
<br />=':�,, , tw•clvc monthly paymcnts, at I.endcr's solc discrction.
<br /> � Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, L.cnder shull prompdy refund to Burrower any
<br /> '-� •• � Funds held by I..cnder. If, undcr paragruph 21, L.cnder shull acquire or sell the Property, Lendcr, prior ro the acquisitian or sale
<br /> y±r;,; ..
<br /> �.,��ti�'�" of the Property,shail apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of ucyuisition or sale as a crcdit against the sums secured by
<br />�+^::`::�LL� this Security instrument.
<br />_��=�i�-- -`�• < 3.A licatton of Pu ments. Unless a I�cable law rovides otherwise, all a ments received b Lender under ara ra hs
<br />-- .".s_;_,;�,� . pA Y pp � P P' Y Y P � P
<br /> —_,�,�,., �,, 1 and 2 shnll be applied: first, to any prepaymcnt chargcs duc undcr thc Notc;second, to amounts payable under paragraph 2;
<br />_-,�-;•�,;�'.L�_,i� third, to interest due; fou:th,to principal due;und last,to any lute charges due under the Note.
<br /> ::,�,��. 4.Chntges;Liens. Borcower shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fines and impositions attributable to the Property _
<br />� �`-���` which may uttain priority over this Security Instrument, and Ieaschold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay
<br /> � ��°`�`���` thcse obli�ations in du manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrowee shall pay them on timc directly
<br /> —a H� �_�t?:s�' _ .
<br /> -.e�;� to the person owed payment.Borcower shall promptly furnish to Lender all noticcs o(amounts to be puid under this paragraph. _-.
<br />����',� If Borrower makcs thcsc payments direcNy,Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lcnder re.ceipts evidencing the paymcnts. _
<br /> �'-v,_�1j,��-•. Borrowcr shall promptly disrharge any lieu which has priority over this Securiry Inswment unlcss Borrowcr: (,►)a�rees in
<br />