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• n � . <br /> �� <br /> DEED RECO'RD <br /> Huffman Form No. togl/2 Containing 4tt Printed Words. <br /> NO. 138—38354—THE AUGIISTINE C0.GRANb ISLANU,NEBR. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA � <br /> FROM County o f H$,11 ss. <br /> Entered in Numerical Inclex ancl f�led Jor record in <br /> Frank James, widower, sometimes th�Register of Deeds 'off��eof saidCounty <br /> , known 8S Frank H. eTSIl183 the 29 day of April iqCjO at9; o'clock and �minutes A� <br /> TO and recorded in boo�.QO page 43 of Deeds �9�r.Zw+/. <br /> �� <br /> F10yd E. R�.eg61 and Gerty Rlegel � 1t�9�ter of Deeda. <br /> By Deputy� <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,That Frank James, widower, sometimes known as Frank H. J�mea, <br /> widower � <br />� <br /> in consitLerntion o{ One dollar and other valuable consideration � <br /> in hand paid,do hereby grant,bargain,sell,convey and confirm unto Floyd E.. Riegel and Gerty Riegel <br /> as JOINT TBNANTS, and not as tenants in common; #lie following described real estca�e situate in#he County flf H81�. antl <br /> State of ltTe�bl'8Sk8 to-wit: <br /> Fraetional Lots One (1) and Two; (2 ) in Fractlonal Block Three (3) in Rernohan and Decker �s <br /> Addition �o the City oP arand Island, Nebraska, and The Adorth Eighteen (1�) feet oP Lot Three (3) <br /> and a11 of Lots Four (�) and Fine (5) in Block Seventeen (17) in Packer and Barr�s Second Addition <br /> to the City of Grand Island, 'Nebraska, and all o� tha� part of Broa.dwell �Avenue, lyin� south of <br /> the southerly line of Howard Street, and Fron� Street to the alley connecting the alley in <br /> Fractional Blool� 3 of Kernohan and Decker' s Addition to the City of C#rand Island, Nebras�a, and <br /> i �he center Twsnty (20) fset of Lot Thr�e (3) in B1ock Seventeen (17) in Packer and Barr� s Second <br /> Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br /> ( . . . amps) <br /> ( Cancelled ) <br /> toge:f�ier cuit7� u�ll th,e tenemet�,ts, l�.ereditaments, and appurtenances to tl�.e sazne belonging, and all th,e eStmte, title, dow�r, riglit t�.�xnestead,.claim .or cIenna� whatsoever of <br /> the saicl granfor E�of,in or to the same,or any part fhereof; subject to • unpaid tax <br /> . <br />�'� <br /> IT B�ING THE INTENTION OF AL,L PAR'T'IE'S HERETO, THAT �1V 1"H� EV��V1' OF' �'�I� D�ATH OF EITHEit ,O�' SA,;I� G�AhIT�ES THE <br /> ENTIRE FEE SII�IPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTt�TE DE,SCRIBE.i3 H�I2E1�1 SIIALL VEST IDJ THE Si1RVlVI11�G GRAN3'EE. <br /> TO' HAVE AND TO HOLD t�ie above deseribed premises, witJi the appurtenanEes,untq t�ie saicl grantees as �O��T TE2VAN1`S,and asot as tencu+:ts fn common, <br /> ancl to their assigns, or fo the h.eirs anc� assigns of the sul'vivor of them, forever, anc� tjtegrantor rtamecj�.erein for himself <br /> � and hi$ heirs, executors,.txnel administrators, do covenar+:t with t1+e grantees named herein and u�ith tlleu assi.gns arad with the heirs and assigns of#�ie <br /> survivor of them, that hE,s 18 lawfully seized of scud prem�;ses; that theq are freee fro►ra incumbrance exeept as stated herein,and tha.t h8 <br /> the said grantvr lia 8 goocl right and Iawf ul authority to sell tTie same, ancl t�at h@ wil�w�d h j,g heirs,executars <br />, and ao�ministrators shall warran.t and de�end t�ie same unto tlie grantees named herein and untv tlueir assigr�s and un#o #he heirs and assigns of t1�e swvtvor of #�ie�, forever, <br />, against tTie lawful claims of aIl persons whomsoever, excluding tlie exceptions named �i�erezr+. <br /> IN WITN$SS WHEREOF I have hereunto set �y� �arul th�g 22nd day <br /> of April , A. D. 19�j0 <br /> In presence of <br /> Frank H. James <br /> I <br /> S1'ATE OF Nebraska O� thzs 22 day of April A'D. 1950'before me,a Notary Public in und for said <br /> ss. Count ersonall came tlze above named � � <br /> County of�QOtts Bluf� y�p y Frank James widower sometimes known as <br /> Frank H. James, widower <br /> who j.8 personally �nown to me to �ie t�e identical person wliose name i S af f ixed to the above <br /> instrument as gruntor , anc� h Q acknow�edged saic+I instrument to be hi 8 <br /> voluntary act and creed. <br /> WITNESS my ha�.d rind lSlotarial Seal :he d�� l�t �for��,�d, Berdene Rober� , <br /> I <br /> (BEAL) No��y Pu�l�. <br /> A <br /> My commission expires on the 1,�, day of ].Q ' D' Sj�, <br /> M <br />�� � . . . . . � � ._�. ..... . ... . . .... ....... :_.... i�_._ . _i <br />