<br /> � �OU � � - I
<br /> D���>>� ������� {
<br /> - --' -_ - ` -- --��— — -- -- ------- — -- ---
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<br /> �_ ,_. 45843 sr.ArE:,���RN���aMenx�c.udcoLK..t�e.'.
<br /> _.- . _- -::- : '— _— _`_'- — -__----- --_------- —
<br />___. ,. __ ____ ___.-�_. _��- _.,
<br /> ST�TE OF NEBR.ISKr4, "
<br /> ss. �
<br /> W.H.�+ll�"$"�'6� & wf H8.1I County, Entered in Numerical In-
<br /> dex and filed for record in the Re�istez of Deed's ofjice of said
<br /> Warranty
<br /> TO Deed Countr�, the
<br /> 9 day of Mareh 19 25, at 10
<br /> C�'3�a. E. �"m�t'a''� o'clock and minutes, �.
<br /> .M. __
<br /> Ci�'���c���.
<br /> Re�ister of Deeds,
<br /> By Deputy.
<br /> . ��C�t�r�a ,��� ���t �r� ���e�� �����rt��:
<br /> That �. H. Thompson and Nettie I. Thompson, (husband and wif e)
<br /> of the County of H8.11 , and State of Nebraska , for and in consideration of the sum of �
<br /> �'wenty Six Hundred and no/100----------------------------------�pLL,qRs
<br /> ,
<br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and conftrm unCo �lara E. Sm�ut
<br /> of the County of Ha.11 , and State of NebraBka , the following described real estate sivated
<br /> in C 3.ty o f Grand I s land in H8.11 count�, and State of Nebraska , to-w�t: �'
<br /> The Easterly Thirteen (13) ,feet of Lot Nine (9) ,and aa.l of lot t�a (10) in Block Six��of Charl�s
<br /> �'asmers Addit ion to the C it y of Grand I sland,afor esaid in �ai d Countp & Stat e as shown bq the ,
<br />, recorded platt thereof,
<br /> (�3• 00'I.R. Stamps - -
<br /> (Can�elled �
<br /> I
<br /> 2"O H.qV'L� ✓1ND 7'O HOLD the premises a�iove described, to�etlaer with all the Tenements, Herec�itaments and .lppurtenances
<br /> thereunto belon�in�, unto the said C lara E. St7lotlt
<br />� h r
<br /> and to
<br /> e
<br /> h
<br /> eirs and a�si ns orever.
<br /> � ,f
<br /> .Ind �e do hereby covenant with the said Grantee , and with �eT heirs and assi�ns, that
<br /> W8 are Zawfully seized of said premises; that the� are free from encumbrance
<br /> that w8 have �ood risht and Zawful authority to sell the same; and �e do hereby covenant
<br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises a�ainst the Zawful claims of all persons whomsoeuer
<br /> I�� .Aa�ac3.l:h.e..said �.are���teish����r-
<br /> ix,�znc�-#e-t�k.�-ce�ier�c�es�eri�se+a�-prerrzises.
<br /> Signed this 15th day of Sep�ember, , r1. D., 19z3 r—
<br /> In presence of
<br /> H. T. Brown VP.H. Thompson
<br /> P. A. Baer Nettie I. Thompson
<br /> State of Nebraska ) se.
<br /> �ia11 .Courity ) �n this 15 day of September,A. I). 1�23,before me,the und�.r�igr�ed H.T. Bro�n
<br /> a Notary Public ,duly commissi,pned and qualified for and residing in said County,personally calqe
<br /> �1.H.Thompson and Net�ie�:I. Thom�son °husband and wife to me kno�vr�. to be the identical .pereons
<br /> vchose name;:are affixed to the foregoing instrument and acknowdledged the same to be their voiu�-
<br /> tary act and deed.
<br /> �6itness my hand and Notarial Seal the day ancl ear last above written.
<br /> (SEAL� _ . .H. 'P. Brawn . .
<br /> b�y commission expires the 6t�,• day of Nov,192� � Notarp Public. "
<br /> State of Galifornia � ss.
<br /> Los Angeles County ) On this 19th day of September,A. D. 1923 ,before me,the undersigned
<br /> P. A. Baer a Notary Public duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in ��id count�,per-!� �
<br /> sonally ca.me Nettie I. Thomp:son to me kno� to be the identical. person �hose name is a.ffixed ta�
<br /> the foregoing instrument and aeknovuledged the same to be her vol.untary act and deed.
<br /> �titness my hand and Notarial Seal tY�e day and ear last above �yritten. '!
<br /> ( SEAL}� P. A. Baer
<br /> l�otarp Pub23.a.�
<br /> �y commission expires Jan. 5th,1927
<br />_— _ . -.-- -- ---- - --,,_ __�_ ----—��=—__--�_---_----_ �
<br />