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<br /> :Y�`�(1u�5���1Y�i/^^.--^ ___ -T--sr'�asa�:__.
<br /> " � . R�MSf�+cte+Wtr�•:at�M�rAINEa1nl�l�fr!!A�'?r•�_,,.• , - . . . •..`--.-�...-.—.
<br /> • - ... .. . _ . .�. . —
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<br /> � e�V•
<br /> - �":.
<br /> � �X�OI�IT � ��"'����8��. ��
<br /> � iVi�RYGAC� mD[iENDUII�
<br /> 1 " ..v Th�foNOwY►p �a addinda to tha MoRWCe. PMes� ah�ck ttw�ppfb�bb tdd�ndum. Th� �dd�ndum oh�ck�d thtp W Naorpont�d
<br /> into,and r�nord�d wkh,th�MaRQap�. The te�m'Mortpsp�'shaN bs d�wnsd to Inolud�'Ds�d of Trust,"Y applici4t�.
<br /> ,. ,��:� .
<br /> '.;,���w TH18 TA16FJ(EMPT FINANCINQ RIDER Is mado thb 311t! d�y ot Janusrv , 199 ,,,,, �nd M Moorpornt�d
<br /> fnto �nd sh�p b�dwrt►W to ammd�nd�uppMrtant th� Mortpspo, Dwd ot'Ptutt a S�curky E1s�d('8�curRy Infhum�nl"1 0l th� wrrs d�u
<br /> +�w��� pMm by ths undenslpnsd ("Barrowu')to eacur�Bortowsrs Nob("Now")ro UNI4ED NEBRASI(A BA,�IK _ _
<br /> � :. � ("L�+dit"I o1 tha�artr�data and coverh0 the property dacrib�d h th�S�ourky Instrumml and toat�d at:]�1 t N HIlSTON ST -
<br /> . fi �3RANDJSI,AWO N 8 � ,00nr� �...� �..�--- ..�`
<br /> �•
<br /> • . • � I�tddkton to tM cown�nte �nd agrNments mtd� h tM S�curity Imhumsnt, Borrov��r�nd I.�ndo► Wrth�r oownant �nd �M to �tn�nd --
<br /> ��
<br /> Paroqnph 9 ot tM Model Mortpap�Fortn, �ntRMd "Orounda far Acakntion of O+bt" u by addlnp :ddRior+al{�oured� fa�cc�Mnlfon u �,_
<br /> , Y.�,; tobNa: °
<br /> - '"� '.^;�' • Laid�r� or wnh of ks acc�sion or ��sqns u may by s�p�eat� Inshum�nt �tN�ma nsponsblllty tor usuet�q aomPlMnw by tM
<br />-.s,<:�;��._ '
<br /> @crtorr.x r,!!h the R�ovisbns ot thf� T�x�Ex�mAt Finuwin� RWK� rn�y �aquin Rrxrwdlab paYma►t In tuN of �N �wnt t�CUnd bY thM
<br /> .-�:•;N.,,-l... S�curlty In:trummt Ih
<br /> (�) /UI or part of th�Prop�rty h sold or otMrwk�tand�rnd by Barrow�r M e purohasK a ottNr WinslMw:
<br /> (q Who o�nnot r�aeortaby W�otW to xcupy the prop�Ay�s�p►ir►oi�l wafd�nc�wRhh a auaubM tk►w�Mr th�aN or =-
<br /> ••'..Ir,�.��•. : tnnst�r,aN as provW�d In Sectbn 113(o)ond(�(2)of ttw IntKnal Fkvmu�Co�;or
<br /> t'`� � (i� Who luis had a pr'Kant uwn�shfp hE�ntt h � prY�afpal ntldrnc�durin0 N9 R�pf th� thrwyMr p�tfDd �ndhp on tM _
<br />���;%:.`; ` .. dea ot th�sak or Wna�U�,AN at provfd�d h 6�ctfon 143(d)and(q(2)01 th�tntxnat Fiwonw Cod�(�ooc�pt th�t'100 ponc�nl"�haN b�
<br /> _��.'�,....:. �,
<br /> ,., � ;:`• substkutad tor"!i5 p�rant w man"whea tl��ttK MpMn h&�otlon 143(dxt))nr
<br />_.:;':r;:.,-,,` (Iiq M �n �cquitkbn Cost which R p�w1K ttw� 9� pKC�r►t of ths �wrap�an� Purahaso P�o (O�+�t�r M�n 110 P��!Ior
<br /> - � Wp�t�d w�nsidrnca�au as provkMd H S�ation 1i9(a)�nd(R(2)at tM Inbrt►al Wvrnw Codr, or
<br /> ,•,�;'.;�;p�.•.•. (N) Who hu a Q�roso famMY MaortN[n �cn of the �PD�N pwc�nWpr oi�ppNcobM medl�n hrtiNY incum�u provWMl in
<br />-�-,�y��nky�^' Section tA3(�and(Ix2)ol th�Int�rtal i�Mwnw Cod�7 or
<br /> „"'•, ..� fbl Borrowar h�lie to oCCUDY t� P��Y �� h ths S�curlty Inttrummt wkhout prior wrkMn ConNnt ot I.lndK o� k�
<br /> ���r-�s��%.i. sux�ssas or�ttipns ti�C�bM!�t th�bpht11n0 Of thN Tax�F-xMnP�hln�lCt►p tYti�t�or
<br /> � f_•7�
<br /> .: �a: : (o) B�rrow�r omM� or mknpnsvnto a tact tAat b rrMtald wlth wa{wot to th� prmrisbns o!S�otion 113 of tM MMme w
<br />; 'r'� � Codo h�n�ppNcation for tAe btn Nound by thit S�curRy In=Wmfnt.
<br /> . � :: ..
<br /> f RN�rnces en to the Int�mal Rrwnw Codo as rrtwndsd�d H �M�ct on lh�daN of bawnc� of bondf,tM procNdf of wh�h
<br /> ��_..,,u�as�i9 wIN M uad to tln�nca tM�curky In=trummt md sn dwn�sd to inoiudo th�ImpMrtNntinp nput�Uon�.
<br /> = BY SI�NIt�a DELOW,k3arow�r 1�cc�pts and eprMS to th�Urms and prawislon�h ihM TuaEx�mpt FMancinp Rtd�r.
<br /> ��v� �.L�' �" w y=(&EAL)
<br /> -- Ibrrow«
<br /> ,�� (��1
<br />�"�'� EOTfOMN
<br />-- - THI3 T�V60�MIPT FlNIWCINO RIDER I�m�d�thM cky of �! �sd M hca+P�� Yrio �nd _.
<br /> --�y--°� thaN h�dwrned to�m�nd�nd wpplortNnt lM Mortp�p�, Dwd uf TN�t or S�cudyr Dwd ('S�cu�tY Inxtrumml"1 0l tM anw d�M pAwn by
<br /> �_ tM undKtlpnad�"Borrow�r")to s�cun Barow�s Not�('Noa')t4
<br /> � ('I.�ndlr')ot thm o�rtw d�b and cowr�r►p tM P�oR�Y d�scrib�d In tM 8�auzRy InsWmint�nd bc�Nd�G
<br />----�--_ ' lProD�rty AdEn�el
<br /> —_ " __� In �ddkion ta Ih�cownv►ts u►d �QrNn�►ts mad�h th�SocurNy Inetrannar►t, Borrow�r and I.�ndar furth�r cown�nt�nd� to �r►bnd
<br /> _-��-��� pu�praph 17 of tM UnMarm Mortp�p�Fortn, �ntkbd 'Tnnsier ot th� Prupwry ns a Bensflakl Int�nst N Borrowe►"�s by addhp addkbntl
<br /> �=�,¢:,��; praunds tor occN��tfon ne talows:
<br /> -�-���.�.� _
<br /> =�=_-..�,..,;._
<br /> —__��.�'�; Und�r. or such of ks suca�ators or assipnr as rru+y b� Npant� Insbum�nt asaum� rotponatbflity for aiaurk�p compNtroc� by t �
<br /> ��:=;;s7;y�,t BorcowK wkh tM provistons of thN Tax�Ex�rtpt Fhanatny Wder. mnY nQuin Immodt�t� Par�t h NN of aN �umt srsund by thb
<br /> - '•:� S�CUrkY In6dUrtNnt W.
<br /> :-.�iYV.•�,r.:,:,
<br /> �`w�'-.° '�'•. ' (o) lu or put ot th�PropKty b eokl or olhenvla trnshrnd by Bortow�r to a purohas�or ethK tmsNnr
<br /> '•=-=z1�'�''- t� rn wtu,�•�»�t nunna6M b��ocO�Cted t0 oCCURY ttN prOp�ttY as l pfhClpt) 1'�IdM1C� Wkhb �r�Yt0�7abM tima lMt tM
<br /> ��`•'��""-j`" a1�or tnr+bfer,aN a�provjdad h S�Ctbn 143(a)�nd px2)ot the intamal Nrwnu�Cod�;or
<br /> "' �'Ft�
<br /> ;•:�•" ''' (I� Who has had o�pns�nt ownarslf� ht�nst h �princfp�l nsldonca durinp ony DiR o}tho thrwyNr p�riod�ndinp on ttr�1 _
<br /> .. � • �� d�N of lh�cYb or tr�nst�, all n provid�d in S�atlon 143(d) and i�H2) of tl►� intamal Flavsnu� Cod� (eoac�pt that '100 pwcent" --
<br /> - �� �haN E�eubstkutsd for"9ti puc�nt or rteon' when the IsttK��n tn Sa�tion 1�3(dx�li a =
<br /> •; ,�
<br /> �. (1W) At an acqutskton coat whlah Is pn�tar th�n lhe maxtrtwm I�nRs�atabRsMd by ths N�bnsiu tnw�M�nt Ftnanc�AuthaRy
<br /> Y' ;� ' (th�'Autharity')h aonneotbn w[th Rs Propnm,pursuant to which Propram th�S�curity Inatrum�tt N Bnu►CWi o► _
<br /> • . (N) Who h�t a pross kmky ineam� h �ooces� of th� maxhwm Nmkt sOtabNehed by th� Aulhoelty fn conn�ctbn wkh ke
<br /> . . pr,opruni or
<br /> ' �•r"� d,'•' NIFA 2/i� .�
<br /> _f'�• rpi• Ot t�720�.1 -
<br /> —��, y' 6�071.1�ptlM) P�p�t o1 7
<br /> .��.A d.
<br /> : ����
<br /> � d�+�.:r��. . r
<br /> � �
<br /> �..
<br /> I
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