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<br /> . i . . . .. , T-..-.
<br /> "_"" ... . . . . .. � . ... -....Y.�.. . ' . .
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<br /> I Ler�der to protaot tha s�curity ot tho Notd;(c)the pertormence o}all covonnnte end apro0mante of Truetor sot(oAh hereln;and(d)ell . ,; --
<br /> preaent end futuro IndebtQdnoes nnd obllgptfone of 8orrower(or nny of thom N moro than onv)to l.onder whothor dlrect,Indlroct,
<br /> I flbsoluto or cantinflont nnd whetl�or e,►lelnp by noto,puarnnty,ovordrnit or othonvlao.Tho Noto,thln Dcod of Truot ond nny and�II ' ' �
<br /> i othar doauente that ea�ure thallote or otherwlae executed In connactlon thorowlth,Includlnp wlthout ilmltetlon quarenteea,eacurlty � �
<br /> apreemente end eaelQ�mente of leeeas and rente,ahnli be referra�f to horeln ee the"Loan Inetrumenta". f
<br /> i Truator covenente end ayreea with Lender as bllows: T
<br /> I 1. Paym�nl 0)(nd�bt�nn�.All Indobtednesa Qocured hereby ehall be pald when due. ,
<br /> J 2. Tttl�.Truator Is the ownor o1 the Property,hae the ripht ond euthority to convey the f�roperty,end werranta that the Ilcn � ;
<br /> 1 created hereby ie a tl�el and prlor Ilen on the Property, except for Ilena and ancumbrancoa set torth by Truator In writlnp and
<br /> I dellvarod to Londar belare executlon o}thle Oead o1 Truet,nnd the oxocutlon and deilvory of thle Ueod ol Trust does not vlolate eny "
<br /> contrect or other obu�allon to whlCh Trustor le eubJect.
<br /> 3. T�x��,A�ssrtnf�nts.To pay before delinquency all texea,Bpeclel esaessmenta and ell other cherpes apalnet the Propprty �� �
<br /> naw or hereaRer Isvled.
<br /> � 4. In�urs�c�.To keep theProperty Inoured aflalnst demape by fire,haterde{ncluded wlthin the te►m"extended covFra�e",and
<br /> . euch other hazarda as Lender may requlre,in amaunW and wlth companlea acceptabla to Lender,naming Lender ae an addltionml
<br /> named Insured,with loss payebte to the Lender.In cese ot Ioae under euch pollcles,the Lender la autharized to adjuat,collect and -
<br /> . compromlae,all clalma thereunder end eheli heve tho optlon ot applylnp ell or par!of the Insura�ce proceeda(I)to arty indebtedneas
<br /> secured hereby and In such order as Lender mey determine,(tq to the Trustor to be used for the repalr or rostorotlon.oi the Property '
<br /> or(III)for any other purpose orobJect satlsiactory to Lender wiihout afiecting the Iien of thls Deod of Trust for tho}ull emount secured „ � <� �
<br /> hereby be}ore such payment ever took place.Any eppilcatlon of proceedo to Indebtedness shail not extend or postpone the due ;'��.:Yi�.�„,.,
<br /> date of any paymenta unde►Ihe Note,or curo any deteult therounder or hereunder. -
<br /> • 5. Escrow.tlpan wdit��demend by Lender,Trustor shall pay to Lender,In such manner as Lender may dealgnete,suNiclont -`��_��_.,
<br /> sums to enable Lender to pay Bs they become due one or mure of th�(oilowing:(p all taxes,aesesa►nenta and other charges apalnst ���^'=1i-�
<br /> p riy,(11)the premiums on the proparty Insuren�e requlred hereunder,end(III)the premluma on any mortflsge insurence '�,� . �����
<br /> the Pro e
<br /> '��; --
<br /> • requlred by Lender. � '- •;�-
<br /> 8. �.7:I�4a�anc�, 6i�paieio�+d Cor�ipiloneo wliA I.�wY.Trustor shell keop lfie Prope►fy in good condition and rapafr,shall ";;:---_
<br /> promptly repair, or replace any Improvemont which may bo damaged or ciestroyed; �F�all not commit or permit any weste or ----__-
<br /> t deterloratlCn of the Pro e shall not remove,demolish or aubstantlall alter an ot the Im rovementa on tNe Pro e shall not ��''��= -�
<br /> P ►'�3/� Y Y P P ►h: -__
<br /> . commit,auHer or permit any acl to be dona In or upon the Property fn vlolatlon otany law,ordlnance,or reguletion;and shall pay and �;��:
<br /> promptly discharge at Trustor's coat end expense all Ilans,encurnbrances end charges levled,Imposed or assessed agalnet the ;�-7Y
<br /> � •' ' Property or flny pert thereof. � • �:
<br /> � 7. Eminent Dom�in.Lendar is hereby assigned alI compensatlon,awards,damages and other payments or relief(herelna(ter
<br /> 1; "Proceeds") In connectlon with condemnation or other takinp of the Property or parY thereof, or for conveyence In Ileu of :rz'�?;;���.
<br /> . � � condemnatlon. Lender shall be entitled at its option to commence,appear in and prosecute in Its o�rn name any action or `' ' ��`
<br /> proceedings,and ahall also be entltled to make any compromise or settlement in connectlon wlth such taking or damage.In the y�`�'�'�
<br /> � e�ent any portlon of the Property is eo taken or damaged,Lender ahali have the option,In Its sole and absolute dlscretion,to epply . �,�
<br /> �� all such Proceeds,efter deducting thoretrom all coste end expenses Incurred by It In connectlon with auch Proceeda,upon any �:�
<br /> �' indebtedneas sacured herebyand In auch order es Lender may determino,or to apply ell such Proceeda,after auch deductfona,to `�
<br /> __ _ = the restoration o4 the Property upon such conditions as Lender may determine.Any apntiratinn M pmcao�ia tn ine�g►,�ro_s shs!! � '
<br /> ��! not extend or postpane tha due date of eny payments under the Note,or cure any detault thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplied r
<br /> funda shall be pald to Trustqr.
<br /> : 8. PsNo►manc�by L�ndu.Upon the occurrence oi an Event of Defauit hereunder,or if any act is taken or logal proceeding .
<br /> commenaed whlch materiallyeBects Lender's interest in the Property,Lender may in its own discretlon,but without obl�gation to do `1�
<br /> • ;• so,and without notice to or demand upon Trustor and wtthout releasing Trustor from any obligation,do any act which Trustor hes
<br /> � agreed but talls to do and may also do any other act It doema necessary to protect the security hereoT.Truator ahall,Immediately ��
<br /> upon demend therefor by Lender,pay to Lender all costs and axpanaes incurred and sums exponded by Lender In connection wfth
<br /> � tho exercise by Lender of the loregoing righta,together with Interest thereon atthe default rate provided in the Note,whfch ahall be
<br /> added to the Indebtedness eocured hereby. Lender ahall not Incur eny Ilablllty becauso oi anythinp it may do or omit to do
<br /> hereunder.
<br /> 9. Haiardoui Matedals.Trustor shail keep the Proporty in compllance wlth eil epplicable lawa,ordlnences and regulatlons -- --
<br /> relating to Induatrlal hygleneor environmental protection(collectively referred to heraln es"Enviranmental Lews").Trustor shell �
<br /> keep the Property iree from all subatances deemed to be hazerdous or toxic under any Environmental Lewa(collectiveiy reterred to �%r
<br /> , , herein es"Hazerdoua Meteriel�").Trustor hereby warrante end represents to I.ender that there are no Hazardous iNatorlals on or -
<br /> ", under the Property.Truator heroby agrees tu Indemnity nnd hold harmiess Lender,lts directors,officers,employoes and agents,and �--
<br /> any successors to Lender's Interost,from and against any and ail clalms,dam2ges,lossss and Ilablllties arising In connectlon with �=-
<br /> ` " the pressence, use,disposal or transport of•any Hazardous Matorfeis on,under,irom or ebout the Property.THE FOHEDOIN(3 �._
<br /> ,� �' 10. Atslpnm�M of Aento,Trustor hereby assigns to Lender the renta,lasues and proflts oi the Properiy;provided that Trustor =--
<br /> r�:, �
<br />;--• • shail,untll tho occurrenco of on Evont of Dofault hereunder,have the rlght to colleot and retein such renta,Issues and profits as they �
<br /> become due And payabie.Upon the occurrence oi an Event of De�fault,Lender rnay,olther In person or by agent,with or without —
<br />- bringing eny action or proaeeding,or 5y a recefver appolnted by e court and wlthaut regard to the adequacy oi its security,enter __.- -
<br />��, �,;'; � upan end teke possession of the Property,or any part thereof,In Its own name or In the namo ot the Trus�ee,and do eny acts whtch it ---- -_
<br /> - � �( � ' deems nece:�sary or desirobleto preserve the value,marketebllity or rentabllily o(the Property,or e�y part thereot or Intereatthereln, �--_' -�------�-----
<br />_ '•'�:;�. k., increase the income thoreirom or protect the security hereof and, wlth or without taking posaesslon ot the Pro e �ue for or �°� -- -- ____
<br /> P nY� �r+s��.;___
<br />, r , othen�lae collect the rents, lesues�and profits thereot,Inciuding those paet due and unpaid,and apply the seme,less costs and �:,:�;a,���_��:
<br /> �, expenses of operatlon and collectlon including ettorneys'fees,upon any.indobtednoss sacured hereby,all In ouch ordor ae Lender ��■�••�=
<br /> �s.,u._
<br />� may determine.The entering upon and taking possesslon of the Properry,the collection o1 such renta,tssuea and proHts end the r
<br /> � � ��'_
<br /> applfcaUon thereof as aloresAld. 3htt11 not cure or walve any default or notice ot detault hereunder or Invalidate any act done in ` � .�.
<br /> .":,-�n�.- � "-
<br />_ • ' � response to auch defaultor pureuent to euch notice oi dofauit and,notwithetnnding the contfnuance in poosesslon of the Property or �,;� •�..
<br /> the collectfon,recelpt and appllcatlon oi rents,lasues ar proflta,and Trustee end Lender shall be entltled to exercise overy right � �i^;��'��"�`•ii°:
<br /> . ,Yy�I�i.A....'�W�w�.l�
<br /> provided for In any o(the Loan Instrumente or by law upon occurrence of any Event ol0efeuit,including without Iimitatlon the right
<br /> to exerClse tha powor of salo.FurtHer,Lender's rights and remedles under this paragrapN ehall be cumulative wlth,and In no way a f,,�;r'�,.��'y;�c•,
<br />- Ilmltatlon on,Lender's rights and remedles undor any essignment of leases and renb rocordod ttgefnst the Property.Lender,Trustee � °";;""'
<br /> , and the recefver shall be liable to account oniy for those ronta actualiy recefved. �
<br /> 11. Evenb of D�huiL The foliowing shall constitute an Event ol0etauit under thle peod oi Truat ,- •.� �:,. "
<br /> (a) Failure to pay any in�tellment of princlpel or Interest of eny other sum securod hereby when due; , � '
<br /> - (b) A breach of or ciefeult under any provislon contalned in the Note,thls Deed oi Trust,eny of the Loan Instruments,or any '
<br /> -. , other Ilen or oncumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> _ ___ _ (c) A writ of execution or ettechment or any slmllar process shall be entored againat Trustor which shall become a Ilen on __ _-_,,_ -_�_„_,___
<br /> tne Property or any portfon thereof or Interest thereln;
<br /> (d) There shall ba filod by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower an actlon under any present or future federal, stato or other
<br /> ' , stetute,law or regulntion relating to bankruptcy,fnsolvency or other rellef tor debtors;or there shall be appolnted any truatee, -
<br /> . recelver or Ilquldetor of Trustor or P,orrower or of ell or any part of the Proparty,or the rents,lasuss or proilts thereof,or Trustor
<br /> or Borrower ahell rneke eny genorel assignment tor the benetit oi creditors; � '
<br /> (e) The sale,transfer,leaso,nssfgnmen�conveyance or turthe�encumbrence of eil or any part of or any fnterest In the '
<br /> Property, elther voluntQruy or Invoiunterlly, wlthout the express written consent ot Lender; providod that Truator ahall be
<br /> _ permittod to executo e lease ot the Property that does not contafn an optlon to purchase and the term o}whic�i doeo n,ot exceed
<br /> one year,
<br /> (� Abnndonment of Ihe Property;or
<br /> '� " �
<br /> , � _ �_ �.
<br /> ,. . . _. . . ............ ..._.. -• -
<br /> _- �
<br /> ___.1 _ . _
<br />