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��� I <br /> DEED R �CORD ' <br /> HufFinan Form No. iog�/x Containing qti Printed Words. <br /> NO. 135-38O88-THEAUGUSTINECO.GRAN�ISLANO,NEBR. � , . <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> FROM <br /> County of Fiall � ss� $ntered in Numerical Index and filed {'or record in <br /> theRegister of Deeds off�e of said County <br /> Henry Elstermeier, sin�le the 2� day o) February i9 5p at 1.1 0'�lo�k and 1F minutes A� M. <br />, Z.Q and reeorclecl in boolt 9� Pafle 6�2 of Deeds ��,,� <br /> Donald D. � egister of�5eeds. <br /> Alma E. Lundau3.�t BY �Deputy. <br />� KNOW ALL NI�N BY THESE PRESENTS, That . Henry Elstermeier, a single �an, <br /> I �ri ��nsrd��atx�� oF One Dollar and ather valuable consideratiori - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -DOT�A�tS- <br /> in hand paid,do hereby grant, bargain,sell,conuey and confirm unto Donald D. Lundquist and Alma E. Lund:quist, }.1.�J.3 Wj.�'�� <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common; the following decribed real estate situate in the County of Hr�.�.1. and <br /> State of Nebraska to-wit: <br /> Lots Eleven (11) and Thirteen (13 ) �:'n Block TZ•Tenty-six (26) in Gilbert's Addit3on <br /> to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br /> ( . 0 I. R. STAMP S) <br /> ( Cancelled ) <br /> togetAer with aIl the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belonging, and alT the estate, title, dower, right of homestead, claim or demand whatsoever of <br /> the said grantor ,o f,in or to t�ie snme,or any part thereo f; subject to <br /> IT BEIIVG THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTI�S HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID GI2ANTEES THE <br /> ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITL$ TO THE REAL. ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SURVIVING GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO I-IOLD the above clescribed premises, with tlie appurtenances, unto the said grantees as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common, <br /> and to their assic�ns, or to the lieirs and,assigns of the suruiuor of tTiem, forever, and 2 the grantor namec�herein for myself <br /> and my heirs, executors, and admtnistrators, do couenant with tTics prantees named herein and with their assigns and wifii. the heirs and assi�ns of the <br /> survivor of them, that I am lawf ully seized o�' said premises; that they are f ree f rom incumbrance except as stated lierein,and ihat I <br /> ihe said grantor ha V Q good right and lawf uI authority to sell the same, and that I will and my heirs, executors <br /> and administrators shall warranf and defend tTie same unto the grantees named �ierein anct unto their assigrts and unto the heirs ancl assi�ns o( the survivor of tltem, forever, <br /> aflainst the lawful cCaims of all persons wTiomsoever, excluding the exceptions named herein. <br />� I1V WITNESS WHEI2EOF I have hereunto set my h4nd this ],�-�h day <br /> of Decernber ,A. D. 194g <br /> In presence of <br /> Lloyd W. Kelly Henry Elstermeier - <br /> STATE OFNebraska On this 14th day of December A. D. �94g, before me,a 1Votary Public in and for said <br /> ss. <br /> e�unt,, of Hc�,�.l County, personaTly came the abooe named Henry Elstermeier, a sin�le man, <br /> who 1 S personally known to me to be tlte ic�enlical pers�n whose name �.g nFrixed to the QOOUP, <br /> inslrument «s flrar�lor , and h e nclznowled�ed said instrctment to Le h j,g <br /> voluntnry act and deed. � <br /> t SEAL� WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date last aforesaid. LIOyd W. Ke11y <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires on the 27t�1 daY of Oetober A. D. ]„��1 <br />