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� ,� �V J � J J � _ <br /> D����� ������� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINT�D WORDS <br /> �___ �.___�_y . _=- ---- --- ---- ---- ----- _ _ _ _ __. ._ . <br /> ----- - <br /> __'___...._._, , Q�.S4� .,.�LAT�JOURNAL GOMPANY�LINCOLN NE9.' .. .. _,_ ' ' _ . .. � -- _�__._.__�'_.___ <br /> . . _,..._. _ _:_.,'_ , '.,'._ ._.'.__ `_ _:._:. .: _-___-__- -. __..-__'.�....--_._.___._'__'__.---_-,__'._-_'_-_T - <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR�SK.q, !I <br /> ss. ° <br /> Ha,ll , County, Entered in Numerical In- !�� <br /> I da Do do e,�i i e �; <br /> dex and fcled for reeord in the Register of Deed's off'ice of said " <br /> Warranty i', <br /> TO Deed County, the 7.8` dar� of OCtObLT� 19 2�-, at 3 <br /> J�me s E. Do dg e o'clock and minutes, P. '� <br /> ���-� ���. <br /> ' Re�ister of Deeds, i; <br /> By Deputy. <br /> � i� <br /> --_—�_—_� _. .___-- _-,._ ==_—_-=—=--=-_===°===-__-_ <br /> _ __�_-�� —�_ --- _:,� <br /> _ _- - --�r- <br /> ��Crt�a�r ,��� ���t b�� �1��r�� �x��e��en��: <br /> That I �I�a Dodge (�ife of the erantee her�inafter n�tned) <br /> of the County of Ada�ns , and State of Nebr�.slta , for and in consideration of the sum of <br /> � <br /> Gne Dollar,Love a,n� Affection ��b,,¢.�, <br /> ;! <br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bar�ain, sell, convez� and confirm unto James E. DOdge ;' <br /> ;� <br /> �. <br /> of the Count� of Ada�ns, , and State of Nebraska , the followin�described real estate sivated <br /> in H�11 _�__ Countz�, and State of Nebr�.ska , to-wit: <br /> The North-��est Quarter of t�e North-"�Test qua,rter (N. �1.�- N. �V. 4) and the South half of the �� <br /> North-"dest quarter ( S. � N. �. 4) of Section Thirty-six (�j6) in To��nship Nine ( 9) North in ;' <br /> Ra.nge Eleve:� ( 11) , T'test of the Sixth Principal Meridian. ' <br /> �� <br /> ;. <br /> i' <br /> � <br /> . <br /> �, <br /> . <br /> 7'O H.IV'E .IND TO .$O�D the premises above deseribec�, to�ether witli all the 7`enements, Herec�itaments anc��2ppurtenanees <br /> thereunto belon�in�, unto the said Jaines E. DOd�',e ' <br /> and to hi.8 heirs and, a8si�ns,forever. !i <br /> �nd I do hereby covenant with the said Grantee , and with HiS heirs and assi�ns, that <br /> I �..'n ldwfully seized of said premises; that they are free from encum�rance <br /> �'. <br /> that I have �ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell the same; and I do hereby covenant <br /> r <br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises a�sainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever <br /> .Ind the said �rant�rs hereby relinquish a11 right,title and interest ,vested 1�r�h�cs�nr�s,l�.e,�.,c�� <br /> �J1 eontin�;ent �n and to the above described premises. <br /> Si�ned this F1 T St day of I4'�,rCh� , ✓1. D., 19 23• ' <br /> � In presence of Ia�. DOdge � <br /> �. A. Ta.ylor <br /> State of l�,�g�jr�ska <br /> ss. �i <br /> Ad�'.�15 County, On this 18� day of �a.rch .<l. D., 19 23 � <br /> � ' <br /> before me the undersi�ned "P. A. T8.y10 r <br /> a Notary Publie, duly commissi,oned and qualifced for and residin� in said County, personally <br /> came Ida Dodge,t��Tife of Ja:nes E. Dodge,grantee in the above and fo�e_ <br /> Voing instrument " <br /> to me known to be the identical person whose name i$ af�'ixed to the fore�oing <br /> c�nve�rance execution of the same ", - <br /> ��aa+f,�2e�,�t as �rarctor , and ackn.owled�'�? th�same to be ��r voluntary act and�eed. <br /> ( SE^�L) <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above writterU. <br /> ✓tiIy eommission expires th'�'APril 16_�9�3 day of 1y <br /> �d. A. Taylo r <br /> Notary Public. <br /> I <br /> ;; <br /> __-_- _-- _ _-- ---_,_� _.__-� —=--==----------- <br />�^ _--�—_--__ _�_— I <br /> I <br /> i' <br /> �, <br />