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<br /> . .. � ��-.�_
<br /> � - -. . . ._e '.�..e��_ '_ ' — ___ _
<br /> � - _ _ - _�- ....__. �....,. _ -�- - _ �_ .. __ -.._
<br /> : -r � .� .� � _ _ _
<br /> � ��,r - . . . _._.
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<br /> . _ .�y�.... ..
<br /> . .
<br /> . .,
<br /> »;:. -.
<br /> .. . pqrae�t ad'ry" a6lon�er be reqwi�ed,at the aptian ot 1�ender,if i�t�i i�wtaooe vuvess�Eia t�e amounE aad for eha peiiod
<br /> ` tfrt I�eodet.mquitea)iKaridod bJ►�n i�u�er iPP�p�ai►I.ender a�,aia beoo�oes svsilabk aid is abtainod.&Kro�a�u�ll�qr
<br /> 1�1C�fbQll�l�Od i0 fif��ll 1110ffj�0�IISIi�M100111 NrECI.�t t0 pflp'Y�dC i 1069ICS�EtY0.111N�1 thC tbQ1111!aqdlR`�'IDO�tj�C
<br /> . � �COdf III iOC�Ol+dlrOt��►ilYllttEll�(OQi11E1M bCt�YClJI�flO�f�Od j.![f�G('Ar�IiCabk�iNl.�%`. - ; . �
<br /> ' - �,�.�.l,OdL'f af lf��7K i11�(R11k�t�i011�C E��S Il�ii if�i11�OCt10RS Of l�f.`,PiC�6Ry.E�COdCf S�li���YC
<br /> 801l�FCf�1t�0e N.Iw.'ti�1G OIO�Qf10�b��apOC�fIIg ICiS00161C pltst f0�(Ile lit�10C2�tNf• �
<br /> !�.CM��M.�IL'pOl�00QS l��►aMtJ[�O[C�im f0�dillifgCS.dii0a O��.IO C0�110ChOfl:WiQI'ill�
<br /> c�r�tion or c�r uici�nf any prt af t6e Prope�ty.or for aonvey�uroe in lie�of aood�e�tion.a�e deM�y assi�nad xd
<br /> - --. �e�dlo�de�— - ---- - .- .-- : - -.- - - --=--------- -.--- - -. .--.- - �- :..
<br /> tn tbe�►�i at:s Wt�l t�tCin�of tpe P�opectY•.11�C P�'�s sh�li be spptiod to th�wn�s sea�red 6y this Socurity tiiuniment,----, �_-— _
<br /> wbethr or not tba�due.with an�►t�uoas P�id w 8ormvrar.ta the avent af a p�tiat tating of We t�cupeny in'whicb d�e t�ir
<br /> . enrlca vslue of tbo Penperty immediauly 6eforo tho Wciqg is equal to or gn�ter tl�n the amount of tho sums sa�red by ttns ��--- -
<br /> Secu�Iry It�umene immodialety befooe tdo tati�.unkss Bottewer snd Lzodes otlies�rise aB►x in writl�.t4e suaos securod by
<br /> this Securiry L�umeat aMll be reduaed by tbc amaunt af t4e pmceeds ewltipliod by the foltawiog frx�tion: (a)thc taral _
<br /> �tpouac of ttx sums sa�ured iaaaediatdy befor�e the nki�.dfivided dy t63 tf�fur muket vstue aF tl�P�openy ima�odiatdy _.
<br /> befoc�tbe aking. My b�tanca s1a�11 ba paid to 8onawet. In tl�evaN of a putiai taicin8 of tbe Prape�cy►in whidc tht fur �
<br /> = roxket vslue of tt�IRape�tg imroadi�tdY befont tbe tatiuB is lesg tban the aawunt of tb�swus seciued immodiatsiy befarc d�e _—
<br /> " htipg,�Bor�wer uid is,�der otNavvist agn�e ia writiag ar uatess�plicaDte taw od�etwLce provides.tht pt�oveeds shatl ___
<br /> be appliod W tlre surm ser.a[ed bq this Seatdty Iaucamentwhet6et or not the sums�dtien dne. �� -
<br /> �:�;�r
<br /> If d�e Pmpatg is abmdonea Iry 8oimwer.or if,after notiae by i,ender to Bcir�arer ti�t the aa�demnor ot�'ers w matce ait .�-�_-
<br /> ` awmd ar s�ttk a dtim for dam�es. Bormwer fails w tespord to Leoder witltiri:3U days aflter the d�e tl�e aotice is givm. R�=-
<br />- Ir,nder is authar�ed m aolloct and appty tLe pouoeals,at Its aptioo.eitlKt to re�.oip��3o ar tepvir of the Pcnp�iy�?�r to tht� .���=
<br /> ,r,earted py tWs�azui�g Ia�nmeat=wlKtl�et or wx.tE�a duc. ��:�' ''. , `� .f �#�---
<br /> � , -•`' . a.: ... , ; ,
<br /> •ETnkss�ti1d�Bo�marer c►t1le�ise agroe U�v�'ritia8- �nY �pplicaPid�'i4�'p�aoeeJs�ia�.���.��`+�• ` ��J '�f '-__
<br /> postpoqe.t���of�"���ats referad to in par+gt�p6s i aM 2 of�chaage'11�.tlS�»is:bf s�t����'.,.�°` -- �'�'_�` -
<br /> i� '�?� Leada Nat s Waive�E��. � _
<br /> . �, '�4�gy of thel,i�:ttor paynreht or�awdific�a ��r
<br />:•,—_�-- — • of at����i3fi�'':�,�.tid`by this Sa�rity In�t grdntod Iry.Letutt�'Aa�y successor in interat of Barrower sl�li " :3,►���_
<br /> noe,apen�tctu�t�6ie��y of the ariginal8orrowa or Botrrowet's�u�,int�t-l.ender sbal)nat bo�equit+ed to . _ .. �:' _
<br /> ��� ,
<br /> _ commmoe pc�`���i�any suoassor in iMerest ar refuse to extemf tim�`,.�3i'�.;�ment or othe�wise modify amoruzation �`�`.'s�l -
<br /> im
<br /> _ �. of t6e simassaa�l;�g'fh�s 5ecurity Iastnu�nc py ce�on of atry de�nard'is+3ie:±3y tho odginal Borrower or Bomawer's ��, ..
<br /> 1 , ; . , .
<br /> =- succasors iic�:.�1n forbearance b I.e�W�in eaeirisin an ri t or �' i aat.be a waiver of ar rertude the . "
<br /> .#�:� Y Y 8 Y P�► ��;`.� P �,` .��`�:.—
<br /> .�-=°�� exe�ise of any right or rem�dy. `�,::„': , - i,, , c� . �s_K,(�..
<br /> m�
<br /> ,. 1Z.Snc�oesso�s and l�Bo�md:�1oiM and Sevesal f.�b�ity,C.a�ti�.:.�'he�covenants?a6d�a�ieements of this '`-�.3.��-;` -
<br /> ,,���;V;��-
<br /> Sxurity Iaunimem shall bind and benefit the successars and assignc of Lende+r',�f i��nv�;.<�bjee�ti�oi gte pmvisions of -._-,
<br /> � � shall be oint and several. An �.u+1w co-si s this Searrity �`�:�-
<br /> � l7. Borcower's covenants and agroeatients j p`Sot�vsi_c�.. gn '•c��.
<br /> ,;�;•
<br /> �� I�ma�t but does not eaearte the Nate:(a) is co-signing this Securiry tnsttument oniq�c��?'�Se.grant and conveg th�t ,; r.`
<br /> � ��' Bomawer's inteciest in the Praprrty under the temts oi this Security insuwaeiu:(b):is nat pei`sv-�caSJy obligated w pay ttie snu�s ,�.`;
<br /> f� ✓��� • viT�7;�:'_
<br />;',' .,�.:.;_r socured 6y this Security Ladtument;and(c)agreES that I.ender and any atber BEi�`�w:er m�y agree to eatend.madify.fotbear or ,_; ,���,. . ':.`;:- .
<br /> "-z-•'� malce any a4ca�ut�od,a��i;�tegard to the tesms of this Securi.ty Insfrume�,��:�:�Tote witbout that Barrnwer's consent. �:';,;;,,::;7:_-_
<br /> F :+�-�:�` 13.�n�:��iie;�toAn,secured by this Security Instrninent is�nl��a:�o a 13w whicfi r#s masimum toaA charges. �� ` ;�
<br /> ( �-'#"�'��_ and tha"z L'�wr'':�.:��1.i:zr��?a�,�3.�x�€f�the interest or other loan ch3���1.�'d at to 6e.�?allected in connection with the
<br /> '�.r��,,'�y�: .:�;��ru�'�'.;:�i�t,��??;�s�.3�.i�.-+� �`4��r z.hy such lo�n charge st�all be�'.�a�t��the amou�nt Qeoessary to�c1uce the cha�ge ,r : -
<br />�t�� �•�'' --m t�:,��.:is,�;i::i�ti;r�'y aYay��;r�:•:�:ii�dy collae�ed from Barcower�t�i�i�x�sss�ed pg�iniued limits+ie�3�t�e refnnded to ,:'
<br /> l �"�%y�.4. ' .. ., . r.,. . .. �! � q=
<br /> �� � -�,. �rr�w�c�;fu;��.ma�'�'.�oase w^��:i1»;�'i�'u��� .reducina thr: renc��;�v%��tdtr."�t�tte Note ar b},-�ialcing a diroct , �,.
<br /> �i :��'. t ,payment��`fd�?r,s�wer�li a refvnd.ivd►�:.���:::��a�t cv3u�u�.�iiC,��-�1��":v's':���ra�sat PrepaYmem wittaue ,�ny. -
<br /> _ '�,",;.�. ��;. P�Y�.i�a�9�rr��r�eNote. �-�: ;::, . ,� :, .• � •,., ;�.;: ••'� - ��F } 4 _
<br /> =•..��,i,� �.� 14.�.�9,Et�r n�to Borrower pravidal�f�:in tltos,�,`�ansv�`r�;�suru��ik'�a316e�i;v�8y delivering it or by m�itia�' , `. _
<br /> ''� �#^�- it!ry first c��i�ur���.apPlipble I�w requires usd af arat3ttii-��i���:.��tsce sha116c directed to the Ptoperty Ad�s ., :.°.'-i � =-
<br /> �: :y.- . --
<br /> . �;� �..�. �
<br /> ��� � or any othe�c,�uii�rti;;l�'a_.r?iiwer designate�:by notice to l.enderr;��s��;;ii�cic�'ta l.ender shall be given by first class mail to. .'.;,:._;��t . :: _
<br /> .�� Lender's�;�1�rein or any wher addn,�s i.ender desc��tsy aatice_to Borrawer. Any notice pruvided for in this � � . -
<br />,.'� - ', , '�;� Security 8���i`t�:t.ae deemod to have been given to Borrovc�c�€�.•nder when given ac pmvided in this paragntpf�. ''� .
<br /> '�, � I5.�'eecn�tti�`,L'aaw;'Sere�bilily. This Security Imtrurt�c,n?'.;r'Et;�(1 foe gotiemed hy fcderal law and the iaw pf the , 1 .
<br /> , n
<br /> �'`;.' ,,;t*s., ,.::�,�sd�ctipn;in,�;ti�n�r�°ar,�erty is located. In the event that any'proyicie±n'�i=r�au�of this Sccurity In.�txccntrnt ar the Nate '` :
<br /> � k +�'"#�'��{};� - `':�a�ticts+wi�3��+�.�I+ia it�}.such rnnflice.rhali rwe affect o�h��r prot9siu�s Ev��3r�Serurity In.trument or��Nate which can be ���C: 1,f .
<br /> ' � ''���p�+;: 'given eft'e�;�iiM�n�',�li�:'wnflicang pr�ciyiun. Tu this end the pru�iyia�m a,f cftws�e+:arit} In.trunmm and the Note are dectared ,i7i#+��.;t��'����;,
<br /> +�G,.. , i}�;1�fSi��. �O f1E SCY�.� � - '� ' ' ���� �- � . '� �,'-., . �. : - i�t.�.�'{��L`;
<br /> "�;�•' ` l6:�etji�rd���ty.Borrow�er s14ap be given ane canfi►mr��a.�p*.c�F c[u::*ii>>�:��ct'o�"iitis S�urity lnstroment. `��>° ,. _
<br /> , ,;" -;�• , � . Fexm 3028 9/s0 j
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<br /> - �..s..: .. ' � ' � �1'.
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