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<br /> �- _ : � _ . � . � _ � _. _ .g2s ia�s�►:_ � � . _�:
<br /> . �wtTN au dre�prov�e�now ar 6e�ea8ei aac�oa an me pup�acy.�nd au asand�.�pp�en�aaa. .
<br /> �rd 6�iec�o�r or ra�dla a p�t uf;�le pop�aty. AD rtpiaoaaeats�ad add�ioos sh�ll atso 6e oo+raed bp des Sac�'s�r . ••
<br /> Io�amak. M af tbe fac�eaoi�a naffanedto io t6is Se�Sty insonanaot ss dre'PYcpaty.'
<br /> ,.
<br /> 6oRROw�t aQVExlu�t�s m�c Boaa��or is 1i.rfi�iay seisea a the enate aarey oonv�eyea ana nzs @.e�i�et�o gRaet. . ,
<br /> �od umvsy th�Ptopaty aod�t�e PFopa�y�s aaao�vao6aed.�xoept for�of ncotd Bormw,��rar�ts aod
<br /> - w�td�ad�rWetui�iad�tP9�ty�alle3aim��ctd�.sabje��►�ra�u�e�sofs�a�d. � -
<br /> . '�QS SBC7JRITY 1NSTRUMEl�if oam6ines w�ifam oovcaaots far n�tioo�l uu�od non-unif�rn covataots with
<br /> . _- l�+od v=istioos 6y j�is�ctim to o�a�oiform seaQity�caveringneat pcopertS.
<br /> ` � UNII��DOYF1VAIdI'S.'Ba�to�rra�I�eadrr wva�ot aod agiree as follnws..
<br /> � L laJre�t�f hl�eirl aY iMaeat:lre�aJueat a�i t.a�e CWe� �ocrowdr si�it P�Y 4�Y��e tt�
<br /> priocip�lofaod ino�st m Weddn evideoca�Ey thtNaoc�nd�y'p�tyq�t aadi�Decbacges�t uudtet dr�Noo� ----
<br /> � i �Irisiir'f Aa�aY�Mlti�Subject W�itidd�Tc t�sv aroa a wnt�en waivuby t��d�,�QSi�att QaY t+� ; .:�,
<br /> .� .:-;� -- -
<br /> .�,midr an t6G da�mootltlY.py�a�t�a�dun uod�x tbc 1�'aMo,um�t�I�Tcta is p�itt fuib;�s�s;("��)��f�!i}Ye�y'.. _
<br />—. t�es a�x!�v�A ni�x�sFn.paoat�mrttthfs Sxwit�fnstnm�ss alka on t1I��A±ap����i�iig�• __-
<br /> PaYmmts a g�ouod aa�an�t�RoP'atY..if�u�+:,{a) �h�wd cc pm�1.y�� ��A i�Y`'�-. • -- --
<br /> _ ' �SUrmoc p[emiwms,if aqy;(ey Yady�noitgt�i�oe Prauimna+if aa�;:atid(iy�tjf``+�mi?��'�'6y.Boinswa ur . .
<br />',:��` - ;:Eatdr�in a000nd�noe�h d�e p�ovisiaens of�;!�'ia'I�eit�oE fbcgit:yp�trt6f moit�ige��cemimus. �1�ese . , _ —
<br /> "�',,;iiems a[e called"Fsc�w Itena.' i.ender tory,st.�l�;it7i�pdi!lo�t;ad MIQl�tio�s in an a�nat m exao�dibe muiauaai _ __
<br /> �����,.:°.�.�:::a�irt a leada ra a�foaaauy nlated moctg�e��s;p�i�for saRawa�aaaw aa�armr i�.t�te fedmal R�1 - �
<br /> .-St�Sc�tirmeat Pmoedu�es Act of 1974 is amaidcdf�i�ox:'!i��ime.l 2 U S C;�6 0 1�t srq.("R�'A'�.i m k s s a u o t h e r -.
<br /> _ .,�1s�:lhat sppTi�s w tde 1'iuldt sets a lesser�nla�ot- [f st���3►•ai aay tim�coitect aod hold£vn�r in a�t�mamt not W � -==--
<br /> -- - . eiCe�d:We�ksser aalouo�. l.ender auy esannaie id�t a�to�oc�,t�€£�S due m 16e Easis of cua�r+ent datta.aad ir,asoo�bte �. . �w�_:
<br /> ':eruani�esof�offuuucieEs�+owltemsd"rqthatwis+i�ti�xa�noewithapplicablelzw, �.�' . ��
<br /> : — - • •;�'ti�.�ods s�ail ba LeW in an icatiatian'v�fiase deposita m iastii�by a fodr�ai ag�jr.�.�entity � *t rW'`-
<br /> _; �(idFlird'u4g l.eader.ff Laider is sucb aa inuidu'ibn)ar in aay I'eder+l��iaoe t.aau Sin�c. l,;do�fe;3h�li appty We Rinds to pay ,,� �• -
<br /> '>
<br /> d�t.E�es�a�i Itaas. Lsoder aay not ci�e B�er for 6oTd'mg.sd appiying tbe F�,;v,�nually Lnlyzing tIx escruw ��_�
<br /> _",; ' � �OOOmIt.0�YCi�ytllg t6E�SC1qw t[C�S.Iu11CaS LtOd�f�iys BO�TOwa l0tt[CS[Of!t�iG �,tl�4 iqfd�1qbk ITMi p¢rttits nr�y;k��_.
<br /> , ,� �
<br /> �: .• _<,�'T"�.�-�"'�,�fldlQGlfdCllt �r �',.:
<br /> �. Lende�to tnatce suc�a cbarge. Howevar.Lr�id�mry�oqmre Barowa w pay a oae t ml � 'z�;_"���
<br /> =� . est�qs tepa�serwioe used ly Leodet in op�,aec6on with this loain.unles�applicaW�l�tki:�+��.,.��SVisG tlakss an . _, ' _
<br /> sgafa�ed4 u made a applipbk i,�.w recp�nes intenst w be paid,t.ender stuil not bt te,�si�ds vi��±it�wer any irue�est or , v ..
<br /> eatnings an the Ei�ad.s� Barowra a�cf Leoder may agiet in Rrriting.howeva,tbat inaxes�s�d��a �!`�stJu Fiu�ds l,ender � , ,• •
<br /> - y S��iYBIp$O[IO�Tf.Wit}��I�t$C Of,t�iC�S.5�10 �Y$hf t���lbe F1�S 7t�d1C ,
<br /> _ '� .�t..��s •�1�18c�fS� Vv�11$ :��;�;',�'�
<br /> � ��; r� , pinpose�'or�fiie34 e�eh debit tP�i�,z Ftmds wac made. Tteo fit�d��te pkdgod as:�iicti�t�.s�-�'+►.�.�4e�"s�U s�mss sec�ed 6y _ -
<br /> .� ' °s � ib3tSota'uutptns�itoa�tt., ,.�ti:,.,•- . .. _: � .i`,':,�' 1��r;�
<br /> : m� ,"; . ,. _ . .
<br /> ��� < lf tb�'Ftind.5!�3E�#� �.`.ezceed t�amamts pemdtted to 6a:ti�t�.b}r�pp.',.`.��,2.�laa,�,ep�s6a11 aocount to �;;�
<br /> 1i' �j,��,`'� Bd�a fai�ibi.e�c�s�ticd� vvith tLe�aqainen�a�ts of applica6ls taw��f�ah�oimt of ttie I'mrls hdd �5
<br /> w �a�cardance �3► ��:��• ;
<br /> �:. ,;�'�,:.s};?i�� l:endef at any�tinoe is tat sa�ti��k gu pay tbe Eserow items w1irn dne,Lender mry s��to:��.Bamwer In writing.u�d.m .L�•:;�^••,�'-
<br /> -._ ,;���dy.,: weL ease 8oaowa sWli pa}r.'�,�j,i?,-.�i€rWa the amqouat ne�ssary w m�ke up We defiCieaiiy��'BorcuweT s1�11 m�iCS up the �.,i°:-_.,
<br /> ''t.,- ,r�;f•, deGaeacy in nomonF�s t�-ti3r�m�anttily Rt�psnts.at I.endet'�sole dtscreuoo. �. .�. �, ,. ��
<br /> '' ` in df�IF,s�ms seaared D this Securi Lua�anrnt,La�der at�a(1 rr.,�`'ttzc&ta Barrower an '' -
<br /> , _ �2r4 ;•:. �WY� � se atcd Y �Y P�� Y 1 s` -
<br /> -- • _ I�»d.s ht]d!��►i.endv'�iR•w�dc'�,r.para¢raph 21,:I:ettder sfiail aoquire�se11 tha Roper(y:I.endet,pridr�YEi ti�e act;oiciti�n or �•
<br /> ��._—�—�;.�= sak of the . .�,_�
<br /> � •.. ` Yt�nperty;st�ai�apply�aay E�nds beld by Lendcr ai the time o f aa�uisition or s a le as a c i t d it agaia�t h e s+uns `",'
<br /> „�;� :z ',' socu�od by this Ser�itg tn�A�tie�i. ,'r .�,r;, ,
<br /> . 3. Applipaioa a�P�j�e�bt Unkss applicable law provides otheiwise,all paymeats received by Ltnder under
<br /> � :xy =� par�gr�phs 1 aaA Z Sh�ll be applied:firs�to anY:P(�Y�nt charges due under tlx Mote;secrond.to amouma payabk uoder r,.;�; _
<br /> : _.r�-rr..���;�� puag�ph 2:third.I�wtitetrat due:fourth,ro priricapal+do�and iast.m a�ry late Charges drfe undet tbe Notq:. � ; .'', .,
<br /> =' �,i"t• . � Cba�dis L�si�. Barower shall pay'&�6'taxes.assess�neaa.ctiarges,fines and imposidun��at[ributabk to the � '�`'° ':°'::.
<br /> :; '•i •T:����_ : Frope�ty w�fich may a:'taat prie�[:g��.mve�'this S e s u r l ty 1nst�ni�t�n�a M t e a s e t wtd prdyments 9r g r o t�n d rttits.if any Buttawer '`:. , ;�, `
<br /> ��. ;' S�'�}n ;Q-;,.". sE�a11 o61i s in �er v�ded in 'b�3.a if not d in t1�t maa��+r Borraarer shall � 'on �, -
<br /> t. �r, =d. . �1�� Sation �.� Pro Data^�'.�F, Pai , P�Y�t_ r / ; ,
<br /> tis 4�,� . �:,i��� +� f j� dmG�es¢�u�ut�y to the parson ow��;r�y,�eat. Bom�w�r shall pm�pUy famish to Lender aI!"�u�s af amounu ta 6e pafit�aader ";t�'° -
<br /> '' ;:��, ��,�ti�,.�f,'� °i�is�'SaaPh. If Hatower,.�a��2dt.'�se pa��t�,i directty.Barrower shall pmmptty ftui�Yi to Lend�nr rPaeiptc evidrnc�g r .,
<br /> ��t •'^"�2.•r ,
<br /> ,ti� ,'� s -:�: •.,:. °' .. . 3'{I��.'�«�S. . . .' ltF: ,^_ ' ' -
<br />,. �, ":�: 'u ; � ••EB�i+imwa shaU promptty d'�b�s8e u►y 3��rra�u9tich has prioriry over this 5ecuriry Instrument unkss Bortav�•er:(a)agrces :; -
<br /> '" a • �`-
<br /> r.`��. - in�uau.'�to the payment of the pb.�q�tion secured by the lien in a mannet acceptatbte to 1�ender.(b)contests ip good faith tlte •;' :, ' ." ,
<br /> Jl:�": �'. .' �
<br />-' � � '='r:. .' l k i o�x�r�etr d e fe n d s again s t e n faQ�a�t o t t h c lien in.lega l p t!u a a r d i n g s w h ic h i n t h e t.e n d e��o p i rt i o a o p e w t e t o p r.,�v�i t'"e�te.. . ,;:`?`� . ';
<br /> � '�'' - arf�t af the tien:or(c)�-�irom tbe 6older of t!�Eien.an ag�nt satisfactory[o Lender wbordinatir����`: a � •
<br /> � r�l ,:% to 4�:�urity�rxnG It Ceu��s deter�.ij�.�s thal arry yan of the Property is subject to a Hen which;¢tia�r at,la����� : -'
<br />`�,r:� . t , over tbis�f Ya.�vmen�l.ei�det may u.a Boaower a notjcc identify�ir+�qhe tien. Bonower shalt ssi!��y��.�2�r���1 i�c�,' ' : �
<br /> � i� - t :� ' one or aw�af tfi�e�aion4 set Porth a2rake.w�',94 days af the�iving of notice. � �`•rc� �'�•`'•�� ��`.,, ; �``:'% .
<br /> .. �'. '.�i�•.r-,•±'r: '•.�;, ,Hs�rd ar Pt I�tima�"-.�',.��stower sha11 kee the im ovements now existrn or he��.'�es,e'.���e�vy�ats.+ e., .
<br /> ,...,•,.,,,,��+; �! P Pf 8 ,;... � �.'-:.•
<br /> ...*... Ar�p�ansuned against Ioss by,f�.��s�cluded within the term"eatended covera,�e"arut ar►y oa'����W,:`��lp6�d5r�.• g .
<br /> Y''�. - -� flo�ciL�r�r llooding.far which[�a.r•��1irc5'unsurance. This insurance shall be main�ire t��,�aan�us '�ic i�te � •
<br /> ��::
<br />. r .�:'", , , ,� •.,�r.�1,.. , ��".;: �"^•.' `,t '
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