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<br />� 'f$S$�-3TATE JOURNAL COMPANI�,L.f13�OL�.-F1£B� � �
<br /> _�., _.___�__.. _.__._.___ . ._._. _ ,. ..__ _._.. ,. ... ..,._ __... .:_.'..,__..___,_,._..___ �___.�_....:_ __-.,_....--._. ....-.�___ ._ __.._._._.._.f__._..__'__�___..:.-.�_._. .
<br /> _.'�"._. -_'. ._ '
<br /> '� QUIT CLAI� DEED � � �
<br /> �.i.�.r .+.�i��. .�..�__.___._._ ,
<br /> i�
<br /> KNOIl� ALL MEN BY THESE PRE3�DtT8: - �i
<br /> _ I
<br /> THAT S,�.Stewart , �fife of J.T. Steward of the County of Ha11 and State of Nebraska for the i
<br /> ,;
<br /> consideration of One Thous�.n �1000.00 Dollars hereby Quit Claim and convey unto J.T.Stewardl ;�
<br /> I
<br /> of the County of Ha11 and State of Nebraska all of our right , title and interest of whatsoever', '
<br /> ;�
<br /> �i
<br /> nature , in and to the folloWing described Rea1 Lstate, situated: in the County af Hall and ij
<br /> ;,
<br /> State o� Nebraska, to-�it: Fraation lot One and Fraetlon Lot Two And all of lot three in ;;
<br /> �i
<br /> B2ock Eight I� Lamberts_Addition to the C3itq of �rand Island Iiall Count� l�ebraeka '
<br /> . ,�
<br /> IN �fIT�ES$ �HERE4F, ha�e .hereunto set han3 this 15 day of June �926. _
<br /> �Pitneas S.E.Steward
<br /> Paul C. Hol�nberg '
<br /> �
<br /> �;
<br /> , ,,
<br /> BTATE OF NffiRASKA ''
<br />� 88. � !i
<br /> HALL COUNTY, ' �
<br /> On this 15 day of June A.D. ,1926 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in '
<br /> and for said county, personally oame S.E.Steward who is personally knowu to me to be the ��
<br />� fden�ical person whose name is �.ffixed to the above in��rument �s grantor and she severaily i;
<br /> ,,
<br /> I aaknowledged ths said inatrument to be her aoluntary act and deed. '�
<br /> 'i
<br />� �itxless my hand and Notarial Seal, the date aforesaid.
<br /> Paul C. F�o���tbe,7,�
<br /> , (9EAL) Natasy Publiv ��
<br /> ;�
<br /> My cammission EXpires September 3rd, 1930. ''
<br /> I _ �
<br /> Filed for record thia 5th day of August 1926, at 9:45 A.�d. o'clock. ;
<br /> C���—���
<br /> ��s'
<br /> ;;
<br /> Register o Dee s �i
<br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-►0-►0-0-ao-ao-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-•0-E}-0-0-0.0-4-0-0--0-0�
<br /> Tlae_ City of C�rand Island of the first p `
<br /> part doth hereb �ertifq that Oharles �.Bo�lb of ��
<br /> �
<br /> the aecond pa,rt is the owner of l�s,st �Ialf Lot I�o.205 in 3ection B Rou a� deaignated on the ��
<br /> map as sections,rp�e and lots of the Oemetery of said Oi�y,#�n t�e Oounty of Hall a3d 8�ate
<br /> of �ebraska,kaown as the arand Ssland t7emetery and for �rhi�h the said party af the sec�nd
<br />� part hath paid �o the said party of the firat par� the $ura of Twenty fivo �io/100 (surrender '1
<br /> of old deed) Dollars and that in considera,tion thereof the said party of the aeQOnd part is '!i
<br /> entitled to the perpetual use of eaid lot for the purpose of interment only,sub3�ect to the i
<br /> "l
<br /> Laws of the State of Nebraska thereto appertaining and a1l:ordinancea,rules and regul�,t3ons i
<br /> ;.
<br /> whlch are in foree and may from ttme to time be adop�ed by the party of the first paxt for th�
<br /> ,,
<br /> regulation �nd government of said Cemetery. ;
<br /> ;!
<br /> IN TESTIDdONY �fi�REOF,The City of q�rand Island,Nebraska,has caused its seal to be hereto
<br /> af�iaed,and this indent ure to be signed by its �ayor and ateeted by its Olerk,this the 26,
<br /> da.p of July in the year of our Lord,One Thou�ar�d �ine Hundred and Twenty-8ia �
<br /> (GD�f'�
<br /> ATT�B'Ts (S�AL M.�t.Jeakins '
<br /> �ayor.
<br /> ;�
<br /> H.�.Qlifford
<br /> Olerk.
<br /> � �i
<br /> Filed for reoord this 7 day of August 1926,at 1:15 o�cloak P.l�. �
<br /> _ � ;�
<br /> ;
<br /> mgieter c� eede
<br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.4-ta-4-0-4»0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-CC�--
<br /> ii
<br /> 6
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