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<br /> � 7. Protection o}L�ndn'e 6�aurity. If Borrowor fnlls to parlorm tho covenante and eproomonta contained In thia Dood of Trust, or If
<br /> �. ' ony oction or Procoodinp Is commonca�wldoh metorielly atfeate Lender'e Interoat In the Property,then Lender, et Londer'a optlon,upon notice _
<br /> to tlorrowor, mny meko euch oppoorancos, dioburso euch ouma,Includlr�p ro[►sonobto ettorneyo'fees, and tako such eotlon ea Ia naces9ery to
<br /> protoot Lendor's Intorest. If Landar roqulrod mortfleflo Ineurence eo a conditlon o1 makinp the loan eooured by thla Deod o}Trust,�orrower ehail _
<br /> pay tho premlume required to malntaln cuch insurance In ef}ect until euch timo e9 the requlrement}oe euCh In�uranca terminetea In acaorder:CH ��
<br /> wlth Borrowor'e and Landor's writton n�rnomont or nppllcnblo lav�.
<br /> " Any amounte diabur�od by Londer pureunnt to this peraeropt�7, with intnreat thereon, at tho Noto rnto, chall bacomo cdditiancl
<br /> Indebtednesa oi Borrower eocurod by this Oead of Trust. Unlese Borrawer and Lendar apree to other terme o1 payment,auch emounte ahall 6e
<br /> . , payablo upon notico trom Lander to Borrower roquoattng peyment thereof. Nothing contained in thle parapraph 7 ahall roquire Londer to Incur _
<br /> ..,%��� any oxponso or tako uny nction haroundor. _
<br /> N 8. In�psctlon. Lender mey make or cnuso to 6n mado roeaonoblo e�trina upon ond inspoctlona of the Proporty,provided thet Lende�
<br /> 4» " shall pivo Borrowo►notico prior to nny such inspoction spor.ifying roaeoneblo couse thorofor roleted to Londor'e interaat In the Proporty.
<br /> __ � Y, -
<br /> ' 9. ConUemn�tion. 7ho proceeds of any award or claim for demepes,direct or consequentlAl, In connactlon with nny condemnetlon or _
<br /> ' ��� othor taking of the Properry,or pert thereof,or for conveyance ir�I;au of condemnatton,ere horaby aualpned end ehell bo pald to Lander,oub�ect
<br /> to tho torms of any mortpege,dend of trust or other security ngroamont wfth e Ilen whlch has o priority ovor this Deed of Trust. -
<br />',,,,:�. ..'� 10. @orrowor Not R�b�sad;For6s�nnc�By Land�r Not a W�{v�r. Extertafon of Yhe time for payment or modifloation nf amorti:etlon
<br /> -� � of tho euma sncured by this Dead of Trust prantad by Lender to any succosaor in intereat oi 9orrowor ahall not opsrate to releaae, in eny
<br />-'`'-'-��...�,,,�� mennar, the uabiiity o}the original Borrower and Borrower's succeaeor9ln interest. Lender ahall not bo requirod to commence proceedinpe
<br /> ;`�'N against such successor or refuse to axtend timo far payment or othnnviea modify amortizatlon of the auma secured by this Deod of Trust by
<br /> -°�"=���!• roeson of eny demand modo by the original Borrower and Borrowor•e euccees�re In intereat. Any tor6earance by Londer in oxerclsfnp eny rlpht
<br /> • � ;::�:.t or romsd�/hereundor,ar otherwtse affordod by eppllCAble law,chall �ot be e w+�lver of or precfuda the axercise of any nuch rigfii or remedy. -
<br /> . y;�gY:-•;
<br />;✓" �-
<br /> - :�:' 11. Succes�on�nd As�iyna Bound;Jotnt md S�v�rai Ll�blitty;Co-Elpn�n. The covenante end epseemente herein contained aheil
<br /> �� � � bind, and tho riphts heroundor sholl inuro to, tho roapoctfva �uca�seore end aeaipne of Lender and Borrowc�r, eubJect to the provieinns oi =;
<br />_=•�r�_ perepreph 16 hereof. Ail covanenta end agreemente of Borrower ahaA ba Joint end aeveral. Any Borrower who co-sipna thla Dead of Trust,but !'
<br /> - r"�,�,F`� doea not execute the Noto,la)is ao•slgning this Doed of Trust only to prant end convey that 8orrower's intereat In tho Proporry to Truatee undet
<br />'� � '•• the tArma of this Dood of Trust, (b)Is not poraonnlly Ilable on tho lVote or ursdor thla Deed of Trust, end (c►egrees that Lendor and any other
<br /> `;;,-� � Borrower hereunder mey apree to extend,modify,for6ear,or make any other accommodetiona with rogard to the terma of thls Dood of Ttuat or
<br /> ;' ,y tho Noto,w(thout that Borrower's consant end without releesinp that borrower or modifying this Deed af Trust as to that Borrower'e interoat fn
<br /> the Property.
<br /> ,,,,Y��. 12. Hotic�. Except for any notice rEquired under appliceble law to be glven In onother menner,(e)any notico to Borrower provided for
<br /> ,v;_�;�y,� In thie Deed of Trust ehall be glven by dalivoring it or by maliing euch notice by cert{fled meil addreased to Borrower et the Property Addresa or
<br />-_,;�=�.:.:=a� et such other addross as Borrower moy designeto by notico to Lender es provided hereln,nnd Ib)eny notice to Lender ehall he given by certified
<br /> ='�'•�- mnll m Lnndnr's address atated hereln or to such other addtos9 ss Landor may dosignete bV notico to Borrower ee pravided herdin. Any notica
<br /> __��� provlded tor in this Deed of Trubt shall be dosmed to heve been givento Sarrowar or Lender when glve�In the menner detigneted nerein.
<br /> �.-rtal�
<br /> -- - T=� 13. Qowrninp l.aw: &w�r�6tlity. Tha atate end local lawe o�pucebie to thla Deed of Truat ehell hu the lawe of tha�uriadictlon in
<br /> __�� ' which the properry is locete�. The toropoing sentence eheii not Iimit the eppliaebility of federel law to thie Dead ot Trust. In 4he event that any
<br /> - provialon or ciauae of this�eed of Trust or tho Noto conilicte with applleeble law,such confllot nhall not aftect other provlaions of thiy boad of
<br /> :`.:y Trust or tho Note which cen be(��ven eHeat without the conflictinp provinion, and to thla end the provialone of this Deed of Truat end the Note
<br /> ere doclared to be soverebte. As usod horoln, "coste," 'expenaea'end'attorneye'toea' i�olude all sums to tha extont not prohibited by
<br /> " • applicable law or limited hetein.
<br /> - 14. BoROwa'��opy. Borrawer shail be furniahed a conformad topy of the Note and this Deed of Truat et the time of executlon ot
<br /> ---�------ efter rocordatton horaof.
<br /> �� 16. R�hablNtatbn Lo�n Ayr��ment. Borrowor she;l fuifltl etl of Borrowor's obitgetiona under eny home reAabiiltation,fmprovement, _
<br /> -=- - repalr, or other loen apreemnnt whloh Borrower entere into with Lender. Lender, et Lender'e option,mey requfro Borrower to exocute e�d
<br /> "`�'°.� dellver to Lendor,In a form ecceptebie ta Lender,as aeafpnment of any righu, claime or detensea which Borrower mey heve e�ainst partio�who
<br /> • aupply lebor,materiela or servicea in connootton wfth improvements made to the property.
<br /> 16. Tnn�fK of t1N PropHty or� B�n�ticlal Intu�at In Barowe. It ell or any pert ot the Property ar eny intereat In it is sold or
<br /> transtorred (or If e benoticiaf Intalast(n Borrower is aold or tranaferred end Borrower Is not e naturel pereon) Without Lender'e prior written
<br /> consent,Lender may,et fte optlon,cequire Immodiato payment In full ot all eume eeaurod by thia Deed of Truat. Howaver,this option ehdl not
<br /> ��� be exeralsed by I.ender if exerc(aa la prohibitad by federel law ee of tM date of thla Deed of Truat.
<br /> If Lvnder axercieea thia option,Leader shatl giva Borrower ratieo of acceloratlon. Tho notico ehail provlde a potlod of�ot tese than 30
<br /> dayc frem tho dato tho notico ia dolivorod or mailod withln which 8orrower muat pey nll euma eecured by thte Deed of 7�uat. If Borrower taile to
<br /> pay those eume prior to the explretion of thls period,Lender may invoke any remedioa permittcd by thte Deed of Truat withoirt turther no4ice or
<br /> demend on Rorrowor.
<br /> — ,i
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