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<br /> �LIJJ'�j�� ��J���� ��� ��q�
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<br /> ._____ ___�SSS4�3TATE dOURNAL COMPANY LINCOLN,NEB � � . �� � � '- � � � � �� � �
<br /> . '_ . . .. �.��M_..___..__=.�,��:� ._-..
<br /> ..........�__.__ _.___'.:____ _.___.._.�___�._.___._...__.._�.__.�.__ . _�._�.__.:__ � _� .r.— �'
<br /> ' as grantor and he �aeverally aeknowledged the eaecution of said ir�strument to be his voluntaryf
<br /> act and deed.
<br /> �Pitness rny ha.nd and Notarial Seal, the date aforesaid. � - �
<br /> My commission e�tpiree July �--1927 (9EAL) Carrie Inghram
<br /> I�otary Pt�bli�
<br /> Sta,te of �ebraaka, _
<br /> ss _ _
<br /> County of Hall, On this 29" day of �day A.D. ,1926, before me, the underaigned, a
<br /> Notary Public in and for said eounty, peraonally came 3ophie Stolley and i�mil (�:9tolley, h�r '
<br /> husband, �miZy Blais� and Fred Blaise, her hueband, and Albert H.Lauber, a single man, o�ho
<br /> are personally known to me to be the identical persoas whoee na.mes affixed to the above
<br /> instrwni�at as grantors and they severally aeknowiedged the e�cecution of said instrument to :
<br /> b� their Foluntary act and deed.
<br /> Witnese my hand and biotaria]. �eal,the date aforesald.
<br /> (�EAL) J.L,Cleary
<br /> , �'o�ary Public.
<br /> �y commission expires April 1�" 1929 .
<br /> �tate of Galiforr�ia,
<br /> , ss
<br /> Oountp of Orange On thia 25 day af June A.D. ,�926,before ��,the under�igned,a �ota�r�
<br /> Pt;�bli� in and for said Qounty,perso�ally �ame aarr3e Lauber,a Bingle woman and Fiora Lauber,a' eingle
<br />�� woman,who are personally kno�n to me to be the identical persons whose names are affiaed to t�e
<br /> a�ove instrument as �ran�ors and they severally aaknowledged the eaecution of eaid inetrument
<br /> to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> YPitness ray hand and Notarial Seal ,the date aforeeaid.
<br /> {��AL) �ary E.Ooone
<br /> I�otaxy Public.
<br /> M aommisaion ea �res l�ov 2 1 26 � ,
<br /> II Y p 5- 9
<br /> Provinee of Onta.rio,
<br /> ss. .
<br /> County of gent �Oa this 19th day of August ,A.D. ,192�,before me ,the undersigned,a '
<br /> I� l�otary P�biiv in and for the ProvinQe of 0�tario,personal2y came Robert A.Lauber,�ho is per-
<br /> sonally known to me to be �be identical person wh�se name is affixed to the above ina�rument
<br /> .
<br /> as grantor and he acknawledged the execution of s�,id instrument to be his v oluntary aot and d+�ed.
<br /> Witness m� ha.nd and Notarial �eal,the date aforesaid.
<br /> My� com�nission eapires at mp death;at the v�ill of the Lieut�nant-Go�:ernor of Ontario.
<br />' (��AL} A.B. Carsa�,llex�
<br /> N t �
<br /> ar blic.
<br /> o Y �'u
<br /> F11�d for reoord this 3 day of January 192�,a� 11 o�olock A.M.
<br /> �:./r���� C�
<br /> . �..
<br /> � gsero ees
<br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-4-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-�-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-�-0-4�-
<br /> _
<br /> �NO�t ALL �N BY THE�E PRTSENTS:That �mil Ci.3tolley and Sophie sto7.ley,hta wife,of Ha11. County�; ,
<br /> �
<br /> ��braska,for the vonsideration of One Dollar and other good and sufficient considerations,her�by II
<br /> �
<br /> Quit Olaim and convey unto ,Frank Lauber of Burliugton,Io�a;�ophie 3tolley,oP Hall Qounty,
<br /> Nebraska;Rober� A.I,auber of Wallaceburg,On�ario;Emily B�aise,of Hall County ,�ebraska; 0arrie
<br /> Lauber of Anaheim,CaZifornia,A�bert B.Laub�r of Hall County,Nebraeka,and Flora Lauber of Anah�im,
<br /> California,all of our right ,title and interest of whatsqever nature,in and to the follo�in�; '
<br /> deBCrib�d Real T�tate,situated in the 0ounty of Hall and �tate o� Nebraeka,to-�i�:
<br /> Lo� One (1) in Bloek On� (1) and Lo'�g One (1) and Two (2) in Bloak TRO (2) of D�Rn Additiom
<br /> to the Qitg of Grand Island,Ha11 Co�anty,Nebraska,located on the �orth Ha2f of th� Southeast
<br /> Q�arter of �he �outhwest Quarter (1�� 9� 511�) of $eatlon �wenty (20) ,Torrnehip Eleven (11) ,
<br /> . ,
<br /> 1�or�h,Fiange Aine t 9) ,West of the 6th P.�d.
<br /> As �oiat tenants with the right of survivc►rship.
<br /> � ,
<br />