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<br />.^ ____ ,._�SSS4, STATE JOURNAL COMPANY LiNCOLN.NfiB � � � ' ____ ` _ �_
<br /> y , pp ,_ y __ _ __ _ _ _ _ p_— _-_- --_ -- _- -_------------- ______ _
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<br /> duI a ointed b said Court to make artition of said rea2 estate, made revort in wrfting, +
<br /> �
<br /> ;'
<br /> dulp si�ned, setting forth tha� partitior� of said re�.l estate could not be made �vithout �;
<br /> .���� ,�--�.� ;i
<br /> great pre�udice to the o�mers thereof, ��hie;h report was duly examined by the Gourt�being r;
<br /> ,�
<br /> satisfied theree�ith, con�'irmed the same, and theret�pon made an order directing the under- !'
<br /> ;;
<br /> signed Referee to sell said premises for cash. �
<br /> �i
<br /> ;
<br /> And in pursuance of said order , the undersi�ned Referee cau$ed a notice to be published ;i
<br /> ��
<br /> in the Grand Island Dailq Indepenc�ent, a daily legal newspaper printed and in general �ir- �;
<br /> � � I;
<br /> culation in Hall County, Nebraska, that said �eferee would oYfer_said real estate for sale ;
<br /> �;
<br /> at the f'ront door of the Court House in said ei�y and state on the ' lE�th daq of ��ay, 1�26, a� '�
<br /> ;,
<br /> the hour of 2:00 o�clock P, �, of sai.d daq, and at the time and place stated in said notice �!
<br /> �,
<br /> and after said notice had been published for more than thirtp days, the real estate, to..wit: +i
<br /> �
<br /> the east half of the northeast quarter and east half of the southea�t c�uarter of Section 3 , i;�
<br /> � !i
<br /> Township 12, North of Ran�e i4, in Hall County Nebraaka was offered for sale as aforesaid at
<br /> I public auetion, and sold to George Rauert, for the sum af �7540. 40, he bein� the highest ;i
<br /> ;}
<br /> bidder therefor , ana� after�vards , on the �#th day of June, 1g26, the said Court approved and
<br /> eonfir�ned said sale and by an order directed the undersi�ned Referee to e�ecute and delieer ��
<br /> to �eorge Rauert a deed conveying to him,the said George Ra�ert a deed conveying to bim, �;
<br /> � �
<br /> the said George Rauert, said real estate in fee simple. �'
<br /> „
<br /> NO�Y, TA�'�EFOEE, I , '�f17.fam Suhr, Referee, in consideration of the sum oP Seven T'ho�sand ;;
<br /> F�ine Hundred DoZlars (�7504. 00) , so bid and paid by the said George Rauert and by nirtue of ;�.
<br /> �,
<br /> the po�er vested in rtie by law, do by these presents grant , sell , and convey unto the said ;
<br /> George Rauert, and to his heirs and assigns , the following deseribed real estate, ta..�it: ;i
<br /> � � � � � V
<br /> The east half of the northeast auarter and the east half of the southeast quarter c�f �eetion !'.
<br /> Three (3) , in To�anship Twelve (12) , North of Range Ten (1t3) ,, in Aall County l��braska, ' with �;
<br /> all appurtenances thereunto belonging , to have and to hold th� eame unto George Rauert and
<br /> his heirs and assi�ns forever. _ ;;
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREO�', I have hereunto set my hand this 30 day af Juane, 1926.
<br /> �itness: "
<br /> J. L. Clear� �_illia_m Suhr
<br /> i�
<br /> R�'FFR.E�.
<br /> i
<br /> State of Nebrask
<br /> a �
<br /> s s.
<br /> ,;
<br /> � Hall Cc�untq �!
<br /> On this 30 day of Jcme, 1926, before the undersigned, a Notarq Public
<br /> in and for Hall Count �iebr s rs
<br /> y, a ka, e onall a e�red �illiam �uhr Ref ere o
<br /> P q PP , e f Hall Co�x�,t
<br /> � Y,
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> Nebraska, to me personallq knorvn and to �me known to be the identical person nhose name is �;
<br /> ;�
<br /> subscribed to the foregoin� deed as grantor and ackno�vledged �he eaecutian thereot to be his � �I
<br /> � ,
<br /> volunt�.ry act and deed as said Referee and for the purposes �herein set forth. �
<br /> �IT�fLS� my hand and seal thie 30 day of June, 1926. .
<br /> ---J. I�. Clearv
<br /> ( SEAL) Notary P �blic
<br /> My commisaion expir�e Ap�til 1�, 1.929..
<br /> ;i
<br /> Filed for reeord this 26 day o� J�ly 1926, at 2: 15 P. I�. ;
<br /> C��� � ;i
<br /> -��-� �
<br /> Registe for Deed—s�
<br /> 0-�-0-�+�-�-0-�-�-�-�-�-Q-�-���-�-�-4-�-�-�-�-�-�-4-�-4-�-0-0-4-�-4-0-4-0-�-4_Q-�-�_�-0-0-0_0.�
<br /> �
<br /> � �;
<br /> i
<br /> �i -
<br /> i;
<br /> �;
<br /> ;,
<br /> � � � �i
<br />_ , _ ----___ �;
<br />