' � . _.. .� __�. � .. _'.- _.___ .._ __ . .._ "_' __— -.. L'�—
<br /> � '
<br /> . . . _ =^C. . . .. _ _ —
<br /> • ._ ' �_..� .. . _��..
<br /> -.�..� . . ' _ .. 9 � . - . - . � . ' ' _ . _
<br /> . .. . '. .' � • • ' .
<br /> `
<br /> ' ' . .. . .
<br /> 1
<br /> ._ . ., ... _ . � . _ . . . .. �
<br /> '_—.._�.�.'_:..-:.L.—_ " � . � � _
<br /> . . --- - -- - -- -- �--�- -- ..,. - � '. • ' �l�s � ��� ;C',r- ._-. ... ' .
<br /> . �.:. .'.-.. �� , s,_. .
<br /> oo�ndcmn�tian ur atwr t�kiag of yun�'�actibf the ptvpaty.or far eonti�yanQa in lieu of 000demnuiai:ue M�etiy��and
<br /> s1�U6ep�dtol.eader. � : . .,
<br /> In dw cveot of a taql l�k�oi�e Ytopecty.ibe p�u000ds stull 6o spptied u►tl��u secmed by th�s Sacam�►
<br /> lastnrnen�.whetha ar oot,men dua witb any e:cess paid to Boiroww In the e1ent of��pa�ti�!tatiiag of the Pbnpaty In
<br /> which tho fair ma�ket+ralue of ti�e Ropeny iaxi�diiirl��befot�e the taking is oqual to a gsratu tLm�6e art�t-of�e suma
<br /> securcd by this Secwity tn►�nm�nt 6m�diatety bctam the t�king.uti{eSS Bamwer ao�!Lender dhtv►zse�roe in writing.
<br /> thc suras socurod by this Srcurcty Instr�t shall��e ieduoed b)tNc acnount of the p�ooeeti�mWtiplied.by the foltowing
<br /> tiactioo: (�►1 tAa wtal amnuat of t6e sums sec�u+ed htumodlatdy bcfore the wlcing;dividod by Ib)the fair mvtet value of the
<br /> ptopdty Inta�odiatc3Y bcfate the t�tcing. An}hataisoe sb�ll be paid w Bartnxer. In tbe,svan of�pattitil t�lcing of the ---.--
<br /> Prope�ty io whicL ti�e tair an�tkex valwe of dre Ptupe�t}imnied�ately befae the taking is kss:�w d�e amduui af the sums � _ --
<br /> sccurcd immodiat�ly bcfae the t�lcing.�mkss Bamw�er aod l.ender othetwise agroe in K�iting a�mkss applicabk Taw
<br />" � ott�wise providos.the proceods sball ix appliod to Ur s�wms secuced 6y this Securiry insuumeut aiKtheracnot the sums are • —
<br /> ••�`� tt�a due. � . �;`°-------_--
<br /> ---— If the Property is ab�da�od Dy Ba�nower.or if.after notice 6y L.endcr co Bamwer ti�at t6c candemoor affers ta make �_-_-__�____
<br /> —= an avrard or seale a cJaim far tkueages.Bortot�►�er fails m cr�wad m l�ender within 30 days aftes the date the nnt�c is given. "'°-_�----- ---
<br /> i.ender ia authotitiod to oollect and apply tbe pruoeeds,at its optian.either to restor+tion or�Qair of the Ptopetty or to the . �"..,�;��-.
<br />�• snms sect�ted 6y titis Sa�auity lo.utwneat,whcther or not then itt� �
<br />�; : Qntess I.ender and Boimwa athecwise ag�ee in wttting.any appiication of proceeAs co principai shap na extend or ,�:��._
<br />"�..-�, po6tponc the dae date of the mootht9 P�Y�s nfetned ta in�phs L ard 2 ar ci�ange the amaunt of sucl�payatenta. -; �.
<br /> s��_-
<br /> :, '__r-=�
<br /> ::• , 1L Roera�er Not Rekssed: Far6eara�c�By Le�Oer NM a Witver. Eztension of the time fa pa�ma�t a �.. .�:.�-.�a,.
<br /> ::�_ -
<br />-- -- �v[ann�timtion of the swns sccured by this 5enuity Inst�umeat gianted by Lxnder ta any wccessar in urt�iest ,. - =`��u:�._
<br /> � of Bcinaw�'.�11 aot operate w eekase the liabi6ty of tM otiginal Bo�rower oc BoROwers successars in�.l.�der ;:� r= --_
<br /> - � _ "ste�tiae.�:ir�au�1 W c�emmenae p[a�ce.e�i,utgs against any s�tcces5or in irrterest ar eefuse_to eat�ad time fas paymeat ar frr ':
<br /> _�.
<br /> ``� ;a�c�r�����n of tbe s�mc s�e�uied by this Sefurtry la.�tetimeat by tea5�i of any demx�id made t�t�e origi�al �;�. t s
<br /> �` ,;`$p..�e#;k��r'et'",s�'�sas ia irmrcs� My forbeuance by t.eaclerin,e�'m8 aay right dr�edy shah�ot he a ;>r, :
<br /> ,;e; �:�'!��'b�'�f�efude tire`e*brcise of any ri�t or n�tR+dy- . -• . _ � �: - '`�i� - --
<br /> ..�l.� ` �'IL`•.�rt�sars aS�d Ass�s 6o�od;J�t a�i Sts�dal Liabilit�:Co-s�eas The coveaants and a�rts of this ;t: � _
<br /> o�
<br /> - - - *+�+��. Sec�y�'��ctment shaq bind and 6enefet the saccessors and a�g�of La�der a�Batuwer,subjert to iGe provisipts o�. :�+ _
<br /> . p a r a g��i�'r B o r r awer's coYenants a n d agrecm�{ts s h a l l be jbin t a n d sev e r a l.A n y B o r ro w e r w t w c o�s i g n s•t t ti s.S e c u s i t Y � �
<br /> ._y..,z 4,., - In.�,'�'�tr�t does nat execute the Note: lal is co-s�gning this Security lnstnunent only to rtwrtgage.gr�ne�canve�r il� ;.;,.
<br /> _ •:� :..�.:;.�� -.. ` -. �rrocve�3 inteGesest i n t I u Ptope►tyaMerthe temu af this S e c a r i t y tr�tzamcn� tb1 is na p e�s o n a ll y o6lig�ed tog�y ihe sums , �_°: --
<br /> �•.,�o te
<br />, •' ,t�.; ;.,�`f�+, ted b this SeCUri Instrumen�and lcl agtees that i.e n d c r a n d an o t h e r Borrow•er ma to ea t e n i i:c Q a�fy.f a r b e ar =-
<br /> � - .;,t- `- '� �'� '�`�' :.�'�u�maic��� accommtyodaticxis with,�to the term.�of this Secvrity Insttument or t�� e withiwt t5at Borrower's . ,.. "
<br /> f:_: _- —•��h�i{ - ��.��, .� - . � ' _� .,
<br /> -`' ' �~ .,•` �.ilt;�• . �it... ,.SF'Q�IISCIII. -:... . .
<br /> .�1. '..-. ;r+:-,..�, �"=
<br /> ;�+ r : �•�,•r,;�:t �:.',,'_; �. 13. I.oan Cbarges IP the Ioa�.si:�ed by thi�Security la�utiment is subject to a law whicb aetti maaimum[oa� _
<br /> r��.,�?'?, `.,�,:r .•'�. `�p.,-�+ es.and that law is fiflall inte iei�(i�,Ya dS�ai�he`3ttt�rest os other(oan ckir��liected or to be cotl�fn ca�nection �
<br /> ck
<br /> '�'� ���'�z "` �` ., , '�»+5�iaan exceeA 8�e�.i�ittcA{�Fcrn't�.it��,�i���:auch loan charge shaU b�'�t11►�ed by tt�e amaua�nece�in+to�educe . -
<br /> ` '�r°i�'�y 4 `' �'ii;��charge to the permiti�iiii�iiiC anci lbr•i�i�*�c�-•,'s1�:+�3 collected fmm Bar�v�i�=r�tsich exceeded pem�icte��lrt�i�s wiJl be; ;s � ,,�' ,
<br /> � ;��*'-�-;��,��/i ;�;,� ;i���iti.�rt�,orrower. Lei�dermap ctiooNrcw m:�;:t�5i�;ne�itd b�/ICi�tC(tlg[�i��,�133CI�Td�OSRC(��(fl(�lll�NQ� .Gi'r,}��CII(�`a; s 't ' ,� _
<br /> - ;� ,,: . . . . �:� � : `.;:^..', •.� `.� to BorroWer. If a rcfwid irduces pa�+;��tt�r�ir:�s wi��'i�ed•as a�attsai PrePa�ne,�i.`�3'hou�.it� ''{,,` .. , ;zN.
<br /> .,�, '�,.j,- :,.•:�;' '�;��� •��y•�;t a�� e underthe Nate. r•.� :• � •�;:s.' :: �..;,.. .. . �` ..
<br /> . Y..f.. . . .�fi�til; � .. . .� :�{, {�l,_
<br /> _, :, :.. 14. Notic�s. Any notice to Borroa•er pra�7d�firr jn tbis Secutiry(c�Ytiva�►t shall be given by def�rxTf,,;it or � '' �
<br /> � , ��':;,Q ` ...,,{.. ...,. inailing it by fitst class mail uniess applicable taw r�q,v`ria.°c uu af anathet methv�.'F,l'�e notice siiall be diiectedda�Property �� .�.. - -
<br /> - � :,::.?� � '."�'�''F;;: �� AQOtoss ar arry aiier addre�c Bocro�crrSTpt}t1YdtCti{�liutliC(u LCi1�Ci. Any noticc ta t.e s s d e t s h a!!1�gi�eu by f itst c l a s s . ;
<br /> '"'�r, '' .:•• mail to l.ender's address titatcd herein�:,�s?o�her addre�s Lender de.tc tes b notice to Barrower. An notice ravided far � " -
<br /> �. • E� Y Y P ' �
<br /> - t,,.,,K ,.,.!.� " • i'
<br /> ':��.: °'' •: •�,� in this Security fnstrument shall be''�.ri�v�.to have Neen gi�•en to Borrau•er'�r Lender when given ac provided in this �. �t;j.!,y.
<br /> '�!�: .r.�t=:'� `r� '<' P�8►aPh• : ,�� ,.:;: . ;;..,
<br /> '4. , S,� �y't�::
<br /> �` ��T`.`��1;. '�„'�• � l5. Governing.l,.�:,:Sevet�4i;jti;'.�s�s�y In�trument.�ha:��::�t3+�ed by federal law and the law of the '`�� -_.
<br /> '�� � f r�. ,' jucisdictiorr in which tY��"rty i;fc�:a���.�M�C�:.�i.u:�t timt:�n�Qtq,��b<,itrrix t�;;,;��u;s:of thic Security Instrument or the Notc t`��t �� -
<br /> :s�'•[.s �-1;`•t�. . `' i .� ,_ ' .'��'a' , .;;�,, ';
<br /> , �r•°�. R�;. , ,,� conflicts witb applicab��t{•rj'�,,nxx�. ax�33�ra:ahall te�t�i�ct other��iv�i�i�i9��i;���i5�curity Imtrument or�he Noce wti�e.�n;.;_ •?,::::•";;i ��,•' '�,��;i�:�
<br /> �:, � '� ,'���-4�� he giverr c�c!waho��i.+i;�.u��ti�raag��vivian. 'fa ti�i.ti ea��.p�i��w�u�1>�31:�hiti Security ln.trament and the S�t�7e cus : 3 ,� :;�. �:� ��,�«.,.
<br /> ;; �'4=-?� ;wr .��!'��, declarecl lizj�%"�everat�3.��; .. ,, :;; , ; ��
<br /> ""' �l �fTu w..�.'
<br /> F\:' �.s
<br /> :`�: J�";.;;` ', ,�r��..;;:� 16. �atv'aw•er'$�a�K: Barrowcr�hall t+c givecr�a%�confo��s i+opj�of c�u���ce and oP thiti Security tr��'h���z l � ; � " �y�'!,.'.;�'"•���s,4�
<br /> . rfJ�`�;�`+4 1+}�;,;�'��'�;�'.. . 17. 7iaasfer dt',l�p IProperty or 9 BenetkiaF�"riir�ct in Borroiree If�:CI or any part af the Pmpetty arm�v'�is!,en.�xr.; ,`, ';...;�=;..vfi�i' �`'��r :
<br /> it rt�:�.+o?�.�_ �(�.'t;ch:
<br />_ ,�r{��.s,.:f+'�;<,:�: .. it is sold ar tran�fencd:or ii a beneficiat intercct in:8`+:�smw•cr iy+o2d or traR�fi.�ated and BorraH•es i�noa�,�naiu���ry���7i�,�.,,;;�.:{;";:,::., ri. , r���•;
<br /> f �L���'� without Lender's or written can�ent.l.cnder ma•:�K'ity a �ion.re uire imrr�diate a ment in fuU of al1 s�s ic�cure��»+:. '�'� ,�'', ��•
<br /> �y j� b:sy pri ) P 4 P Y ,
<br />,� , ��4 • � this Security In�wment. However.�hi�aptiaa yhull nrn be exerci�ed by l.ender ii exerci.e i.prnhibited by iederal lat�ati+,�; ,+' ��i� '� �_ _
<br /> �.. ,, �tyr`j�T�� � . the date of thi.c Security In�mument. , �:» .
<br /> , ;t: ��.�,������ti ,�, :'.'.�; If lxnder exercu�sE�"s�n p tion.lxnd�v thall g iq�Qvrrn«er nntire of xccf�ratian. 'f'he notice shall p rov3de a period of �.,i, 3;,E� ` <<�'
<br /> j�;f, ., ,� t .�'� "�. .;,,{wl les�than 3(1 da�+,f��te date the no�i.�:iti drtip�.i or maitcd�vithin«hici�B+�rrou•er mwt pay a0�.oms`secu�ed by Ihis ' c.� �h i` :
<br /> ;t�.:. � ... - =1'. , ' , :�Securit In�[rument. gf.6vimwer faih tn a Ttre,��:um� ri�n m thc cx iP.riioii uf Ihi, ricd. Lend�r m�w invoke� ' , , �ti�
<br /> , 'ai�...r� ,�w� • - Y P Y P P 1'e � Y �°;;=;�'�� '
<br /> • • ��•;:temnli�s�ermitted by thiti 5ecurity Insrcumcm withnul furthcr aoti:�or demartd c�a Buao�cer. ,;; , �
<br /> ' - � YB►.�tcruwer's Ri�,ht to Rei►uFate. li'�nrrou•rr meety caLiin condition.. 8orraw•cr.hall ha�:t the ri�fi� tu CWV�';;'� • '";'.'
<br /> . • . • enfortemenr uf thi�Serurit��fn.l�um�nt di+coatinucd at an}[ime pio�•nt�he eailirr uL• �a►5 day�(ar such.o4fiv�r�xa�d-.�,s'.i��';;,± � �.' . �
<br /> _ : � , . ,. ;��r:�•(;,.
<br /> :�:�, , ," Single Pm��dy•-Vaeek�iar-ireddk�it�c l�[6�llt9f{�tiil�[`l1rc1'f••1'ndurm(i��cnenn 4:9� il�FF 1�I'hpugrsi,'�t�� . <<;y'. .�`?.'
<br /> :f•,,,,' , `'; :''' . ' ,�;''. ..
<br /> � �',:;• .,�. ;`;�' ., �� .
<br /> ' '.•S,i; '=t,-.,;��,�,.�:�.�yY` _:. ... .. . . ' ' . . . _ ' �..���, . — . . �
<br /> �'. .�,:�� �Y. � '. � ' . ' ' L � � .
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<br /> _ ,: 9`•",i. . . .. ... , . . ,
<br />:r�. - '
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