<br /> �. 29�
<br /> ��j'�j��� ��j���� �VJ�� ���
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<br /> _,- - _�._ _ _ _ ,._--_ _ __ _ . _ _ _.- ,- -- -:-- __-=-- ---_ ------ -- - -
<br />^-._ _ _—_-_- - =----_: _--� -
<br /> QUIT GLAIM DEED . _ '!
<br /> �:
<br /> THIS INDENTURE made this 25th daq of August 1925 be��eer� Richard L. �arrison and Bertha � �
<br /> ,
<br /> Harrison,husband and wife,of �Pood Ri�ver,Nebraska; DeEtta �Aa�rieon,a widow,of Phillips,Nebraska;�
<br /> �. LeRoy Harrison and pearl H�,rrisoM,his wife;and M.Thelma Kinnamon and Holland Kinnamon,wife ;,
<br /> i
<br /> and husband,partiea of the first part and Oiiv�r M. Harrisor� and Sylvania A. Hsrrison,and Clara�
<br /> ��
<br /> L. Briggs,t�f the s�cond part; "
<br /> � I
<br /> �PITNE33ETH:That the said parties of the first part,in consideration o� the �um o� One and '� ,
<br /> no/100 Dollars to us duly paid,the receipt whereof is hereby ack�o�ledged,have remised,re.. �
<br /> �
<br /> � leased and quit-elaimed and by thes� presents 8o ,for ouraelvee,our heirs,eaecutors and admin�i
<br /> is�rators,remise,release,and forever quit-claim and convep unto the said parties of the sec� :�
<br /> �
<br /> ond part,and to their heirs and assigns forever,all our ri�ht,title,claim and interest and ;i
<br /> !�
<br /> demand,ti�th at law and in equit� of,in and to all of the Northeast Quarter (NE�� o� Section !l
<br /> ii
<br /> T�enty-six (26) ,Township Eleven (11) ,North,Range Eleven (11) ,�e�t of the 6�h P. M. in Aall j
<br /> County,l�ebraska. Together with all and singular the hereditaments thereunto belonging.
<br /> TO AAVE AND TO HOLD the above premises unto the said �liver �. Aarrison,Sylaania A. �Ca�ri-
<br /> ',�
<br /> son and Clara L. Briggs,their heirs and assigna,so that neither �e,the grantors herein,or anp ;�
<br /> person in our names and behalf,shall or will hereafter claim or demand any right or title '�
<br /> to the said premises or any part thereof,but they and every one of them shall by these pre- ;�
<br /> sents be �excluded and forever barred.
<br /> IN �ITNE53 �GHEREOF,the said parties oY the first part have hereunto set our hands and sealls -
<br /> th� day and pear first above written. �
<br /> Signed,seal�d and Delivered in Presence crf: �;
<br /> ;i .
<br /> D. M.Davis i�. LeRoy Harr3eon ,
<br /> �. �. Davis Pearl Harrison ��
<br /> D. �. Davis DeEtta Harrison ��
<br /> Chas. F. Dryer Richard L.Harri son i,;
<br /> Chas. F. Dryer Bertha �. Harrison ;
<br /> D. �d. Davi s M.Thelma Kinnamdn
<br /> D. M. Da4ie Ho7-Iand Kinnamon .
<br /> State of Nebraska '`
<br /> �;
<br /> 38• 'f
<br /> .
<br /> County of H$11 4n this 5 day of Dec. ,A. D. 1925,before the undersigned,a �totary Public�
<br /> . ,
<br /> in and for said County,personally appeared Richard L. Harrison and Bertha M. Harrison,husband �i
<br /> � and Wife ,to me known -to be the identical persons who executed the foregoing inatrument and
<br /> they ack�owledged the execution thereof to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> �itness my hand and seal the day and year first above written. ;
<br /> . ;;
<br /> (BEAL) Chas. �'. Drper "
<br /> � Notary Public, i;
<br /> � �
<br /> �dy commission expires Jan 23 192�. - �
<br /> State of Nebraska � ��
<br /> ss: �'
<br /> County of Hamilton On this 25th day of August,A. D. 1925,before the undersi�ned,a Not�lrq
<br /> � ��
<br /> Public in and for said county,personally appeared De Etta Aarrison,a �3.do�r,W. LeRoy Harrison ;�;
<br /> �
<br /> " and pearl Harrison,husband and wife,I�. Thelma Rinnamon and Holland Kinnarnon,husband and wife, '�
<br /> to me known to be the identical persons who executed the foregoin� instrument ,and they ac-
<br /> �
<br /> �:�
<br /> knowledged the execution thereof to be their eoluntary act and deed. ��
<br /> Witness my hand and seal the day and year last abo�e �ritten. '�
<br /> (SEAL) D. �. Davis �
<br /> � Notarq Public. '��� � � �
<br /> ,;
<br /> , Bdy commiesion expires July 9th 1929.
<br /> � Filed for record this 21 day of January �g26,at 10 0� clodc A. �d.
<br /> � �:���ti�e �.��-� - ';
<br /> � egister of eeds ' .
<br /> ;
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