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<br /> D���JJJ��D� ��j�J��� �►�1��� �NJ�q�
<br /> —-- -_---- -- -
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<br /> . .--.-:.,_.. .__ ..._, ..._.__.. , .._._:. __.._..._ ..__.._._ :_-.- _ .:.--__ �._,-._- .-_�_.._. _,_.- -----_.' --_:.__..�:..._ :__��- - -_-_'- - '--` -
<br /> -_ -n.-'-' `--. - . . . _ . _ .. .�. . . . �
<br /> for said County,personally appeared Addison E. �aaq �a me kno�an to be the identical person who;,
<br /> � � � � 'i
<br /> executed _the foregoing instrtzment in his own behalf and in behalf of Fred �1. Ashton,Carrie R. ;
<br /> Aehton,Christian C.xansen,Siri Hansen,Arthur D. Sears,Lueile Cadp,Adnell L.Pyne and George ,j
<br /> Pyne,and aeknowledged that �e executed the sa.me as his v�lun�ary act and deed and the volunta�y'
<br /> ;
<br /> actand deed of the said paxties herein_ �amed. , m -
<br /> IN �YITNESS �VHERE�F,I have hereunta set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and ;
<br /> ��
<br /> ;';
<br /> year la$t above written. ;
<br /> (SEAL) C'ha.s. F. Dryer ;!
<br /> No tary Publi�. '
<br /> ;,
<br /> ;
<br /> My commission expires Jan 23-192E� "
<br /> Filed for reeord this 24 d� of Februarp 1925,at 3:15 o� clock P. �S. !
<br /> ����cL��d--u- `i
<br /> „
<br /> egister of eeds '� ,
<br /> _�-0-0-0-0-C�-4-C�_0-4-4-4-�-�-Q-O_0-�-4-0-�-0-0-0-�_O-C�-Q-0-0-0-0-0..0_0_0_0-0-�-a-0_4-0_0_Q-O-�-
<br /> �;
<br /> � � � CERT IFICATE OF OV�I�ERSHIP� � � ��
<br /> ;I
<br /> The Citp of Gra,nd Island of the firet part doth hereby �certify th�at Mrs. Emma Kroeger of th�
<br /> eea�nd part ie the owner of Lot No. 16�F in section B Ro�► as desi�nated on the map a� sections, ',;
<br /> rowa and lots of the Cemetery of said City,in the County of Hall and state of Nebraska,known !i
<br /> as the Grand Island Cemetery and for which the said party of �he second part hath paid to the ''
<br /> said party of the first part the sum of Fifty l�0/100 Dollars and that in eonsideration thereo�'
<br /> ��
<br /> the said party of the second part is en�itled to the perpetual use of said lvt for the purpos�
<br /> of interment only,sub�eet to the Laws of the State of Nebraska thereto appertaining and all '�
<br /> ordinances,rules and regulations whie�n are in force and may �rorn time to time be adopted by ;
<br /> the party of the first part for the regulation and gonernment of said Cemetery. ''
<br /> IN `TESTI�61¢Y WfiEREOF,The City of Grand Zsland,Nebra�ka,has eaused it$ seal to be hereto �
<br /> affixed,a,nd this indenture to be signed by its Mayor and atteeted by its Clerk,this the 20 (
<br /> �
<br /> day of Februarp in the pear of our Lord,One Thousand Nine Huzzdred and Twenty-F3ve.
<br /> Attest: � i : .
<br /> �OI�P �'. J.�llsberry � � �i
<br /> H. E. Clifford �SEAL� �a.yor•
<br /> Clerk.
<br /> Filed for record this 25 day of February 1925,at 3 0' clock P. �. C-����� ���-�yy�
<br /> J(
<br /> Re�ister of eeds
<br /> -0-0-�-0_0-0�4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-�-4-0-�_Q_0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0_4-4-0-0_0-0-�_Q�0-O-�-UO
<br /> �
<br /> t±�"ARRA.NTY DEED
<br /> i
<br /> That CY�.rles F. Allen of Gage County,and St�.te of �ebraska in consideration of the sum of '
<br /> One Dollars ,in hand paid by D�aggie E. Allen Hia �Vife of Gage County,and 9tate of Nebraska,do '.j
<br /> herebp sell and convey unto the said �daggie E. Allen,his wife the follov�ing described premises '
<br /> situated in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska,to_wi�: Lots One (1) and (2) in Block � ✓
<br /> T�o ( 2) Packer and Barrs Addition to the City of Grand Island Nebraska
<br /> And he hereby covenant with said Maggie E. Allen,his �rife that he hold said premises by
<br /> good and perfect title; �hat he has �ood right and la�ful authority to sell arid convey the sam�;,
<br /> that they are free and elear of all liens and incumbra.nces whatsoever.
<br /> And he covenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the lawful claims of all ;i
<br /> ;I
<br /> persons whomsoever. � ''
<br /> ,,
<br /> And the said Charles F. Allen hereby relinquishes her right of courtesy in and to the above;l
<br /> �
<br /> ;
<br /> described premises. ',;
<br /> �!:
<br /> Signed this 31 day of May A. D. 19�6 ,
<br /> In presence of Chaxles F. Allan '' �
<br /> , --�J' .T�i.-���cz3.T1.�uci o--._',__--_---=-- ____----- ---- �I
<br /> i , 4� �
<br />