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<br /> and dutiea conferred up�n any 7'RUSTEE herein named or ac�ing
<br /> hereunder. Each such appointment and subs�itutB�N�F Ci�RY�
<br /> made by wrf.tt�n instrurient and executed bY lace of
<br /> containing referenc��C a a �ri�pe Office af t o Register of
<br /> �ecord< <rhich, when is
<br /> Deeds of the caunty or counties in w�i�o �r iappoim m�� of �,���,:..
<br /> situated, ehall be concluaive proox �f oW�r of substitu�ion �,� _ ,
<br /> .,..;:.��'"' the succesaor TRUSTEE. The foregoing '� ower .
<br /> " ...:.� � rocedure �herefor shall not be exclusive of the p , :_
<br /> • and the p rovidod for by law for the substitution of a
<br /> and pT•ocedure p r.
<br /> • TR'UST�E in the place of the TRUBTEE named herein• attempted "F�'°'
<br /> ree that up�n anY .�..;,.�``.
<br /> G. TRUSTOEtS covenant and iedge or �ransfer of any of their �,�
<br /> , � � c�nveyance, assignment, P the tez�n of this loan secured --..::�;-._
<br /> interest in the �remis�s during tion of declaring the ,�k.- -
<br /> � hereby, the BENEFICIARY shall have the op and if said surn __---
<br /> � unpaid balance immediately due and payable, •vY
<br /> 15 days thereaftex, BENEF'ICIARY �i_.
<br /> y- remains unpaid for fif�e�n ( � iven and the premises be .��_�_- _
<br /> � can causerovided herein ault to be g ___
<br /> , sold as p and = -
<br /> of a Notice of Default, this _.
<br /> . ' g, As additional and COOna�iling 6ecurity for the loan, _�_
<br /> effective forthwith up nment by the TRUSTOR3 to the �`�:..
<br /> t instrument shall serve as an assig from �he —
<br /> � TRUSTEE, of all rents and revenues resupBSegs�on of the
<br /> pr.ope.rty, and TRUS7CEE is authorized to take p --
<br /> ro erty, rent or lease the sam� on terms heds�e upon u paid
<br /> col l�ct the ren t s a n d r e v e n u e s and a p p1Y rem i u m s o r E o r
<br /> in t e r e s t, r i inci FaZ; t�es or insurance p
<br /> � � ' reservation of the premi�cs•
<br /> � maintenance and p
<br /> �` waiver bX TRUSTE� or BE N E F I C I A Rn� oCCasionae�hal� not
<br /> I, The
<br /> TRUSTORS under this Deed of Trust, on other or si.mila�r
<br /> ' " be or be deemed to be a waivor of� any
<br /> ���•-����F,�.:::" defaults subsequently occurring.
<br />- �' '�`'`� � art of the property herein shall be taken or
<br /> �-��'�:•�-��� J. If title to any p riqht of eminent domain,
<br /> -��°':"'�'-�� condemnation proceedinqs, bY
<br />-�v�'"'�"`� similar action, or shall be sold under threaas i cned nd shall
<br /> �'�°"-�'� damages and proceada are hereby g ent, or
<br /> -- --r'•`�� all awar�s, who shall app1Y euch paYm
<br /> - "�'' '"�� b� paid to the BENEFICIARY► to tlze sum due at
<br /> _�-`-"`����"`��� any part thereuf, in their sole discretion, With any
<br />.--_"--�=��•�i a �ble to the
<br /> _^_=__=�_ that �eme�°ov hl�heeeamountrudueanhereundereep y e�
<br /> -- balan
<br /> =����� TRUSTORS.
<br /> -��_� resentatives, are h.ereby
<br />-m""°"``°—�°,� K. The BENEFICIARY, its agentb or rep on any part of
<br /> � IIu"""�'�� authorized to enter, at any reasonable timecting the sar.►e and
<br /> ,ry,�Y�� the �rust property for the purposes of ofBp he acts they are
<br /> =--_���=�';�� ur ose of performing any
<br /> -__�;.,-��.� . for the P p erform under the �erms of this Deed of Trust
<br /> - _�'°":���;� author�2ed to P in documents.
<br /> --�.._��--
<br />_�:;H�.*.: . and other accompany g
<br /> `-.�.. _ documents are subject
<br /> _ -::.:�:�.�
<br /> .:r.. ;: L. This Deed oE Tzust and verned y theg1aW8 o�E the Sta�e of
<br /> �� � ,�� to, constructed a ud oses.
<br /> ` NQbras3ca for all p � _
<br /> . � .�_ rovisions contai.ned in ._
<br /><w�- � M, In the event any one or more of the p other instrument F_
<br /> , � � t h is Deed of Trust, Trust Deed Notes, or any shall for any ,.._
<br /> . given in connection with t hillegalsort n�nforceable in any _
<br /> ` ' _� � reason be held to be invalidille aZa.ty, or unenforceability =
<br /> '. � respect, such invalidity, 9 c�ther
<br /> yw°�� �L_ ......�„n nf the BENEFICIARY► not. affect �ny
<br /> = �-- -T=�: shall, ai �aaa ..r,.___ _ � u.....o hut this -
<br /> . � . + provigions of this Deed af Trust or TL'U3L li��� •.--�-,
<br /> De�d of Trust and Trust Deeen orCeablelprovisionrhad never �
<br /> suCh invalid, illegal or un arties
<br /> been contained therein, it being the intention of the p
<br /> � that the provisions of this Deed of Trust are declared to be _
<br /> ° severabLe. -
<br /> ., . , -4-
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