� 84
<br /> ��j��j�� ��J�.�J��� �►`�J�O "N.J�q�
<br /> —-- - ---- --- ----- - _ _ _ __ -_-- ---_ _ - — -- -- -- - _
<br /> __ `. '_`._,�I$�4-3TRTE JOURNAL COMPANY.LINCOLN NEB. _ ... ...._. ._�_._ .,_,__.__ --_--,_ :."_.-- _.._____.�__'-'. � .. °-____�'___. -'__'_
<br /> . ,._..__...,_ -=____- .__�__"_..__"__�._.. _;
<br /> . . .: .. . . . � - II
<br /> TO HAVE AND TC HOLD the above described pre�ises unto the said The F�.rmers State Bank �
<br /> i�
<br /> �,
<br /> heirs and assiens , so that n�ither the s?i� gra.ntor ,or any person in his name and behalf,sh�ll;'
<br /> or �aill herea.fter claim or demand anT; ri��ht or title to the said pre_^�ises,or any part thereof!�
<br /> ,
<br /> 'i
<br /> �
<br /> but they a.nd every one of them sha,ll by these pr�sents be excluded and forever barred.
<br /> IN '��ITNESS "'HER�'OF,the said pa.rty of th� first pa.rt her�unto set his ha.nd and seal the day!;
<br /> '.I
<br /> an�� year l�.st above �ritten. ��
<br /> Si�ned, s�t led a.nL. delivered in presencE of �i
<br /> 1
<br /> 0. L. Gage A.R. Boyd �;
<br /> �f
<br /> �;
<br /> StatF of Nebr�.ska '�'
<br /> ��
<br /> ss. �+
<br /> Blaine County �n this 2�" da.y of Nov. ,A. D. 1923,before me the undersigned Omar L. ;!
<br /> Gage a Notary Public ,duly commissioned and qualified for and residin�, in said County,persona2�.y
<br /> came A.R. Boyd to tr�e '�no�n to be the identical person rvhose na.me is affixed to the foregoing '�
<br />' conveyance as �rantor,�nd acknot��ledged the same to be his voluntary act and aeed for the �;
<br /> �
<br /> � �ur�oses therE�in set forth.. I� �
<br /> ,;
<br /> '."Jitness my hand �.nd Nota:ri�l Seal the day and year Iast above �vritten. !!
<br /> � 1�� �
<br /> (sEAL) Omar L. Ga.ge , l' `
<br /> Notary Public. j�
<br /> �y commissian expires April 3 ,1925 �!
<br /> File�_ for record this � day of ?.Say 1g25 ,at R o t elock A. ��. ii
<br /> �l���,�-� ���y-.-�, �,�
<br /> egister of eeds �
<br /> �
<br /> -0-0-�-0-0-0-�-�-�-0-0-n-�-0-Q-4-n-0-�-c-4-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-Q-�-�-�-�-�-'i
<br /> "�rAR`'AIvTT Y DEE D
<br /> ii
<br /> KNO'�' ALI� `,�'N BY THTS�' PRH�S�TTT�: Tha.t �^�e,Eva. A. Palmex,and Hira.m J. Palmer ,her husband,of Hal�,
<br /> �
<br /> County,T��ebr�s':�a.,in consi�.e-r�.tion of +he sum of Ten Thousanc� ��1�J,000) Dollars in hand naid by;�
<br /> L�man-Richey Sand Com?��ny,of Dou�la.s County,state of i�Tebraslca ,do hereby grant ,bar�ain,sell an�
<br /> i;
<br /> convey unto said Lyman-Richey Sand Comnan��,the follor�ing d_escribed prernises situated in the �:
<br /> i;
<br /> county of Hall and $tate of Nebra.ska., to_wit: Commencing at a point 13�7 fe�t east of the
<br /> ,i
<br /> i;
<br /> ' south�.�rest corner of the northtivest. quarter of Section 21, in TovSmship 11 ,North,Range 9 "lest of i,
<br /> ii
<br />�� the 6th P. 17. ,runni.,�; thence east a.long the south line of said nortilwest qua.rter �3� feet to ''
<br /> , �;
<br /> ,,
<br /> the center line of J�,c'�son Street in ti�e city of Grand Isla.nd,if �pxojected; thence northerly ";
<br /> ;
<br /> I°;
<br /> along the center line af sai�. Ja.ck�on atreet if projected to the sout� line of Anna Street in;
<br /> �;
<br /> t'ne city of Gr�nd Isl�nd; thence southT*�resterl.y, along the south la.ne of said An:ia Street ,731. 5 i,�
<br /> feet to the tvest sic7.e of Log�n Street iri the city of �rand Isl�nd; thence southeasterly 52�- !;
<br /> �
<br /> feet to the nl�.ce of beginr.ing,being the lan��s conveyea to said Eva A. Palmer by deeds xecorde�
<br /> ��
<br /> ,
<br /> ;
<br /> P • o of Ha11 ount N b ask s v
<br /> in Book � �t P�.ge 19F ana Book 31 at a.�e 133 of the dee� rec rds C y, e x a, a �
<br /> � � � � � '�j
<br /> ing and excenting from this conveyance the north �.nd south count�,� road across said premises a�.d
<br /> i�
<br /> �
<br /> the land conveyed to �'. F.Ror�e� by d.eed recorded in Book �3 of Deeds at Page 501 �.nd also ex-
<br /> cepting th^ railroad ri jht oi t.Jay conveyed by deed recorded in Book l�- of Deeds a.t Page 56 � 5l
<br /> Q.�,
<br /> of t�ie de��d recorc?_s o�' Hall County,RTebr�.ska. �
<br /> ;
<br /> i
<br /> To�ether t�iith �11 the tPnements,heredita_ments,a:na a�pu.rtenances to the same belonging,a.nd;,
<br /> j
<br /> a.11 the est�a.te,right,�itle,intere.st claim or d.emand. ��:hatsoever, including do�rer,couxtesy,and '� '
<br /> homestead ri�hts of the said Eva.. A. Palmer and Hi.ra��n J. Pa.lmer,of, in or to the same,or any part;
<br /> � �,
<br /> thereof. . ;�
<br /> T � ,� D h bove describea nretnises ���it�z the a ourtenances unto the said Lyrna�-
<br /> TO HAVE AA� TO H L t e a � , px �
<br /> . i�
<br /> Richey Sand Com�a.ny,and to it� successors and assi>uns forever. �'
<br /> � ' ���it:� the said Lyman-P.icl�e �an� Co�tzp�.ny tha.t we hold said premises ��
<br /> An.:.. tive hereay coveizant Y , ; I,
<br /> except �.ny �ortion ther�of lyin� t*rest of tk�e county road above mentioned,by 000d znc3_ berfect i� I'
<br /> ��
<br /> title,that ��e have `ood rig�:t rnd la?°�ful a.uthority to sell �nd convey the s�Ame,and they are `j
<br /> '�� _ � `�,
<br /> i� � � � (
<br />