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d� � 1.. <br /> 7�.hy• . <br /> ,.� .,j . . <br /> . <br /> .. ...::3luilA'�IUI�h"'-...._. . . . . ... ' . . _' . . <br /> . suhstantiullY cq�lvalent martgagc insurancc c:��vcragc i,nc�t uvs,ilublc. &�rruwcr tihall pay cu I.cndcr cach munth a ,um cyuul to . `�•�..�•=.� <br /> .` ?. , <br /> cmc-twelfth of thc y�early tnurtgugc insurancc premium hcing puiJ by Borrowcr whcn the m�uranrr c��vcragc�upscd ar rea+�a ta - t<•� <br /> bc in ef(ect. L.cnJc�,will accePC• u+e und retain thc�c puyment�u+ u I�isti rc.crvr in licu uf mongugc intiurancc. Loti� rc+crvc <br /> paymrnt+may no lunger he reywredn in,urcr utioiu�d h�y LenJ r�aguin hc�mic��avaifaMc and�thhtuincdntBurrowerltihallrpuy� _ . .. ° , <br /> �hat l.cixirr rcquirc+l pruvid�d l y a PP <br /> thc premium, rcyuir�d tu mai�ituin muitgagc in�ur�mrc in cffcrt.ur i�� providc u lu,� rcsrrvc.until thr rcyuiremcnt fur murtgagc R <br /> insuruixe end�in arcurJancc with any written agreemcnt bctween &�rrower and L�'nder��r applirxblc law. , <br /> ' 9. Insp�tition. l.�ndcr or it.agcnt muy mukc rcasunablc cntric� upun and intipcctiun,af thc Pr�,perry.�lcr�hall give� = <br /> Born�w�r noticc at thc timc uf ur priar ta an in,pcctiun sperifying rcascmahle cuutic for thr insExcticm. � , . <br /> 10. Condemnution. Thr prurecd�uf any award �,r claun tor �iama�c+. dircrt ��r can,cyucntiul, in r��n�kcti�m with any _ <br /> � cundcmnutian ur cithcr t�king uf any part ot'thc for cunvcyanrc in licu��t'rundemnution. uro h�rehy a,yi�ncd and� <br /> .hall hc puid tu I_cndrr. <br /> In thc event uf a totul taking ul thc Pro}xny.thc prurerJ,+hall hc rpplitd to thc tium�•«•��rrd hv thiti Security Intitru�rnnt. <br /> whethcr ur not then due, with uny cxces,paiJ to Burrc�wer. In the event uf u partial takin� uf thc Prupeny in whirh the fair <br /> nwrkct value uf the Property immediatcly bcforc thc taking is eyual tu or grcuter than thc umuunt ui thr tiums.ecurcd hy this <br /> � Sccurity In+trumcnt imnte li Illhc rcdu�Id hy thc niountBi�frtlWCpr ccc ti muliplicd�hyad�c�foll�Wwing�(rac:tiunr��lal�thc�t��r.d . . . <br /> thi� Security Intitrum�n � .'' . <br /> amount uf thc tiumti+ccured immediatrly before thc tukin�. Jivided by(bl thc fair uiarl.rt v.�lu� uf thc Pr��perty immcJiatcly �• ;, -;�,Lf� <br /> Ixfure thc tuking. Any halance tihall hc paid t�� Barruwer. In [he even[ af a partial t�iking uf the Property m which the fair ;.y,�,���� <br /> ;�,-:..�:__�� _ <br /> market value uf thc Property immcJi�telp hetiire thr taking i�Ic,y thun the anuwnt uf�ecured imnudiately bcfnrc t e ----- <br /> ' taking.unle,ti Bc�rrowcr und LcnJcr uthenvisc ugrcc in writing or unlc�� applirahlc law uthrrwitic proviJr+, ihc pracecJ, ,hall ,..,•��Q--- - <br /> . tx applied tu►he sum�sccurrd hy thi.Securiry Intitrumrnt whethcrur not�am then duc. _ - <br /> If the Property is abandoneJ by Borrowcr. �,r if.after notire by I..�ndcr tu Betirruwer that the cundrmnnr ulfcn tu makc an <br /> awarJ or tictdc a claun fc�r damages, Bnrrowcr fuil+to respimd to Lsnder within 30 duys after thc date t�hc�������the.ums �'"'���. <br /> � Lcnder iti authorizul t��collect und apply the procccd�,at its option. either to restoruticm or rcpair of thc Pro �rty ...;�,.,w.u�:�-: <br /> securcd by thi,Security instrumcnt.whcther ar not thcn Jue. '"'�''` <br /> � Unles� I.ender und Borro�vcr ��lherwisc ugrer in writing, any applicacion of prcxeeds tc� p�incipul shall not extend or .�:„•.; <br /> � p�ntpone the due date of the monthly puynuntti referred to in part�graphs 1 und 2 i�r change the umount�f.uch paynxnts. '� �"t.'. <br /> I1. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By I.ender Not a Wa�ver.Extensian of thc timc for paymcnt c�r modifirution � <br /> ' of unwrtir.atiun uf thc.ums,ecurc:f hy ihis Security Instrument granteJ by Lender to any successor in interest��f Borrower shall '�r=. <br /> � nat operute tu rrlease thr liabiliry c�f the uriginul Borrower c�r Burruwer'+ tiurce�sur+in interetit. Lender shall nc�t be reyuirul to ui�ry,� <br /> r commenrc procerdings ugainst any surccssor in intere�t or rcfuse to extcnd time far puynunt or cnhcrwixc mcxlit'y umonizution •�';� <br /> uf the sums secured hy thiti Security Instrument by reation ��f any Jtmand made hy thc nriginal Borrower or Bi�rrower'x .Y``'i <br /> ,,� ; �uccesson in interest. Any ti�rbeurance hy l.cnder in exerci+ing any right ur remedy �hall not be a waiver nf c>r preclud�the �� <br /> cxcrcisc of any right ur rcmedy. - - <br /> • 12. tiucce�.sors and Assi�ns Bound; Joint and Several I.iabUlty; Co-si�ners. Thc covenants und agreenx.ncs of thiti � <br /> . f Securiry Instrument tih:�ll bind and henefit [hc ,uccessor, and assi�m ��f I.endrr and Borrc>wer, suhject tc�the pmvisions��f �;,�_ <br /> 4 E �-- . <br /> paragraph 17. Bormwcr's cuvcnants and agreements shall be j��int and several. Any Borruwer who co-,iFn� this Sec:urity A�. <br /> � Instrumcnt but docs not cxerutc thc Nate: (a) is co-signing thi�Sccurity Inticrumcnt only to mortgage, grunt urxl ronvcy that .'�- <br /> Barrou•er's inrrrr.t in thc Propenv unJer thc tertns of this Sccurity In+trument;(b)i� nat pebsonally ohl�guted`(i�Pa ti rbear ur _ �`.;_. <br /> � secured by this Security In�trunxnt:and(r)agrees that Lender un�i uny e�chcr Buu��w«ij�� a"r«<L=.•t-°`-�• _ __ <br /> make uny ucconun�xluciuns with regard to the tenns af this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrcia�er'�cunsent. <br /> 13.l.oan Charges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrunxnt is subject to a luw which�ets maximurn loan charges, <br /> � Iuw is finall interpreted tio that the interetit ar ather lu:�n charge+ rollected ar ta be cnllectyd ��tn1°niute hc harge ��~: <br /> und thut Y <br /> loan exc:eed thc permitted limits. then:la) any such loan chargc shall br reduud by the umount nec� ry �y <br /> tu the permitted limit; anJ (b)any�ums already rc�llectcd frum Bc�rrnwer which exceedeJ permitted limits�vill be refundcd to ,�;- <br /> Borrowcr. L.endcr may chaa�c to mukc thiti rcfund by rcduring thc prinripal owed undcr thc Nute or by rnaking a dircct �� <br /> . paymc�t to Borrowcr. If u rcf'und reJuce� principal, du mduction will bc trcatcd us a purtial prepaymcnt without any ..—:- <br /> ' prcpaymcnt chargc undcr dic Nutc. _ <br /> lA.Noticcs.Any noticc to Borrowcr pravided for in thiti S�:curity Instrumcnt shall bc givcn by dclivcring it or by muiling _ <br /> it by firnt class mail unlesti applicahlr law reyuireti utie uf anc�ther memud.The n<,tire shall he directed to the Property Addre�s _ <br /> or any othcr ueldress Borrowcr dcsignatcs by notire to Lendcr. Any nuticc to L�'nJcr tihall be given by first class mail to <br /> Lender's address,tuted herein ur any uther address Lender detiignute+ by notice tn Borrower. Any n�nice provided far in this <br /> �� Security Inscrument shall be deemed to have bcen given to B�urc�wcr or I.endrr when biven as pnwiJeci in this paragraph. <br /> I5.G��wernin� Law; Severabillty. Thi� Scrurity ln.trumen� shall bc govcrned by fcdcrul law and thc law of thc <br /> � juri�dictinn in which the Property is Icxatai. In thc ev�nt that any provitiiem or rlause of this Sccurity instruinent nr the Note <br /> ; � conflictti with upplicablc law,such cunflict�h:ill nat affcct odtcr prc���i+�onti af thiti Scrurity Imtrununt or thc Notc which can be _ <br /> � given effect without the conflicting provieion. Tu thiti ettd the prcivisiun�of this Scrurity Instrumcnt a�id the Nac urc declared <br /> � � to be sc�erable. � <br /> 16,Borro�vcr's Copy.Borrowcr�hall bc givcn cmc ronCcxmcJ copy uf thc Ni�tc and of this Sccurity In�trument. <br /> , 17.Trunsfer of'the Pruperty or a Bcnrficial Inter�wt in Borrower. If all or any par�uf thc Pronert)�or any intcrest in it ___ <br /> iti �old or transTerrcd(c,r il'a hcnclicial intcrrst in Borruw�r is su1J ur transfcrrcd and Burrcnvcr i�nut a natural person) without <br /> LcnJcr's prii�r wriurn ronscnt. Lcndcr may. at its uptiun, rcquirc intmediatc payment in fuU uf all tiums s�rured by this f}�,iF. <br /> Sccurity Intitrununt. Huwcvcr. thir c�pti«n tihall nut hr cxrrciscJ hy Lcndcr i1'cxcrei.c is pruhibitcJ by fcdcral law as of thc datc <br /> �if thir.Srrurity Intitrumcnt. <br /> , iF��. <br /> If Lrndcr excrcisc�dii�uptiun. Lcndcr�hall givc Burrciwcr nulicr ��I'ucccicratiun. Thc nuticc,liall pruvicic a periud af not '�%"' <br /> Ictis than 3U day+ frum thr Jatc thr noticc ir dclivrrcd or mailrci within Whidi Borrowrr mutit pay all .wii.�ecured hy thi� - .:.`�.�'i ':•''�:= <br /> Sccurit�� In,trum�nt. lf B��rrawcr I:�il+t�� pay thru�um.prior tn thc cxpiration ui thi.prri��J. Lrndrr may invc,kc any rcmcdicti _°���{�.�• . <br /> �- .N� q..- . <br /> permittcd hy thi,Srrurity In�trumcnt«•ithuut lurthrr nutirc�,r Jcr�iand ��n F3urm��cr. ��`" ,,,, . <br /> IS. Burroecr', Ni�ht to Itclnstutc. ll R�,rr����rr mcci. crrl:�in �unditiun.. Rurn,�+rr ,h:ill hu�r thr ri�:ht t�� ha�c <br /> rnl�n-�•cirnnt �,I thi, Sr�urit�• In.trun�cnt di�cuntinur�f at any tinu prii�r tu thr carli�r ol: l:U S �lay, Iur wch othcr periud u, .. <br /> applirahlc law may �p�'rify for rrin�tatcnunU h�fi�m tialc �,f thc Pruperty pursuant tu any powrr of .alc containcd in thiti � . <br /> I Suuriry Intitruut�nt:or lb)rntry uf a IuJgmcnt cnfurring this Sccuriry Irotrumcnt.Thu>r ronditians arc that Borruwcr: (a)paY� <br /> Lendcr all .unu���hirh then ��uul�l he�iur undrr thiti Srcurity Inatrument a�xl the Note ati if no arrcicratiun had urcurred: (b) <br /> Irurcti any drfault uf an�• ��thcr rm•rnantti ur :i�rremcnt,: lcl pay.all exprnxx inrurred in rnliircing Uti�Sc�urity In,trum�nt. <br /> � including. hut nat limitcd ta. rca��,nahlr auurnr�•ti' t'cc�: and Id) takc� wrh artiun ati I.rnJrr ma)• rrawnahly rcyuirc tu a�,urc <br /> thal thc lirn ��f thi, Sr�urity In�trum�nt. Lrndrr'.right. in thc Yropert�•and B��rr���vrr'�uhligatiun tu pay�I�o sunt�•ccurrJ by <br /> thi� Srcurit�� ln�u�ununt �hall amlinuc unrhangrd. llpun rrin+t.uemcnt h�• B��rro��•rr. tlii. Srrurity In�tnut�rnt xnJ llt� <br /> , ��hliguti��m.rcurcd hrrrh�• ,hall rcivain full�•rllirti�•r:u il�m a�•c�lcrati�,n ha�i ucrurrcd. H�,��r�cr. tlii� nght i�� rrin,t.ue�hall <br /> . • .�.. ... ...i........I..�.,�i..����n.l��r n:�r:�vr:inll 17. . �.�. .�.:. c.....r:�.. <br /> � 17ut.�pi,ty �u u��..,.,� ..,....�.........._..-- , � . ......., - - .._._—.. <br /> i 19. tiulc uf' Notc: ('hun};c ��f Loun ticr��ircr. "1'hr Nulr nr a p:u-tial inlrrr,I in thr Iv��tr �[ugvu�c� ..���� .���., .. <br /> In.irumcntl m.i� hr tiUI�I UIIC��P Ill��fC 11I11Cy ��ilhuul rnnr n�,tirc tu Hurru�rrr. A .;�Ir may rr,ult in a changc iit Ihc rntity itirn,��n <br /> a>thr °l.uan ti�n irrr"1 tliat r��llcrt,muuthl� pa)i�uni.dur unJcr thr i�utr anJ thi� tirrunl� ln.u�umrnl. Th�rr aho ntar hr unr'� <br /> � �u m�,rr rhan�r,��I'Ihc 1.��:in ticn i�•ri unrrlatrd tu a,:ilr�,I thr N�,Ir. 1 f durc i.a i han�r�,I�hr l.�r,in S� Nnrru�err��•ill hr�. • <br /> Fnrn��rittrn nu�irr�,I thr rhan�r in arcunlanrr��ith p.u�agraph 1•l:ihu�c anJ applirahlr la��. I�hr nc�Iirr ��dl �I;dc thr irimr and�• <br /> :iddrr.• nl Ihr nr�c I.nan tiri�i�rr :mJ thr a�IJrr.• l�, ��hirh pa�rnrnt. .h�,uld hr i��a�lr. �I�h�� n�,lirr ��ill ;d.�� :nnt:un .mr ��th�r <br /> inlnrmaUun tryuiird h� :�ppliiahlr la��. <br /> 211. Nst/itrduttti tiuli,lancc�. linirm�ri .h:dl tt�,l iau.r ur ��riinil �hr prc,�•n�r. u•r. �If.�� �Inr:i}r. ur rrlr:t,r ul �iny <br /> Il.vai�lnu. tiuh.t.inic• nii �,r in tlir I'ru�,rn�. 13��ti�,��ri .h,dl nai �1r. nur allm� :�mnnr rl.r t�, Jn. amihm�. ;dl'rrung thr <br /> • !i�n�icc`nnl1thc Pi�,��Irt�:U�'��Il�nrtl,l���uan�uic.'�,�I�Ilai:uJuu� �luh.t'�n«�It�h,it`iir L�i�crill� ir.�'�nvrJ�t�l`hr1,��E�npri de t�� n���nti <br /> R�It��IlU;ll UyC�:IIk�lu 111:UIIIC�l:111iC nl l�li•�'tu�tCl"1\. <br /> , , , . .� <br /> Form 3028 9i90 <br /> - <br />