�� � � 's�a i � _
<br /> j -� �.�� _ , .
<br /> . .- - -
<br /> . .. . �. .
<br /> .
<br /> , . . � - - �
<br /> .... ..
<br /> , ... ._.
<br /> --- -
<br /> �. _ _ ._,.� . - -
<br /> - - - — -- - -- - .�_:. , �t
<br /> —..__ � .. �
<br /> ,_.... --- . • > � --,�.�
<br /> .. . �..� �r"'_'-�:t�sr,.:''� � .. . , . _ �. ' . .: ,. .... ;_
<br /> - . - � .: . ,. , . . - g��sa�,_ - ,_,.
<br /> . oandaiwu�iioa o�cthx doa�otaey pait aimc Propeny.ar riMr ocm.�y��►uKa�+fca�damati�x�,are dae���and;
<br /> .. � sha116cpaddwt�ender. ' =
<br /> U►the sveat ot a tatal nlcinE c�f!he P4opaty.thc pFi�oceds shap be appiiod to the svate saurad by this SecWity
<br /> UIS1M11RIt.tYI1E1�Or f10/fI1tD�IG Y't1I!�11�`L`]WGb.'S.Q�t0$aITON►t!. tn the c�eat oE a p�tl�t taking af the Pimp�y ia
<br /> WZIiC�I l�iC f�f Illi�[C(YaI11C Of I�C PIOQGif�tItY110{Ifa1E�btt0lC��G�$�.S CQIttI tOIK gICiECf 1I1�1[�IC i11KMiM O�lIIC 54R19
<br /> _ -— -- �,���(�g�f��ht��iii�:iiii��'�`iii�tw."ii�Cf iii{iCi'i1f1SC�iw iii tt3{ttl�g._ -_- --
<br /> __ �he swas secu�ed by this Secudty inst�uma►t shau be r�ed�ed by the amomrt of the poc�eod.c muttipliod t►y the fdbwinE
<br /> r�. fi�au: (a�tde tot�l amc�un��►f 1ho sw�.s,wcund imm�is�ly Eefo�e the ta{anS.d'ivided by(t►!11K fai�ma�iCet value of tha
<br /> - Hnpetty i�uaodb�ielY befae the takins. My bal�e shafi be paic!ia Barow�er. Ir►tt�e event af a putial talring of the
<br /> �y;,,�,��,���t��rty„�y�r�u�utit���e�en�n ene�ne or me�
<br /> seconed imn�ediarely befa�tlire t�ing:�mte+s Rcxmw�er and Lender�the�wise a4ee in writinL or unless applicabk I�w
<br /> � aberw-ise pmvides.the pracee4s sfiat�ee apptiee co ehe�ums 5ecun�d by tAi.S seru�ity In.wuc�u wt�nt�cr ar Aa ttie s�,ms ue
<br /> -;��: tf�ea due. �
<br /> ��r If tNe Ropeity is a6ondaied by Bonwver,ar i�,after notIc�by[�ender to Basawer that the cmde;pnor offas w make
<br /> an awaM or settle a clsiim fvr da�nages,BaRaarr faiLs to�espond to Lx�der within 3Q days after the date the noticr is given.
<br /> �
<br /> � Leadcr is awhocim�d ta cdlect and�pig Uir proceed�.at its aptia�.eitlier to�estar�tion ur cepair of the Riope�ty or w the
<br /> ' sum.s sec+ued[qr tLis Se+nuity Inutumet��.whetber or nnt tl�e[►due.
<br />�.f .' 11n[ess Leada and Battoaer otluivrise agtee in writin�,ang:�pplicati�tt of p[oceeds ta qincipal stfatl not extend ar =:-
<br />-.:J::.� .: 'pO51�00�QIC QtIC/�d[G.dit�IC td(�Ol�l�y�l�tUi�f.t t2fCIIBd tOIII�/dfGIQ�Q�LS���OlC�L7[IgC 1�10 9[pOlYlt Of S1iC�1 Q�iy�lCfllS. ir^_
<br /> �,� ... ,. 1L Baro�er l�ot Riietaedi`� s� �� s W'ai�e� Extensa�a of.the time for pa�u ar �,,.� ,_
<br /> . "� modifir+tiust af antat`vatic�of d�e'aipcns�a-tne�i by�his Security In.�ent grrnmed try i eader w any.�uooessor m iateiese . �s --
<br /> n
<br />_ ;. �".af Scu�owu shai!not.�'iu tel�tde lw�+ilicg of�he origimal Batawer or Sam�w�'s sui�es�in i�.I.eoder �� ` ''�,�":t -
<br /> �
<br /> Y`�:i , . - sdatl unut be c�ino�mo"caa�e�,again.0 aay�rooe�.wr ur imter�est or r+�fusr.cn eatend usiie for p�t or � _
<br /> f- -- --- . att�eswiqe tmadify amort'vatian 6Ettle:�vms�by tbis Sccuriiti f�by nas�of�daa�d maile by't1�e origia�l . `�:�r � :._•--
<br /> '.•� - ! ' 8onvarer or 8a��owrrs sira�asa�s in inteies� My fabea�au�c�;by Lender in�xerrising an�iri�t or remedy shaU nat be.�, ,:�;,J -
<br /> - . . waivaaf or Qreclade�+e exeaise of aay rigbt ar�emedy. -.: �',. . . . . -
<br /> `V IL Seecasqr,s�ad Ae�s��d:��d 5e�er�i�#:i�6�ity;Co-s49rers. The ca�renants and�of this. :',' . '.�,_:
<br />- ~,{� f' ' �- Security It45ttameiqit��l1 bind and 6e�nefit the'spe�ssas and a�signc af[renJer and Bortov►-rr,sub�t to tbe.p�un-iciqas of ���
<br /> ;f!� .S"b.~�. . -
<br /> • �-.'= par�aph l7.Boii�'e"r:s co�enants and ag�cs shall b�juint and severaf.Any Boiiow�er afio ro-sipai ttdx Secaritti ,:. � --
<br /> - ,• :, t�s�i�ff�i[but dacs nat ezecate.t�e hote: lal ic oa-�i��this�e�vrity tmtiument ad�r to'atortgage:gcanc��id canrey d�t. .. . , t . .�£
<br /> {�� �`T�:� '�-��.•� c` . �Oi11T�'El�+ITIICICS'{IJILIICFlO�CC�T,�'��CIe11tISOf�I115SL'CWII��l11SL(Oi11CIlk �t1I1SI10��1fJ�R$I�y0E1i(�t0}1'•i}�S'1RI15 � ..r GGr ¢�--
<br /> i{ _ .�- ; �r `seasra�bv�this Security Instrur.�.�i:;�3 tct��that[xitc&�a��d any other 6a�r+auec�i.r�to�tensl.modify.fnfi�r �j f�k`'�`x,� _
<br /> 4- ������;,- ' or male a�y aca►mmodatior�s`�i}�ii'.±s:t,�1 to Etr�:temsc of tfiis Sectsriry Itistirz�a�itt"'�tr�t�i�otc czithaaf that Botrawer's ``'�`°.: `'`S ` _
<br /> y t t L � ` . . , � �Ft',A����lp _�.
<br /> (��, r fd`�I� 1' 1'PI15C[Il. t,•i �","i�r j�
<br /> , 7�
<br /> $ .:��t�32�i�r �'sy. r. ` . . . '.::
<br /> .r+k�� �,'��, � 1�. l.ana Ci�es: `ff;�,'e..111��fie►�+�����'�.�ei-�u+t�•Inuru�'�s.sub�eeei rn a law a�hiidi�:a�sucimum ta►n ,,��,� .
<br /> ci "
<br /> � ,��,>``���,iti�,:'�;�ti, i-' charges�.and that(�pi�a��.ar�lly�xiS�ted so s�t N�e';'.�t,v��er toaii�fiatges coUedc�f ot to be' �cttti,ei�ted in coetn�etian ,r��;,�
<br /> �:s�F��:r .`��''��y'�' ` ' with tis�loan ezo�fi.��et�miti����iinits,then:•+ti�:i��:��.,��taalcL�irSe sTsatl be reduceQ��ihe amew�'4i��ary[oreduce �
<br /> �
<br /> :t'•' �v�$;r-�.=. - . tbe charge to the��?utod limi�and Ibl any�Wps.:�it.s;:,�F-�.�I�t:{#fc�a�x�u�w�er w h ic h excee d e d p�r r t 7��1 1imit��wi l l b e ._ . ��-
<br /> f' . �',. , -. - • refutxled to Bot�atikar,=i:r.nder may choose to ih�ts�.i:�mEnfi�'�.+}r�ifua.,n�t�pz3�cipal owed unde�ttre�ar by mtticing a --. ,
<br /> ��. . _ , . ' . , treated as a attial +1t witl�out an .. , ' �;`c�;;
<br /> , :> , � , � direct payment ta1?�t:rtower. If a cefund reduoei;pnir�hpat.the reductio�,t�,�� P P!�?l� Y .,f,r :
<br /> �� prcpuymcnt charge�3rr the Note. � • . ' '� � �� � r �
<br /> - ---`—.-- I4, Yotices. Any�totler:to G�:�'ouec ptncidcd tar in�s Srcutity lssucumeot sh:tl!be given hy c?e�b'svering ic•v�by � �,l' ,.
<br /> . . , , `-t mailing it by first class mail unle.rc appticable law reyuires utie oPanothes method.The notice sha116e diceeted to the i�+apeRy '�: ?�t 3v+-,,-;f.'
<br /> •.. r, . � A d dmss or any at h e r a d d r r�ti Borroaer dnigna tes by nn tic e t n l.e n d r r. A n y n a t i c e t o l.e n d e r s h a l l be g i v e n b y�i n t c l a s c �'��[�;yk�' '>-.
<br /> � ' • • mail ta 1.endePs addrezs ctated herein or any oti�'addre�,Lender designates by notice to Bo�row•er. AnX;flatace provided for .
<br />_ �:-,::. .=..: .• in this Security instrument .rhall be deemctt W�:t��e becn given ta Bo�r�.«.�-r or Lertder when givs'a;�;,��srovided in thi.�: �. �1 =
<br /> ,_ .__ P�g��. :, _.<<; �-: .. .
<br /> �.`�,,� , , �, 1.�. Gavernin� L�R: 5ec�'�ity Tp}.�.�iJO�r�tSf 3ry.�ipm►�►t shall be grnemed iiy,fv:eral law and the ►a�:of�he ' :
<br /> "�-�` �'� V�rE�;_� , luriulits�is fi which the Properr}.u 1sk.,r-.ed� •b±��i;��; �}j�•aaai�•�rovicion or clause af c(ti��arity tnstrument e�r�'i�ote _-
<br /> ���,. .
<br /> ;'�t ,�;".�;• .`r�' conf},i�s a=.itl�upplicab[e law..�,.�tr.�rriTi:t�:t.�T n►ti�i:iai�.t,tii��,a�nvi+iunti as�hi�Securit}<la�xument or the Aote M#id�.�n - ,
<br /> r?��;, �Y;t- ' � •�r,.,��,�'.'r'�:�, . -::=.. , be�.���i��±:�i3��xithart thc crr`itr;>>�,Y�S�»"rsl�trA.'.���:i*.�.ti��ns:thc prari�iaa.af thi�Sccurity�ln.rtmQnetu:rr1c�tLtC�!+,;� . . ' .
<br /> <. �, �� . , .��� d�r!`i=�i t4rjZe rc^���#��:: `.•. , :: :?: . . f . _ ;...�, T
<br /> , ' , ...;�,'•'t+ ' -5�, , •}��$orrow�r s Cop'y. �o:�s.�.��:i�haSt�:gs�;:�t onc�onfarmcd a�p��i.f the Note anJ of thi�Sccr,r��t�v�..�r.�: �' . , ' '°_
<br /> � � � i S�'�r` � '• -.3T: 'framfer of the I'ropNa�.�a Bene!"a�al lnttrt�#�8uerow�er. If all or any part af�hc Pt�a�t;;���r..tas�+���:+x� ' , ';j���i';;;:.•'
<br /> `�'; � ,�}{.,�f t • • .
<br /> - � '�'W"::;<.iak�,;'` .'+;,'i, tl t!�:W�A Of ffdOtifCRCI�IPf IP�:�►c.'C�y:��,31�i1tt!(C�}10 BUffD:�c`6`1S�OI(I of tfaO�fCRC(I aT1(I BOI'f11WCT��,��.a�+rr��'^�pe�wrt} '���,3tiy,���
<br /> . � � � •, �' � � : '��`"�`���� Y
<br /> ''''�'r+;+Y� , � :` withaut Lcnder s prior a•rittcn c�a.ca<�i;•�Lcrulet s�tay.at it�aption,require immediate payment in fu(��E,sll,;.��?�s'�eca.:A by �� ��a.;�.,_"�v.
<br /> - __ . .rt':t�r�fF°:�}�..:..._�.;. � l ,. ,. t,�,�.o �:.s:,
<br /> - . ��,,, .#., _ thiti Seearity In�trumen�. Hoa•evei:�5�v a�tt�rocs�aH n�t he exerci.ed!iy I.rnder if exerei.e i4 prnhit+�c.1i�:��:.dera!!aw ss oP �.,,t,''��'�,����;,�-'j;-,-•�,:
<br /> , . ,`.: . f ' ��}?i����i„ i,.
<br /> , , '.,���a��•)t.� '. the dateof this Sccurity Imtrumcnt., �•::�' . •" . ;:`,• ;tR;t��;�fy�ff:....
<br /> .,�-�'t'.'+%:�,�'�'.=_ ,,. <
<br /> _ ,:�. �,?��',jJ�;,t,+;�''' ' ' �' If l.ender eaercises thisn 'irt��.Lender ti,�l[t�ri�e Bna�rn�er notice of acceleratiun. The rtrnice�halfprovide a pttiildof ;:�:�.��,�;�;,?.�;;;Y'`;.:•
<br /> . �� .�,`:,:,;?;•.,.� , not teys than 3U day�from tbe` ���nntice i�deliverrd c�rmailcd�cithin which H�muticct inu�1 a all sum��ecure� ; ��'+`� >``��+�
<br /> t�. zt ,:�:. .� , P'Y ��?.�'•. `'t}},:,.i;;�':::..,
<br /> .� , ,t,{,±j},;:,;�.�'S . Sc��cu#ci� Inurume�t. !F 8o�e�(��f:;at+ la pay qtuye �� �;�.:;�io�r to the cxpuut�on�,i thi.�,cri�xi.l.ender may i�aFc��. •.���;�`�t;�4;i:?;�.
<br /> � ;� reta[�.i.:v�: mtit�i�: �c�:�5'c::r•.'r,q,aastrumcnt w��ft�,ut�a•1.�a;Malicc or demand on���no��rr. :• „�. � i�'�r •r), •
<br /> . i8..����IRU4��i�9�einstate. [t�l�:�m,�a�r.,;;i�"�crnain candition�. 8orr�n�•cr .hal! M.�ve thc right�ai.,ia��4 � '• �r���{�,, ��;� . .
<br /> � � _
<br /> �': • enfma:ii��zu�t�cL�,•'�r.i:�.r�z.y:e�tn�ment�Il.cn;��iiiu��xt cy.ir','r`;sxte pri��r tt►thc catlicr ofs lai S day.�or,uch nthcr�ry�.t'a,s . , ,i`�:�` �`,�'
<br /> : ` %.tY �,;
<br /> ,,��,. . +
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