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/ <br /> �� <br /> DEED� RECO'RD - <br /> Huffman Form No. iogl/2 Containing qit Printed Words. <br /> NO. 135-38354-7XEAUGUSTINECO.GRANDISLAND,NEBR. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA � <br /> FROM gs' <br /> County o f HA].�. Entered in Numerical Index ancl f ilecl f or record in <br /> Ardella M+ Roberteon & th�egis tEr of D�6d8 �affLCe of said County <br /> Charles L. Robertsan the 27 day of April 19 5pat 1; o'clock and��n� .1�r. <br /> TO and recorded in book ],�Q Page 41, of Deeds ,��/ <br /> Arthur J. Papke, Jr. & � <br /> Regisfer of Deeds. <br /> Wilma M. P k <br /> a e <br />, p By Deputy. � <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,That _ Ar'd@118 M. Robertson and Charles L. Rabertson, Her Husband <br /> in consideration o{ On� Dollar and Other Valuable Considera'�ion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n,o�LA� <br /> in hand paid,do hereby grant,bargain,sell,convey and confir►n unto Arthur J. Papke, cTT• a.nd Wilma M. Papke, Hj.B WiPe <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common; the following deacribed real estate situate tn tFte eounty ot �jg],], and <br /> � <br /> State of Nebra�ka to-wit: <br /> Lot Three (3) in Blook Four f�) ln the Original Town, now City of Grand Ialand, Nebraska. <br /> ( . . . tampa) <br /> � Cancelled ) <br /> tog�tl�er wtt� all tla,e teriements, lieredifa»�.ents, and appurtenances to the snme belonging, nnd alI tli� e�tate, titl�. dower, right of�to►nesteac�. clnnim or demand wltatsoever of <br /> the said grantor�g,o f,in or to the same,or any part#hereo f; subject to <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALI, P�RTIES HERET'O, THAT IN THE EV�NT OF TH� DEATH OF EIT'HER OF SAID GRANTEES THE <br /> ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN TH� SLIRVIyIN� �RANTEE, <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD t�ie above described premises, with the appurtenanees, unto tlie saicl grantees as JOINT TENANTS,and not as tenants in common,. <br /> and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of tha su►vivor of them, forever, and y��,s the grantor g na►nec�h8rein for u8 <br /> and p�+ heirs, executors, and ad►rtinistrators, do coasnant wfth the grantees namec�heretn and witl� tlietr aasigns and with the heirs and assigns of the <br /> survivor of fhem, ahaa We grE,a lawfully seizec�of sai�I premises; that tl�ey are fr�e fror�a irtcumbrartce except as stated herein,and that Wg <br /> tlie saicl grantor $ lia y@ good right and Iawf ul authority to sell the same, anc� that �/g will ancl puj+ heirs, eaceeutora <br /> and admtnistrators shall warrant and defend the same unto t�e grantees named here�n unc�unto their aseigr�s ancl unto tlie heirs and assigns of the sur�tvor of t�em, foreve�, <br /> against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> IN WITN$SS WH$REOF Wg have hereunto set puY+ �ianc� g this ],9 day <br /> �f April .A. D. 1950 <br /> In presence of <br /> Ardella M. Robertson <br /> Charles L. Robertson <br /> STATE QF Californi On th�s ],C� day of April A.D. 1950, before me,a Notary Public in artcl for safd <br /> � ss. County,personally came t�ie abov�nmmed �d6]„].81, M• Robertaon and Charles L. Robertson, <br /> Counry of A1.Ai�E,�"C�.a. . <br /> Her Husband <br /> who $2'� personally known to me to be the identical persort $ whose name g a,j,+g af fixed to the above <br /> instrument as grantor 8.and �hEy aekrtowlecleed suid instrument to be their <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> I <br /> . <br /> WITNESS my hand �a Nota�=at ,�E«i �he tlate �ast aForesai�, $a,111L181. DgW@S <br /> (�{�j,� Not�y Publ�. <br /> �y commission expires on the 15 daY af February A• D• 1952 <br />