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<br /> EXECUTOR' � DEED �
<br /> THIS INDENTURE ,made this l�th day of October ,A.D. 1926 ,by and between R.R.Horth,of Grand ';
<br /> � � �,
<br /> Islarri ,Nebraska,as Executar under the las� will and testament of Henry Reeae ,deceased,Iate of ;;; • .
<br /> II,
<br /> Hal2 County,Nebraska,of the first part ,and Monogram Bakery,a corporation,of Grand Island,Ha11 !i
<br /> County ,Nebraska,of tne second part , "
<br /> ;.
<br /> WI'PNESSETH:That �y virtue of the power and autizority vested in him and by the last will anc�
<br /> testament of Henry Reese ,deceased,and in consideration of the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars �'
<br /> `;
<br /> ( �7000) to him i.n hand paid ,by the party of the second pa.rt ,the receipt whereof is hereby
<br /> acknowledged,the party of the first part has granted,bargained,sold and conveyed,and by thesei,
<br /> presents does gra,nt ,bargain ,sell and convey unto the party of the second part ,its successors :'
<br /> and a ssigns forever ,the following described real estate situated in the county of Hall and
<br /> i state of Nebraska,to-wit: the center forty-four ( �+4) feet of Lots One (1) and Two (2) ,in B1ocI�
<br /> I Tnirty-nine (39) of the Original Town ,now City ,of Grand Island,Nebraska,moxe particularly des-�
<br /> cribed as follows;dommencing at a point on the easterly line of Lot 1 ,��+ feet southerly from �;he
<br /> northeasterly corner of said Lot l ,running thence westerly,parallel with the northerly l�ne
<br /> of said Lots 1 and 2,to the westerly line of said Lot 2;thence southerly along the westerly
<br /> line of said Lot 2 ,forty-four (�+�-) ,feet;thence easterly,parallel witn the nar therly line of
<br /> said Lots l and 2 ,to the easterly line of said Lot �.; thence northerly ,along the easterZy line
<br /> of said Lo� l ,farty-faux (�+�) feet to the pla.ce of beginning; reserving ,however ,an easement
<br /> fox a ribnt-of-way for the benef%�. of the owners of the ather portions of said Lots 1 and
<br /> 2 on and over the we�terly twelve feet of said Lot 2 ,together with all and singular the ;
<br /> tenements ,hereditaments,and appurtenances thereunto belanging ,and all of the estate ,right ,
<br /> title ,interest ,claim a.nd demand,both in law and in equity,i�vhich said testator had in his life-�
<br /> time and at hisa ecease ,and which the party of the first part has by virtue of said last will ';
<br /> ;
<br /> and �estament ,or otner�vise ,of,in ,or to the above granted pre�nises.
<br /> Said party of tne first part ,for himself ,his heirs,executors,administratoxs ,does promise , ;;
<br /> covenant ,and agree to and with ti�e party of the second part tnat he is lawfully the e xecutor
<br /> ;,
<br /> under the last wi11 and testament of Henry Reese ,deceased,and has power and authority to sell ;i
<br /> �i
<br /> and convey as afore�aid,and has ,in all respects,acted,in makin� this conv eyance ,in pursuance il
<br /> I � � '�
<br /> tc� the aut:�ority granted in and by said last �ill and testament ;that he has ndt made ,done ,or i�
<br /> ;,
<br /> suffered any matter ,act or thing whatsaever ,since ;�e was such Executor as aforesaid,whereby ;
<br /> I the above granted ,}�remises ,or a ny part thereof,are incumbered in any manner whatsoever.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,said �arty of the first part has hereunto set his hand the d�,y and yeari;;
<br /> :�
<br /> first above written.
<br /> Witnee�s; R.R.H rth ;; i
<br /> : s xecuto�& of the last will �;
<br /> Wm Suhx and testament of Henry Reese , ''
<br />' Deceased.
<br /> State of Nebr�.slca, )
<br /> ss.
<br /> Hall County. � On this 27 day of October,1926 ,before the undersigned,a Natary Public !
<br /> within and for said county and state ,personally appeared R.R.Horth ,as Executor of the last ,
<br /> will and testament of Henry Reese ,deceasad, personally known t o me and knov��n to me to be such !
<br /> Executor ,and he acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument to be �iis voluntary ac�
<br /> and deed for the purposes therein expressed. `'
<br /> IN TESTIP�IOPIY V'IHER.EOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal at Grand
<br /> �sland,in said county and st�,te ,the da.y and yea.r last above written. „
<br /> (SEAL) Wm Suhr
<br /> Notary Public .
<br /> My commission February 9 ,1y27.
<br /> �
<br /> Filed for r ecard tnis 1� day of November �926 ,at �;30 0' clock A���I. �-!f�«� �"'�L��r
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