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<br /> ���''j� ����Jl�JL�� L�V��✓J� ��c�j ��J'�J ���J.lI�:I�LU ZU
<br />'�.. .� �ISSbS—STATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB. � � � � �� � � �� � �������^
<br /> 'i FRO.� ��e �ta�te of ,�e�br���a, 1
<br /> !� James V.Rogers a.nd wife et als. ��Yr t�OUt�tp, �gg� i'
<br /> If I
<br /> I herebz� certify that this instrument uas entered on Numerical Index, �
<br /> TO 1, and filed for record this 26 day �,y 19 27:';
<br /> ',� �
<br /> '` at 11;�5 o'cZock A. .M. ' �f��_e�-
<br /> �j WiYlifred R.Chambexa. � Re�ister of Deec�s.
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �
<br /> I; Fees, ,�' 1.20 i'
<br /> ,� I)
<br /> i i
<br /> �; I'
<br /> ; �.�oi� �YY �er� � t e�e re�er�t�: �;
<br /> ,; p � � ,
<br /> ;
<br /> ;�
<br /> That we ,James V.Rogers and Olive M.Rogere ,his wife,Ethyl M.t�uatin and William Guatin,her
<br /> � husband,of Hall Oounty ,Nebraska,and Ruth I.$ogers,eingle , ,I
<br /> of Lancaeter Countz�, and State of Nebraska, il
<br /> �
<br /> i in consideration of the sum of One Do11ar and division of property �t��E�� i
<br /> ,i '
<br /> �'� in hand paid by WfY11fT6d R.�18,�l1beTB � I�
<br /> ;�
<br /> �i
<br /> i� of Lancaster County, and State of Nebraska, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey, !!
<br /> ;i
<br /> 'i and eonfErm unto the said VPinifred R.Ohambers, ��
<br /> Ri ��
<br /> �!j the following described premises, situated in the Countz� of Hall, and State of Nebraska, to-zvit: ;�
<br /> �! All our undivided three-fourthe of the vrest half of the southwest quarter of 8eetion Thirteai �
<br /> � (13 ,in Towr�ship Eleven {11 North,Range Tgn (10) ,West of the 6th Prinoipal Meridian,sub�eet �i
<br /> �;
<br /> ' to ��500.of the balance of �9000 remaining due upon the �12,000 mort$age in favor of Anna I
<br /> ;; H.Ben�ley,which ��500 ,With interest thereon,the gran�ee aasumes and agrees to pay,also sub- i
<br /> �ect to the lease thereon eapiring �a.rch 1,192�. - �
<br /> i
<br /> ;; �
<br /> ; ;�
<br /> ��
<br /> ij
<br /> �� To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belon�ing, and all ths Estdte, Right, 2'itle, �I
<br /> i�
<br /> ;' ;i
<br /> iI Tnterest, Claim, or Demand whatsoever; includin� Dower, Curtesy and Somestead Rights, of the said �ja,q1@S V.RO$@TS 8I1C� jI
<br /> �! Olive M.Rogers,Eth�r1 �d.Gustin and Willia.m Gustin,and Ruth I.Rogere, '�
<br /> i� i�
<br /> '� of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. I
<br /> i�
<br /> TO B.gVE �ND TO HOLD the above descTibed premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Xiaifred R.Ohamber
<br /> I
<br /> ;i and to h@r 'I
<br /> ;� �
<br /> ii heirs and assi�ns foreaer. .Ind We hereby covenant with the said Winifred R.Ohaxnbers �
<br /> ,
<br /> I�
<br /> '�' that W8 hold said premises by �ood and �I
<br /> I;' II
<br /> perfeet title; that W8 ha yg�ood ri�ht and Zawful authority to sell and convey �ke-same; that they are ��
<br /> ;!
<br /> free and elear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever. exeept 8,8 SbOVB stated. !�
<br /> i
<br /> ✓Snd We covenant to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> i!
<br /> except as above sta�ed. 'I
<br /> ; �i
<br /> ` SZGNED this 14�h daz� of �Sy � .q. D. 19 27. +
<br /> � " James V.Rogers 1,
<br /> � IN PRESENCE OF Olf 90 �d.ROg@TS
<br /> ��
<br /> '` R.R.Horth Ethyl M.(�ust ia ,,
<br /> As to �arnee V.Rogers,�live M.Rogere, �Pillia,m Qustin I
<br /> �i Ethyl M.Gustin and 1Rilliam Guatin. Ruth I.Rogers I�
<br /> � Sigel Mateon �
<br /> �� � ; As �o Ruth I.Ro ers i�
<br /> � The State of Nebraska, ssg �i
<br /> ; Hall pounty ; On thie 14th day of May,1927 ,before me,R.R.Horth,a Notary Public �rith.�
<br /> !� in and for eaid County,personally oame James,. �,.�p��. and Olive �.Rogers,hie wife,and Ethyl i
<br /> '� M.t�ustin �1nd Williaxn (�ustln,her huaband,itb me known to be four of the identical persone whose �
<br /> na�ne+� are affixed to the �,bove instrument as grantors ,and aeverally aeknowle�dged the exeou�io
<br /> ; of the s to be thgi vr�luntary a.�t and deed for the urp se the ein e ess d.
<br /> ; IAT � WI�I�BS �H�RE�P' � h�vo her���to subacribed my name an�d a�fixe� my o���icia� seal at (�ranc�
<br /> ;,� Island,on he a e a� a ove wr en. II
<br /> M , C P 9 (SEAL} R.R.HoNotary Public. ,
<br /> y ommission ex ires �a,roh 2 ,�929•
<br /> � State oY Nebraska, as. � �
<br /> � i�anaaster County. � On this 14th day of May,1927 before the undersigned,a N9tary Public with
<br /> � in and for said oounty arid state ,personally came 1�uth I.Rogere,to me peraonaily known to be,
<br /> �me of �h:e° �nx�.c�al person� �►hbte� name' ie affiaed to the "abov�e �in�att�en�� a�r grantor:,and� ac- ;
<br /> � knowled.ged t e eaecution of the same to be her voluntary aot and deed for the purposes thereir�
<br /> expre�sed+ . �
<br /> � - . , b�v�.� . .., s.: ::. .. _ . a....., ,.��. .,; :
<br /> � IN TEBTIMONY W�iERAOF,I have hereunto subacribed my name and affixed my Notarial Beal at �i
<br /> ; Lincoln,in es�.d county and state,;�he.-�ay and y�ar laet� abave: writt,ern. , li
<br /> (SEAL).... �� �igel Matson i�
<br /> :, - Not ary Publ i c. i�
<br /> My oommiasion expires Feby llth 1933. �ii
<br /> I . . I
<br /> , .
<br /> _____: __--. _,`.-- —
<br /> ,� -
<br /> ,j
<br /> ;�
<br /> . ;�
<br />