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, 3�. ��� � � � �J(��,-J �� ���� � a �r �'�_ (�� �r J <br />� ���I�� �����l�.S�� �51JV��� ��9 ��l�'�IJ U��J�J.J� �I <br /> ) <br /> . _ ----_ --------- ------ <br />� ��� � � �.$,5,�-5TATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB � -� � <br /> ,_..__. _..__.__ ._...,..,. _.. _ _ __.. . . ._.._ '_ .._. ........_ __::�- -__._,. ._.:_- _ _,--.:�_�.._�_.-_.�-�_'_'__ _� ��__.'__ .._ - <br />_ ._.-_:::. . .. . . . .. _ ._-:..-- . __ .::-_._.. ._-.�- -^-__'_ <br /> . . . �- 7r"`- <br /> 1! <br /> FRO� �Cfje �tate of ,�e�r���a, � �g. ,i <br /> Henry I .Johnson & ��f ��IY �OU1ttp, j I <br /> I I I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index, " <br /> � <br /> TO and filed for record this 29 da �$3.Y 19 26, �� <br /> , <br /> at �-; 5�. o clock p. .M. ��� �' <br /> �Pilliam Bonlr�eyer Re�isteT of Deeds. <br /> . ' Deputy. <br /> Fees, �' Z.10 <br /> i; <br /> i' <br /> !i <br /> �.�o� �r� �e� �p t�je�e ��e�er�t�: , <br /> That Henry I .Johnson and �ary Johnson,husband and wife <br /> a f Ha.Zl Count�, and State of Nebraska <br /> in consideration of the sum of Eight Thousand Five Hundred thirty and NO�100 DQLL.IRS, , <br /> in hand paid by Willia,m Bohlmeyer <br /> o f Hall County, and State of Nebr�.ska do hereby �rant, bar�ain, sell, conv�y, !! <br /> and confirm unto the said �11112�T1 Bohlmeyer <br /> the followin� described premises, sitzcated in the Countz� of Hall, and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Two tnirds interest in tne Southeast quarter ( SE4) Section twelve (12) Township eleven (II.) <br /> R.ange eleven (11) Hall County ,Sta.t e of Nebrasl�. . � <br /> 5ubject to lo�n of Tv�elve Thousand (�12 ,OOJ.00) Dollars nov�r of record in favar of the Travel�irs <br /> Insurance Company <br /> ;i <br /> ;i <br /> To�ether with alZ the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same beZon�ing, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Titre, <br /> Interest, Claim, or Demand whatsoever; includin� Dower, Curtesy and Homestead Ri�hts, of the said Henry I.Jc�hnson , <br /> and �ary Johnson � <br /> of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO H.gVE .<1ND TO HOLI1 the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said 1�G11I1�1 B�g1�218yeT ; <br /> and to h�8 <br /> heirs and assi�ns foreuer. .gnd �� hereby covenant with the said �'illia�n Bp7312TieyeT '" <br /> :� <br /> that we hold said premises bz� good and <br /> perfeet title; that Vste ha Vegood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are �' <br /> free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever. �� <br /> .Ind �e covenant to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. c ` <br /> , <br /> SIGNED this L2th dar� of February , ,g. D. 19 26. ' <br /> ��� <br /> ,; <br /> IN PRESENCE OF H@21ry T .Johnson <br /> H.T.B;.own �ary Johnson <br /> �� <br /> ;; <br /> ��je �tate ot ,�e�ra���, � ss. ' <br /> Hall County, � on this 12th day of Febxuary �-�. 1s 26 ,!a <br /> before me, H.T .Brown � a Notary Pub1iC . within and for said �� <br /> i� <br /> Count�, persorcallz� came Herlry I.Johnson and �axy Johnson husband and wife '� <br /> ;i <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person8 whose name S a,Te af)ixed to the above instrument as �rantoT S and !I <br /> their i <br /> severally acknowled�sed the execution of the same to be voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein expressed. <br /> ;� <br /> i! <br /> �it �1#1tF�� ��PxPA�, I have hereunto subscribed my name and afj"ixed my ojj"icial seal, at Grand Isla�d <br /> ;i <br /> on the date Zast above written. � ; <br /> ( SEAL} H.T.Brown ;; <br /> .N'otary Public. <br /> .Mb commission expires NOV.2�t h,1��j0 j <br /> !i <br /> i' <br /> �� <br />