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<br /> _ -.__ --
<br /> - _ --- - - ---------- - _-- ------- - ----- _ __
<br />-�___._ ,__.-__ �ISS4S-5TATEJOURNALCOMPANY LINGOLN NEB.�. .._.__.. ..,__... ___.___.-..__- _. __ ._---. ..__...._..____..__..-__. ..-..___�_.__'..___._.____
<br /> -r.._._ ...._.-...'_.__._.___.-_..__- .�..-.._--�_� � ..
<br /> . . .. _ ___. . .�... . �� .
<br /> � ST.gTE OF' NEBR�S�'�, ;� �
<br /> ss.
<br /> John Bremer & wf H8,11 County, Entered in Numerical In-
<br /> +�� - i
<br /> dex and filed for record in the Register of Deed's ofjice of said
<br /> Warranty ,�
<br /> TO Deed Countz�, the 1� aa� of October 19 2�-, at 2
<br /> Anna Schimrr�r '
<br /> o'clock and 3� minutes, . �
<br /> ,�.-.e�,,r�
<br /> Register of Deeds,
<br /> By Deputy.
<br /> ��C�t�uk� ,�ii ���t �� �.�r��e �����n��: '�;
<br /> Tlzat we,John Bremer and Lena Bremer,husband and wife
<br /> of the County of Hall , and State of Nebraska , for and in consideration of the sum of
<br />�'�,I Six Thousanci---------.-__________________________DOLL.�RS,
<br /> ,'
<br /> I in hand paid, do hereby grant, bar�ain, sell, convey and confcrm unto Aripla, Sehimmer
<br /> ;
<br /> ;
<br /> of the County of Hall , and State of Nebraska , the following described real estate sivated
<br /> �n �rand Isla.nd, in Hall count�, and State of Nebraska , to-w�t:
<br /> �
<br /> Lot Ten (10) in Block thirty-Nix (36) in Charles 'Nasmer a Additfon to the City of �rand
<br /> i'
<br /> Island,Nebraska ,a.s surveyed,platted and recorded.
<br /> --------- --- �.
<br /> , t �6,ao i. R. sta�s�) ''
<br /> (Cancell-ed )
<br /> i
<br />�,
<br /> TO H.gV'� �ND 7'O HOLD the premises aboue deseribed, to�etlier with aZl the 1`enements, Herec�itaments anc� ✓lppurtenanC�s
<br /> thereunto belon�in�, unto the said Anna Sehimmer
<br /> and to her heirs and arsi�ns,forever. ;'
<br /> .qnd We do herebz� covenant with the said Grantee , and witla her heirs and assigns, that
<br /> �'
<br /> �'8 B.TC' lawfully seized of saicl premises; that therJ are free from encum�rance '
<br />� that � We have �ood risht and lawful authority to sell the san2e; and V�e do hereby covenant
<br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises asc�inst the Zawful claims of all persons whomsoez;er
<br /> ✓Ind the said LeriA Br2meT herebr� relinquishes all
<br /> her right ,interest,title and dorrer
<br /> in and to the above described premises.
<br /> Signed this 5th day of Sept ember, , ✓I. D., Z9 2tF.
<br /> In presence of
<br /> Z. R. Alter John Bremer
<br />, rdrs Lena. Bremer
<br /> State of Nebra.ska �
<br /> Ha.11 County, , On this 5th day of September, .q. D., 19 2�� '
<br /> before me the undersi�ned I.R. Al�@T �
<br /> a Notary Public, duly co�nmissioned and qualified for and residin� in said County, personally
<br /> came John Bremer and Lena Bremer,husband and wife,
<br /> �
<br /> to me known to be the identical persons whose name s are af)ixed to the fore�oin�
<br /> i%
<br /> i
<br /> conveyance gxecution o the
<br /> —t�tstvca7n�t as �ranto� , and ackn.owled�ed th�same to be �he3T voluntary act and�eed.
<br />, Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and �ear last above wTitten.
<br /> ( sEAL� .My commission expires the �3d daz� of At1gfi0.st 19 25,
<br /> I.R. A1ter
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> Y �'
<br />