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<br /> ,. _`_ �]SHSS-STATE JOURNAL COMPANY.LINCOLN NEB. ... . . . _.�._ . _ ._.____._. ____.__,__-._� ___._._.�-.�_._,_ '�._�----
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<br /> FRD.h2 �C�JE �t�tC Df .�RE�1�����, 1 '�
<br /> Cha.rles i�.Billesback and Katherine ��•
<br /> Bi lle sback (Husband and 7Yi f e) ��YY �Di�ritp, j
<br /> I hereby certifr� that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index,
<br /> TO and filed far record this Z da �Iarch 1g 27 .
<br /> J.M.St .John and Claudia A. St .Jonn ,
<br /> '� at 4:�5 o'clock P,.M. ��,;��� �
<br /> husband and x*ife and to the survivo
<br /> Re�ister of Dee s.
<br /> of either Deputy.
<br /> Fess, �' 1.10
<br /> �r�o�n �YY �er� �p t�je�e �re��r�t�:
<br /> That Charles W.Bil�esback and Katherine Billesback ,husband and tivife
<br /> of Hall County, and State of Nebraska
<br /> in consideration of the sum of Six T:�ousand and 00/100 DoLL.�RS,
<br /> in hand paid bz� J.r1;. St .John and Claudia A. St .Jonn ,husband and wife and to the survivor of eithe�t
<br /> of Hall County, and State of r�ebraska do hereby grant, bar�ain, sell, convey,
<br />� and confirm unto the said J.:;. St .John and Claudia A. St .JOh21 �
<br /> the followa g described premises, situated in the County of H ll, and State of .N'ebraska, to-wit:�'he Easterly Half �E2� C�!
<br /> Lot Six �6) in Block O�e Hundred Fifteen (I15� ,in Railroad Addition to tne original town ,noti� c�.ty
<br />, of Grand Island Ne1� � �. as surveyed ,& �lat�ecl,also a ri ht of way over and upon the e s� xl
<br /> - a �- feet of the Sout::erlY Ninet y-twp 2 feet pf the �Veaterl �ialf (W-� o�'
<br /> fo tr � d ne f . ) , �'v Y
<br /> .n ( � .
<br /> � Q• r z a e sa a m�s s r
<br /> sazd Lot �ix ��� zor-�� oi�at driveway tc� anei fro.� First ��reet to t� e gar g on 1 pre e �o
<br /> the u�e and benefit of �ne occu �n� ts thereof and subject to a right o w y reserved over and upon
<br /> n� westerly four and o e-nalf �4�1) feet of the Southerly Ninety two 2� feet of the Easterl ' Half
<br /> E-) of sa.id 1 tl ix�.( 6�, foz a o�nt ariveway to and fron said F rst �reet to the garage pn �1�e
<br /> � - e nd benefi� � tne occ a ts �ttz r of Said
<br /> t �Si �'or t e us o .
<br /> � �S�E rl H lf �rJ o� ai�. o . ( ) �
<br /> ri�Tn� o� w�:y to �� use� exc�usive�ly �or a dri�vewa �� the occu�ants of sai� �ot ,an�d �he ranto�s
<br /> a�� grantees herein tneir heirs ,executors ,adminis�ra�ors and assigns covenant and warran� that �
<br />��I tney vrill not park th�ir oticn cars or permit othersto park thezr' cars in said driveway or do an,''�thing
<br /> to obstruct the free and continuaus use. of said right of �ray ,as a oi t driveway at a�l tirnes. ;,
<br /> This deed is �ade so �tnat the �rantees hold• the �roperty as �oint �en�nts and not as tenants
<br /> in co�nrl�on,tt�e• ir�tention bei.n� �nat at the death of either of said grantees ,the property herein'
<br /> described shall bet�'sol� property o� tne surviving grantee.
<br /> �l�ogether ��ith all the tenernents ,hereditaments arld appurtenances to the same belonging,and all 'the
<br /> Estate ,Right ,Title ,Interest ,C7ai.n� or �emand �`�thha�soever; i�icluuin� Doaver ,Curtesy and Homestead Ri�hts
<br /> of the said Cha.rles 'N.Billesback and Ka,therine Billesback of ,in ,or to the sa:ne ,or any part the�eof.
<br /> TO H�VE ✓1ND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenanees, unto the said �.1�I. $t.John & Claudia .
<br /> A. St .Jorlri and to tneir
<br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. .Ind qPe hereby covercarct with the said J.�. S� .John & Claudia A. �� .Jok�n
<br /> that v�e hold said premises by �ood and
<br /> perfect title; that We ha Ve �ood ri�ht and Zawful authoritz� to seZZ and eonvey.tTae�same; that they are
<br /> free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever.
<br /> .lnd ype eovenant to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> SIGNED this lSt day of &ZaTCh .�. D. ,T9 27
<br /> N RE CE F
<br /> �`
<br /> I P SE�v' o Ciza..rles W.Billesback
<br /> R. S.�en�er Ka.therine Billesback �
<br /> ;� .
<br /> . ;i ;
<br /> �
<br /> I ��je �tate of ,�e�r���a,
<br /> ss.
<br /> I Ha,ll County, On this 18t day of b2arch -.¢.-�. 19 27 ''' .
<br />�
<br /> before me, R. S. �1en�er � a NOtaTy Publie within and for said
<br /> County, personally came Charles 'N.Billesback and Katnerine Billesback (Husband and Wife) .
<br /> to me �reo�ac�bL�c known to be the identical person �whose name $ are affcxed to the above instrument as �rantor B and
<br /> severally acknowled�ed the execution of the same to be tlzeir voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein expressed.
<br /> �lt �t#IiPSS ��FxPD�, I have hereunto subscribed my name and afj"zxed my of}"ieial seal, at Grand Island,Nebr.
<br /> on the date Zast above written. ( SEAL� R. S.�enger
<br /> Notury PubZic.
<br /> .Mb commission expires Jun e 2�,19 29
<br />. , ;�
<br />