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<br /> "Procor,da")In aonnection tivith condomnntion or othor talclnp of tha Proporty or pnrt thorooi,or for convoyanco in uou ol condomnndon.
<br /> Londor 3hn11 bo ontitlod ot its optlan tn commence,eppoor In and prosocute In Ite own nAmo any actlon or proc�oding�,And Qhnll olso
<br /> • bn oMilled to make any compromise or settlement In connection wllh such teking or domngo.In tho ovont 8ny potllon oi iho Froporty la
<br /> so taken or dem�god,Lender shall have the optlon In Its solo And absoluto discrotlnn, ta npply ell euch procoeds, nftor doducting
<br /> .. therefrom all co�ts and expenses Incurrod by ft in connoction with aur.h Proceeds,upon nny Indebtodnass sacurod horoby nnd In such
<br /> . ��� order es Londer may determina,or to apply all such Procet3ds,after such deductlons,to the rostoratlon oi the Pro{►orty upon Buch cot�-
<br /> d(tlons os Lendor may determine.Any applicatlAn o1 Proceede fo Indebtednoss shnll nc,t oxtond or pasipono th�duo dnto ot any pay- _.
<br /> , �� ments under the Note,or cure any detault thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplled furds shall bo pald ta Yrustor.
<br /> 8.Performancs by Lee�dsr. Upon tha occurrence of an Event oi Deteult horaunder,or if any act Is Iaken or logal proceeding
<br /> +�} commenced which materially eNects Lenders Interest in the F'ropoRy, Lender mey In Ite own discretlon,but without obiiQation to do�so,
<br /> � and without notice to or demand upon Trustor and without releasfnD Trustor trom eny obilpetlon,do any act whlch Trustor hns egraed
<br /> ---�''°'�; but faited to do end may also do any otlier act IY deems necsssery to protect tho securlty hereof. Trustor�hall, Imrnedlately upon
<br /> ;''"'�"'D"�# domand ther�for by Lender,pay to Lender ell costs end expenses Incurred and sums exponded by Lender in conne�tion wilh tho exer-
<br /> ,. � cise by Lender of the forefloln�rf3hts,togother with interest theroon at lhe default rate provided In the Noto,whlch shali be addad to
<br /> j the Indebtedness secured hereby.Londar shall not Incur any Ilabitity beceuse of enything It may do or omlt to do hereunder.
<br /> ,..� 9. HarArdous Materiat�. Tnrstor shall keep the Propeity In compilance wlth all appll;able laws, ordfnances and regulations
<br /> • relatinfl to Industrial hygtone or environmentel protection(collectively rete�ed to hereln as'Environmenta! Laws'). Trustar shall keep
<br /> w ths Property tree from all substences deemed to be hazardous or loxtc under any Environmentel Lews(cofiectively referrad to horeln
<br /> �� as'Hezerdous Materials").Trustor hereby warrants snd represenls to Lender that there are no Hazardous Materials on or undor the
<br /> Property.Trustar heroby egrees to indemnity and hold hermless Lender,Its directora,ofticers,emptoyaes ond egent�,and any succes-
<br /> � sore tq Lendor's Inte��est,from and agalnst any and all clalms,damages,losses and IIabI11Ue�adoing in connecUon with Qhe presence, -
<br /> use,disposal or Vansport of any Hazsrdous Materlals on,under,6om or about the Property.i HE FOREGOIPI�WARRANTIES AR1D
<br /> 10.Asulenm�nt ot Renb.Trustcr hereby ass�gns to Londer, end grents Lender e secur(ty Interest In, all present,future and
<br />`'.-;` :'• .' , after erising ren4s,issues end protits ot the Property;provided that Trustor shalt,until the occurrence at an Event of DefaulY,hereunder,
<br /> have the nght to cotlect and retaln such rents,lssues and praflts as they become due and payable.Upon tFus occurrence ot an Event oi
<br />- . Qeteu:t,Lender may,either in person or by egent,wlth or without bNnging any action or proceeding, or by a reoeiver eppainted by a
<br />=�,��;�;,,:;',.� � court and without regard to th�adequacy of its security,enter upan and t3ke possesslon oi the Property,or any par4 thereof,in its own
<br /> name or fn the name of ths'frustee,end do any acts which it deems necessery or desirabte to preserve lhe value,ma►ketability or
<br /> -���'f'�"' rentability of the Property,or any part therooi or interest thereln,or to (ncroase the Income therefrom or protect the security hereot and,
<br />:_=:....•..,
<br /> .,,��,+,«� wfth or wlthout tak,ng possession al'the PropeEty,aue tor or othe�wlse collect the rents,issues end profits thereof,including those past
<br />��t•.,�•:fi�..N; due end unpatd,by notifying t�nents to make payments to Lendec Lender may eppty rents,issues and profits, less costs bnd expons-
<br /> __,:::;��;,�� .�a!a�,:r�ltar.an��;��^;nc;lssdir.g�ltasns,'s f�..°.!o sny!r."shl�nss..�src�sr�l�reb;,s!!!n�!..��h•_•�T�� n en�r m?y!�tAr-
<br /> -_���;;,;"�;s mine. The erstarinc�upon and taking possession of tho Property,tha colleotlon oi such rents, issues and profits,�nd the applicaUon
<br />�.;��y.,:7�'� thereoi as aforosaid sh�il not cure or waivo any default or natice ot detault horeunder or Invalldate any act dnne in response to such
<br /> -_"�4��� dofault or pursuant to such notice of del�ult and, notwfthstanding the continuance in possesslon o9 the property or the co�lor.�ion,
<br /> •+-�,�• recelpt and appllcaUon of ront�,Issues or proflts,Trustee and Lender shell be entlUed to exercise every►ight provided for in any of the
<br /> ='�'.��;� Lonn Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of Dofault, Including withaut Ilmttetion the�ight to exercise lhe powe�oi sate.
<br /> - � Furthor,Lenders rights end remedies under this paragraph shall be cumulativa with,and in no way a IfmiteUon on.Lenders NBhts end
<br /> --��1�g� remedle�under any assignment of leases and rents recorded agalnst the F�ropeRy.Lender,Trustee and the receber shall be liable to
<br /> —�--: eccou�t onty for thase rent�ectuaily reoeived.
<br /> F;�==;�� 11.Evsnts oi Dsfauit.The foilowlRg shall constftute an Event of Default under this Deed oi Trust:
<br /> --'_''--'°'�'� (a)Fallure to pay any instalimont of princ(pal or interest or any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> '�"�`"�'''�� (b)A bresch of or defeult under eny prov�sion cantalned In ihn Note,this Deed ot Trust,eny of thA Loan Instruments,or eny
<br /> _"'°�"� other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Properly;
<br /> (c)A writ of execuUon or attachment or any simllar prncess shall be entered egainst Trustor which shell becoma a ilen on
<br /> = the Propedy or eny portlon thereof or interest G�ereln;
<br /> -� --- (d)T�iere shall be filed by or egainst TNStor or Borrower an Actlon under eny present or future t�derel,state or other stat�te,
<br /> -"- -"� _'r"_ law or rsgula8on relaNng to bankruptcy,Insolvency or other relie}for debtors;or thero shail be appotnted eny trustae,recolvar w
<br /> _ Ilquldator of Trustor or Borrower or of atl or any pari ot tha Property,or the rents,issues or proflta thereof.a Trustor or Barower
<br /> = shail make eny general assignment for the benellt ai creditors:
<br /> ----__ (o)The sale, trensfer,lease, sssignment, conveyance or further encumbrance of ell or any part of or eny Enterest In ths
<br /> - Properly,elth�r voluntarily or Invofuntarity,wtthout the express wdtten consont of Lender,provided that Trustor shall be permi4-
<br /> _ ted to execute�lease of the PropeRy that does not contaln an opUon to purchase and tho to•rm of whlch dues not exceed one
<br /> _ year,
<br /> (Q Ab�ndanment of the Property;or
<br /> ---=-__.—� (g)If Trustor�s not an Individual,the issuanco,sele, trensfer,assignmont,conveyance or encumdrance oi more than (if e
<br /> --__ _- corponation)a total ot percent of its Issued and outstending stock,or(If e partnorsh(p)a total of per
<br /> _����� cent o! partnarship Interests,or(if a Uan(ted Ilability company) a totat of percent at Ihe Iimlted Ilabllity compa-
<br /> - =��; ny interosts or voting�ights durinp the pedod this Deed oi Tmst remalns a tfen on the properYy.
<br /> �"""='''=�' 12.R�tnedies;Accefe►utlon Upon ffetault.In the event ot any Event of Default Lender may,without noUce except au required
<br /> -�-_'�i��:. by law,dectare ali indebtodness secured horoby lo be due and payable end the samo shall thereupon become due end payabto wlth-
<br /> °��•°�;;•.�:'��, , out any presentment,demond,protest or noticc of any kind.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> 'rt:,;,.. .,. .
<br /> :-�• -�'" � a Dem�nd fhat Trustee exerciso the POWER OF SALE rented herein,end Trustee shall therenftar cause TNStor's intes
<br /> ���j=�T`�'''' est�in the Property to be sotd end the proceeds to be dlstribute9d,all In tho m�nner provldod In the Nebraske T�ust Deeds Act;
<br /> --- �,. ..
<br /> ��`r,r:�� = ' (b)Exerclse any snd all HghtR provldad for fn eny ni the Loan Instruments or by la•�r upon occurrence oi any Event of
<br /> '• �r:�• DefeUlh,end
<br /> �"��'��'r�� � (c)Commence en ecUon W forectose this Deed of Trust es e mortgage,appoint a recefver,or speciftcally enforce any of Ihe
<br /> '���L- '`''� covvnants hereot.
<br /> No remady Norein conferred upon or resarvc�d to Trustee or�ender is intended tQ be exctusive of any other remedy herein,In che Loan
<br /> *�;,,•,:;;;,,�i_ InsVuments or by law provided�r permitted,but each shall bo cumulaUve,shall be in addtUon to every other�medy given hereunder,
<br /> °_;;�. � tn mo l.oan mstruments or now or herearter extsting at taw or m eqmty or Dy atatuto,ana may be exorcised concurrentry,maependenUy
<br /> ... .. ,�.,{.,i,; orsucceslvoly.
<br /> �,+^� 13.Tn�stso.The Tnistoe may resign et any Ume without cause,and Londer may at any time end wilhout cause eppoint e suc•
<br /> " coasor or substttute Trustee.Trustoo ehait not be Ilabte to ony pady. Including withavt IlmittiUon Landflr,f3orrow�tr, Trustor ar eny pur
<br /> - chaser oT the Property,for ony loss or damago untess duo to reckloss or wlllful m�sconduct,and shall not be regulred to take eny ectlon
<br /> . In con�ectbn with the entorceme�t of IFNs Deed ot Trust un:ess Indemni(ied,In wdtfng,tor ell costs,compensation or expenses whir,�
<br /> �� may ba essociatod therew(th.In oddition,Trusteo may becomo a purcheser at any salo of the Proporty Qudlciat or under tho power of
<br /> :`�t� sale gran;od horoln);postpone the saie oi oll or any portlon of tho Property,es provided by law;or seil!he Propertyr es a wholo,or In
<br /> . ,. separato parcots or lob et Trusteo's discretlon.
<br /> 14.Fe�s md Exp�ns�s.In the svent TNSteo solis tho Prope�ty by exercise of power of sale,Trusteo shail bo entflied to apply
<br /> eny calo procoeda flret to payment of all costs end exponsos oi oxe�cising powor of sale,including ali Trustee's foes,end Londor's end
<br /> ,. •� Trustee's ettomny's foes, actually incurrad to extent permftted by applicabte law.In tho evenr Borrowar or Trustor exarcisus any right
<br /> " provided by law to cure on Event�f Defauit,Lender shall be entitled to recaver from Trustor all costa and expensos actually Incurrecf as
<br /> � � a rosult of TrustoPs defa�it,including withoul Ilmitetlon nll Trustae's and ettomoy's fees,to the extent permitted by applicable law.
<br /> '� 15. Futuro Advancss.Upon rnquest of Borrower,Lender may,at Its opN�m,make add(tlonal end tuturo gdvances and road•
<br /> vances to Borrowor.Such advances end ruadvances,wlth intorest tharoon,chatl be socured by this Dood ot Trust. Al no tlmo shnl!tho
<br />