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20110�95G <br />iiuosoias <br />in Secdon 16. <br />(A) "SecarHy Instrument" means tbis document, which is dated oCTOBEx 21, 2011 together with all <br />Ride:s ta this document <br />(B) "Borrower" ia LSSA t3 ATSITB, A SINQLB P8R90N. Borrower is the irustor under this Security <br />JS1sh11ID6II�. - <br />(C) "Lender" is OxP.71T WESTBRN BANR. Lender is a CORPORATZON organized and existmg under the <br />laws of SODTH DAROTA Lende�s address is 200 E 10TH STRBET SIIITE 100, SIOIIB BAI,L3, <br />SD 57104. <br />(D) "Trastee" is II. S. SAHIC TRII3T, l�TIOI�L ASSOCIATION. <br />(E) "MERS" is Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Ina MERS is a separate corporation that is <br />acting solely as a nominee for L.ender and Lende�'s succeasors and assi�s. MERS is t6e beneficiary nnder <br />this Secnrity Instramen� MERS is organized and eaciating under tha Iaws of Delaware, and has an addrasa <br />and talephone numbar of P.O. Box 2026, Flint, MI 48501-2026, tal. (888) 679-MERS. <br />(F') "Note" means the promissory note si�ed by Borrower and dated OCTOSER 21, 2011. The Note <br />states that Borrowar owes Landet oN8 HIINDItBD 1QIN8 TBOIISAND AND oo/loo Dollars ([1.S. <br />$109, 000. 00) plua interast. Borrower has promised to pay this debt in ragular Periodic Paymants and to <br />pay tha debt in full aot later than NOVSa�ER 1, 2041. <br />(G) ^Property" means the pmperty that is descn'bed below undar the heading "Tiaasfer of Rights in the <br />Proparry." <br />(� "Loan" means the debt evidenced by the Note, plua intarest, any prepayment charges and lata charges <br />due under the Note, and all sums due under thia Sacurity Ins�ument, plus interest <br />(n "Ytiders" means all Riders to this Security Instrumant that are executsd by Borrower. The following <br />Ridars are to be executed by Bo:rower [check box as applicable]: <br />❑ Adjustabla Rate R.ider ❑ Condominium Rider � Second Home Rider <br />0 Balloon Ridar 0 Planned Unit Development Rider O Biweakly Payment Rider <br />L7111 Family Rider � Other(s) Lspecifyl NIFA FORM E-2 <br />� VA Rider <br />(� "Applicable Law" means all controlling applicable federal, state and local statutes, regulationa, <br />ordinances and edministiative rules and ordera (that have tha affact of law} as well as all applicable fmal, noa <br />-appealable judicial apinions. <br />(I� "Commnnity Association Dnes, Fees, and Assessmeats" meaas all duas, fees, assessmeats and other <br />chargas that are imposed on Borrower or tha Property by a condominium association, homeowners <br />associatioa or similar organization. <br />(L) "Electronic Fnnde Tranafer" means any hansfer of funds, other than a hansaction ori�mated by check, <br />draft, or similaz paper instrument, w}uch is uritiated through an electroaic terminal, telephoaic instrument, <br />computer, or magaetic tapa so as to order, inatruct, or suthoriza a financisl institurion to debit or credit an <br />account. Such term includas, but is not limited to, point-of-eala tranafers, automated teller machine <br />transactions, transfers initiated by telephoae, wire transfers, and automated clearinghouse transfers. <br />(Nn "Escmw Items" meaas thosa items that are descnbed in Section 3. <br />(1V) "Miscellaneous Pmceeds" meaos any compensation, settlement, award of damages, or proceeds paid by <br />any third party (other than insurance procaeds paid under tha coverages describad in Section 5) for: (i) <br />daznaga to, or daslruction o� the Properiy; (ii) condemnation or other taldng of all or any part of the Ptoperty; <br />(rii) couvayance in lieu of condcmnation; or (iv) misrapresentations of, or omissions as W, tha value and/or <br />NEBRASKA-9iagle Fam�7y—Fannie MadFreddie Mec UNIFORM INSTRUNIENT <br />Modiflad for VA <br />� 338.5 Pege 2 of 14 Fotm 3028 U01 <br />