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<br /> �bC�O{�Mt IOiy�OC'�y�Of�lf bC�QC Sik�tbE�0�1�►�SY�11t W_Y QOWiCt Of�i�C t%�Dd.7n'l�flt
<br /> . SEC�Y 1�1�a[(1t)�LSf OEa plfCKtioa t��O�itSt ItIS[RIqlldtt. 1L06�Ca6d1$ORS�t,l1��01110Mi�:�(�j. .
<br /> � QUIi LEO�li!11 S�S W�IIC�I ibE11��IC 1�![1�115�US►�SfiQlIqR!�fbC NObC!S!�DD�'�d .,:...: .
<br /> � O�CI�,(b)CIRS�t dCfMtlt Of fO,y�A�t�OY�OiOCS Q i�tOC�(C)PiyS alI CII�[45CS jI1CYRCd III WfQ�llll�t�llt SOCYfit�l .
<br /> iastrrmoa�iocin�og.6ut not li�a!so.tt�on�ble altaneys'f�ees:aM td)t�irts wch action as l.e�des may�uon�biy •
<br /> nqaTc�e to aswne tlat t6t tid�of tlsis Sa��riry Tmutiment.i.aidet�tigMs in tbe Ptope�ty and Borrow+er'�cEii�ation to pay the _
<br /> — - ----—--- -- --.._.. .. . ...��•aecme�-fiy�th�-�p i�trme�s�it�cotninut un�a�nge�i=-31pau re� by Bt�t�ci. tMs�Sccus�3;
<br /> _ Iasuumeot aad t�e W�li�does securcd beaby sbal{n�in fuUy dfectivc as if no aooelaatian liad o�red. Howeva,this ----
<br /> — ri�hiioreinsfs�esWit�ratapPlYu�t�ecaseofxakr�tiaawdar�ag�p�lT..:. . , _ _ . � • � .. - _ ..
<br /> 11.Sde�t NM�C�e af I�S�t�iov The Na�a a p�cti�l umaest iu tLe Note(together aritb this.Secutiry
<br /> -: tn�ruma�t)ma}�6e sai3 ode ar a�ne turie.c'w•iiinuE pcior notia w BotmKe� A s�ie anay resutt ia a cAartge in the erttity
<br /> ;, puwvh►.�the"[a�n Secvioer")8nt volla�aaot6tY W7►��under We Nope�nd this Secuaty Inwument. 'iLere atso
<br /> �` may 6e ane ar mae cMo�es of tho Lwn Savica w�+d�ted ta a sab oi 1A4 Note. If thae is.a ci�ange.of t6e Laaa Seavioet.
<br /> Bontrwer wiil6e giiven writiea aoticc of the clw�ge in accoind�noe with puag�C4 a(xn��aud�p tic�6k taw 'f1�no{icC
<br /> �r7t st�e ti�c rranse�d add[ess of the new Loan Secvica a�t1�addr�.ss ta ivdtch ps�"s6�pu1'the mad� 'ft��Cx�t:-.,.
<br /> � �is�a c�omatn aag n�i�ec iata�adaa m�Nired bY ap'plicabk law. ..� . � ::_��.� . . . � .
<br /> ,r . 21r 13i�ared�+a�ace�. 6otlower s1n1!not cause ar pemtit t1��cc�..us�.:�`�.starag�.v�.�w€an�t
<br /> H�i��;q�at im tLe�r.vQerty. 8ortawer s6aI1 a�ot dv,,Qor alTct��atr�rs��e�3n'�r �iis,�.af�'�aug� �.� ,
<br /> Tct
<br /> 8ta�!at�t�i�a�.v��i�'�:E�wi�antt�emaLtaw.•:�e�ec�tv�s`s�ssbalf'imoG� I����:�?�`-', �
<br /> ,
<br /> �_ . „
<br /> ti� , "
<br /> :sfix�ISe,aidie�i�sii�L��FM�acdansSu6stanoest6ua�ge�eraIIytiocoga�iol��.v��tn�1� `,..,:.;...
<br /> ieside�ialaasaadio��tbePc9[�'-:� •� :•:.....•,.. ��•:'.,; -
<br /> ' . ' $OROwCi 5�'�II�RC��`giV��'.WdILP�t.1f10[tCG U!f�y InYeSilg�40(1.CI811I1,dC1d81td.13wStttl O�Ut�tlt 9�Olt b��'�, ' i — _
<br /> �. �'$OVC�IAEAtAI O��''E�'edlClt�[�tEitatC�ki�iQItOTYIIi;$illt Pkp�7Iy1 altd 9Ay H�il[[bUS SD�StA114Y�l'EIY��, � ;��'--
<br /> ' _ �w1W Of N�UC�1 BOfro��S 1�15,'3CQi�.-�114F.Rf�Cd$P�. ;���BOfiOWCt ECdt[14. OE 15 110[ifC(��3�F$OYC�I!lCafB��I�4�]!'�` � t, ; �jF.r _
<br /> -�1p/j(g1��iL911yF �`O�bCf .�:..,����Za[�dUS.SY�O�'C'�lC�(0$�!C Q!V(1ET�St i5 11GO�S81�1.�(�IO1K�E6:" :;.'i;�r=' - - ___
<br /> �� VS�fi��pl0f11(�jli�CG���Tl11101�fit8�Ic'i47S�¢1;�0[�110CVY11�1�I1V1IO11pICp[��w1W� .. r ."i:..;,��1° ':l:r -"y`—
<br /> � As��sed in thts p�'t�li ZOt°Haza�b&S�i►�aces"ane those suMtanoes defiaed as tosic ot hazaNaLC sabstat�es by.'� �-
<br /> f ';Fnvimmnrntal Lavr aim��:�follow'ing substan�;',��soltne,keruse�qtba flamma6le ar.toxk pet�oleuni pivduct.4.toz�c f�_ —�� -_
<br /> • pesacides and hec6icide.�.��iolap'ie s�►lweijts.materia�s'eontaining ash�estos ur foia�alQtbyde,awd radioaaivc�oaterials. A�:
<br /> . . �sed in this paragraph 20,"Envuon}ni.*�t�Law"means federai laws and lalv�s of thet,;uriscticami w�e tt�e Propeny is lo�t�d�: ��`•� -
<br /> h� _ �_, Y,
<br /> - that retatc to heatth.safery o�r�vu�t�tal protectia�.. , _ . ' -
<br /> , ; ;,, NbN-UIVIFORM CP�1AN1'S. Bamw�er and Lender furtt�er oovem�tt and agree as foliows: _:•" -
<br /> `,;, ���'� `� • 21. A�av�:Re�edies. •1.teder s�w4 sive noti�e ta Barrastr priar to�ati�tQUawl�Borro�'s -
<br />� ; ,. t ,v�,R; � ' .` ,. - brrach ot w oovea or ' iA lh�s SecudtY lnshrutri�t tbut aot prior.to aoeekration uade�psuaSrnPh 17 �.:�'� -
<br /> Y 3�., ��. ='��,,, -
<br /> .:;:�F� .. ,.;�, � law spe�iig: ta1 t6e defsath(6)tl�e�tioa nequired to cart.f�. ,.� -
<br /> • .,,, N�?�PP� P��s'�"�1. 7'6eautkeshsil �.-
<br /> ", , ddat�:fa�1,a d��ot less tbwn;�D?8��rs fi om tNe date tUe�a+�ice�S�va�to Bonw�.by�rhich tha delaMk mes��6e,:
<br /> ::. . ``� -
<br /> .�� � : ; .xnr�aad�{d)ttiat failure to c�t�i�.d�sntt oa or,6elorc ti�e+�e specVKd in tre abtloe mqy result ia aooet�r,atiia►nn-�' �*�-
<br /> `r�. �•�• `.��qe sti�'si�catal by this Security��3cuuKat and.s�r ot t�,$�s�Pertl: 11ie aotke sball�urther iatorbai���yv�oi � r
<br /> � :.:, _ :��ttie ri�t to retastate a(ter aoaleradan Aad tbe Ng,bt.to 6ri�S�4n�t�to assert the a o�e�ee o 6.�'yY e f��a l t or�. � •*�` e �
<br /> � .� � �a y a t i u r d e f a�e i d$t u�a W S r t o p a o e k r�tloB�d s a k. tf�Ge d e fa�tlt is not a�rod on or 6efort tl�e date s�t e c i t l c�i ia�-• •''_?' .w�;�
<br /> u 9, a
<br /> ' �`� ;''� , t6e aotioe.l.euder at its optbn ma�rei�uire immedtate p�y�aeat�o fo11 dsll saqRS se�ure4 Ay this Security Instrament �'��''r�;
<br /> �- -_ ....._�,,,,_
<br /> T__.__^.,�.4;�:.�.,,.1 :.- . 7rithuut tl�rtl�er drma�d aad.may`invaice the po�e�oi s�le�and any Wher remedk�per+aittM by Applicable law. '
<br />. �'c `• Y 1�.: — -_,___
<br /> t � ! Lender sh�U 5e entitled to oollec�sdl expe��srs Incarrsd ia pursain� A�e remedies pravldM ia this�p4 21.
<br /> ���,�1r' � ioctading.6at nd limited ta�reaxonapk attorne�s•tcrs and rnsts a�Wte evideece �
<br /> �`'�' � :�, r, `� _-
<br />" '�'` ::��:�:����:' of is intiiok ce s6a11 reeord a aotioe o!deG�ult In each ooun ia which aa ot t6s � _
<br /> 'r ��,";;:, It the�ver sak ed.11rast �Y Y P� .
<br /> ';;,::�•,:�.:-•. Property is located an�s6a11 dq�il cvptes of sucb notke in t6e manner presscribed by applicable IAw fo Borto�er itad to �
<br /> ,' � .�°.,° �>��`j the otUer Persons Pre�scribed b�'�ppl[c�ble law ARe�tbe tt�pr.rsqair+ed by appfkstMe IAw.'Iirustee st�U gire pYblk ti� =
<br /> ;, �,;•r sky - . _.
<br />��" ,;� ';�'i„�, noNoe of ssk tp tUe persoas sud ia�maaner prescrl6ed bv:s�plkabk Iaw. 7lruste���nad demA a d on 8arr o�•e�, : :• :.: :�
<br /> . •c. �';:aa�T}i.. '� � �Sl11 f�C ;1t. b� . . ._
<br /> .; .. ,�;� �� �,,:�' ,.. Pna�perty pu e�ua�im�i to the A�t Didder,a¢Vhe dme and place and a�Wec�t6e tera4s.�ated ia .:,^; -
<br /> �,� � �. ,.��•� . •` '`; tbe aotice ot s�k in oar or.aa�sa��uia��e�s and in aoy order 7ta�fre x�etermiqes:'�'tusfa may postpane,s�[�at a0 am any
<br /> ;�; ;� , ��`�'��i�.�� ,�� ,';° �-- parref of tlie Propee�'.mr,�.:�n�bQ�i��a!nnuecemrut at.the time an�`pTace of aq�,pcerioasly schc+dufed s�q� Rxfider ar tts '' �
<br /> , � �tt��� , �de��n�maYparc�s�eE[�.e�g+ca�tg��tanysafa �; ::� • � : �_,,
<br /> �' � � ti�i�� Upiva'a+�e�p3 0��iA��rraa�IPl,�tae�g�ce bid,7lrustce shalf�.eti�er to the purclraser Trustce's deeQ Aausveytag the �;, , '�=-
<br /> ��. ` ° .f��� .:��,,f.f Yrope�!SjC:�q��da�1�t@�re,�Tc;ms3�'s�eed shall be prima fac3e e��idence of the truth oT tde sWte�aenlds.�taade tfur�a�a: ; : �`
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