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<br /> � � 97.� �OQ860 � � �. ��. LL
<br />��..-�.,� 13.1�Io2[�. Any notice to Borrower pmvided for in this Securiry Insuvment shall be givea by deGvering it or .. ":: - — ---
<br /> bf mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another meihod.^the notice shall be directecl w . , ` .
<br /> `� the Property Address or anY other address B°nower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be , ,
<br /> .. � given by first ciass mail to Lxnder's�nt shall be deemed to Lave�been given t�B rrower or tLenderDwhen . ." �` ,
<br /> � p n y n otice pmvided for in this Securit5+ , . ..
<br /> . .,� -'<
<br /> given as pmvided in t6is FaragmPh• . `�=
<br /> 14.Govesving Y.aw; Seaeaab�ity.This Securiry Insuvmeat shall be govemed by Federal law aad the law of „_,f:., :
<br /> dte jurisdiaron in whaeh the PropertY i s l o c a t e d. I n t h e event that an y provision or clause of this Sesuriry Insuvment _�,
<br /> or the Note conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Serudty Instrumeni°r ':'�•!�,:�-i�::
<br /> the l�Iote wirich can be given effea wi[hout the conflicting Pmvision. To this ead the provisions of this Security ,.-- _- _ -
<br /> : InstNment aad the Note are deciared to be severable. of th�e Note and of this Serurity .'•.�::�r. `���:..
<br /> 15. Barrower's Copy. Bormwer shall be given one conformed copy :�.�:' �, ,� ;.;!t:
<br /> - Instrament. t the preseuce,use,dispogal,storage,or release `�� :
<br /> ' 16. �azArdaus Snbstances. Bornower shall not cause or germi • � • .. ,
<br /> of any Ha7ardous S�bstances on ar in the PnnPertY•Borrower shall not do.nor aUow azryone else to do, anything -.. F,_, � �.:,
<br /> . : .._�'-3�-"'�'�:'".:
<br /> .'._ affecting the Propeny that is ia violation of a�+Environmental Iaw. The p�edinS two sentenoes shall not apply w `��;r.� . _
<br /> .. the presence, nse, or storage on the Property of small quant�ies of Ha7ardous Substances that are SeneraUy . . ..,
<br /> w narimal residenual uses and w mainteaance of the Praperty. _��_
<br /> � �0���O be�pfOP� on,claim,demand,lawsuit or other acdon . ;, �
<br /> Borrower shall pmmpdy give I�nder wriuen notice of any inves6gati �' _ . ' ,�..:-
<br /> . •*', by any governmental oz regulatory agen�y or private partY involving the Propert3+and anY Hardrdous Substance or ,�; �� ,,,;.,•.
<br /> overamentai ;. ^"' •-
<br /> Eavironmenial Law of which Borrower has zccual knowledge. If Borrower learns.or is notified by any g {
<br /> � ,_ or regulatuiy authority,cbat au�y removal or other remediation of aay Harardous Substances affecting the PropertS+is �'.., ;�'`.�:
<br /> necessary,Borrower shall pmmpdy ta'�e all n�remedial actions in acxordance with Environmeival Law. �� 4 t
<br /> ua
<br /> � As rsed in this paragraph 16, °Ha�dous S�bstances" � those snbstances defined as toxic or hazardous �. "
<br /> y.��� by g,n�r�en al Iaw �:..d the following sub�*".�rr�s: gasoliae, kerosenc, ather flammable or touc .;� �';.
<br /> � peuoleum products,�r,;��esticldes an�herbicid�,voladte sa:;�ats, materials coatainin8 asbestos or fomialdehyde, � _ '� •3'��:•�•
<br /> � and radioactive materiaT.�- As ase�in th�s Parag�.�'� 16• �Envu°n���`L"+�� m�federal laws aad laws of the !{:'
<br /> �9 t�'�'i �
<br /> • jurisdiction where the PropertY is tcrased that celat�w health,safety or enviroz.mental pmtecdon. �'°
<br /> '.�•.,i'`r �..,`:... � �-�:bi`��
<br /> ,,:,,-�
<br /> ' �'' NON-UNfFORM COVENANTS.fc��uwes and Lender further covenaat and agree as follows: �--
<br /> . ,ft�
<br /> • .' ` 17.Asslgnmmt o f R e n t s.B orrower uncua�itionaUy assigns and transfeis to Leader all tite rznss aad revenues i;•
<br /> n
<br /> of the Property.Bor�e•»�r authorizes Lender or�er's agents to wllect ths r�nts and cevenuss and herebY directs ,. ''�-.
<br /> w the reats to L�der or Leader's agenis. h�owever, Prtor to Lender's norice to ' �:_
<br /> eac�unant o f t he P r oge r ry F a Y T � �*smen� lg¢�ower sball collxt and
<br /> ^ ' :.;�--�::"",.,—
<br /> '..:;;;�; Borrowee of Borrower's breach of any covenant oT agreement a.,she Securiry - _ -.,�� _-
<br /> ,,,,,,. _
<br /> ...�:;t. receive aii sents aad revenues of the Property as avsteE for t��L`�efit of Leader and Boraower.This assi�meat of `���'�-V- -
<br /> rents wnstitutes an�1s.�olute assignment and not aa zssigcuaent f�r additional s�uriry oaly. �.._ ---
<br /> ' If Lender giy-e3�tice of breach to BosroR�ea:(a)a11 rents received hy]�nrower sha11 be held by Borrower as �
<br /> �'.:.':�:� uustee for benefit of Lender only,w be eFPlied cr,rhe sums secured by the Secanry Insuumen�N?��r shall be � � -
<br /> `;;r�{�; gntitled:n collect and receive aU of the rents of the Praperty;and(c)each tenant of the Properey shaU pay aU nnta -- - —_-
<br /> ,,,.,,..
<br /> �:,:;;t��' due aad unpaid to Lender or Lender's agent on Leader's wrttten demand to the tenant.
<br /> ' Borrower has not executed atry paor assignment of the ren'and has not aad will not�orm any act tbai would - '.,:,,�` i
<br /> � � prevent Lender from exerclsing ita rlghts undrt e�is paragraph Ee.`ore or after aving notia � .��.,�.,,�j�;:;
<br /> . 1.ender shaU not be re�uired to enter upo�a.e�se conuol of or maintain the ProPertY �:;.--
<br /> of b�d^to Bo�rower.However.Lender or a judiciaity apgo:nted receiver may do so�aaY time then.is a breach.
<br /> �����._
<br /> • pnY a�sglir:ation of rents shall not cure or waive any defauta�7 invalidate any other rig�a ar remedy of I�ender.This ; . ��,t„T:-
<br /> assiga�.�t of rents of the Property sha11 terminate when the debt secured by the Serurity Instrument is paid in full. m i , -- _
<br /> ,, ;."s ,
<br /> . � • ••L.... :.
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