' � . . � . . .. . . .. 7-
<br /> ' � � � . � � -'--. - '—
<br />. � � - - - - � t � , ' ', ` �` �`+��—
<br /> . � . � , t , . � .
<br /> , � .. . ' . . . . _ . . . . . . . . � . .i.-—
<br /> '.:r
<br /> . � c<
<br /> �, 1t)0�35 . �� . :,.-
<br /> •16.Borrower's Copy. Bocrower shall be g�'ven one confoimed copy of the Note and of th��ecurity�rutrumen4 � �._
<br /> � 17.TransYer of the PraPerty or m Beuef'�ial Interesi in Borrower. If all or any part of the Roperty os any intcrest in it is
<br /> sold or tra�sfeared (or if a beae�cial inte�s't u►H�rower is so�d or traiuierred snd Borrower is not a nasural person) withom ,�`
<br /> .5 L�nder's prior writ�n consent,1�d�� .��o uan,reQuire icnaeediate payment in fuil of all suras secured by th�s Scxurity
<br /> , Instriunent However.Uus aption shall not be exerc�ised bY Leader if eacercise�s Prohibited by federal law as oi the datc of thu � . `�
<br /> � Seturity Instrumant � ' .
<br /> If Lender exeicises this option,Lender shall give Borrower notice o€acceteration.The notice sha(1 pmvide a period of nat less
<br /> than 30 days from the dats the not�ce i�delivered or roailed within which Borrower must pay all sums sec�red by th�s Security f , - - _
<br /> .� Insuument If Borrower fails w pay these sams prior w the eupuarion of s6is period.Lendu may u�voke any remedies permittcd � . , --
<br /> � by this Sea�rity Instrumea�t�vithout fuithea notice or dert►and on Borrower. ;
<br /> , 18.Borrawer's Right to�te. I f Bomower meets c e l t a i n c o n d i t io n s, Borrower shall have the right to havc
<br /> + enforcement of this S� Instrumeat discontinucd at any time prior to the eazliu of: (a) 5 days (or such othrr period as I � ,_
<br /> i aPPlirabte law may spe�ify for i�insmtem�t)before sale of t Y i e Ympe�ty Pursuaat tn any pow e r of sale contained in this Setunty � . • '.. .
<br /> s Insuumeat;or(b)enuy of a judgtuent enfaicing this S$curity Insuumen�'I&ose canditions are that Soaower:(a)PaYs Lender all , , �.
<br /> sams which then wautd be due under this SeGmay Insaumea�t and the Note as if na acceleratinn had occuned:(b)cures any -
<br /> `I defauit of any othc�cavenants or agreemear�(a)PaYs all exPen.�es mcuraed m eaforewg th�s Seamty Instrumen�mciuding.but . . . . �
<br /> not Gmitetl m.reasonable attnmeys'fee�and(�takes such actian as Leaider may reasonably mquire to assure thai the lien of this .
<br /> •; S�ui�r Inst�ument, Lender's nghts in the Property aad Bonower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Security � -:..��
<br /> � Insuume�t shall conlinae uachanged.Upon reinstatement by Bouower,this Security Ir►stru�uent and the obligations secured , ^��-� —
<br /> 6e�eyy shall remain fully�G�ve as if no aoceteration had oocurred.However,this right t,o reinstate sS�a11 not apply.ui the case of ,
<br /> . eie . . .
<br /> accelaation underp�ag�i�17. . . -
<br /> atio
<br /> 19.Sale of Note;CF�:�e af Laan Servker. 'Ihe Note or a partial inteaest in the Note (rogether with this Sec�uity , . �`
<br /> Insunment)maY be sotd one or rtzoYe times without prior notice to Bomawer.A sate may resvlt in a change m the entity(lrnown , '�« . , .-�,..,.° _
<br /> � as the"Loan Servicer")that collects rt�anthly payments due under the Note and this Seturity Insdument Thae aLso may be one or „ . , _�r-:
<br /> more change.s of the Loan Seavicer�mrelated to a sale of the Note.If theae is a change of the Loan Servicea,Bonawer will be `�: .
<br /> e .
<br /> .� given wriuea nance of the change in aajordance w��agcaph 14 above and a�licable 1aw.'The notice a�71 state the name and . �.;�:-_���_
<br /> address of the new I.oan Seavicer and the address w�hich payments shoulQ be made.'Ihe notice w11 alsa oQntam any o?hea . . ,__._-
<br />• mfo�on mquue�by applicable 1aw. " :' ' t�"
<br /> 1A.Haaardons Sabslances. Borrower shall noi ca�se or geamit the presence, use. di�asal. sootage, or release of any • '�� ,_; , ;.<r"—, ..
<br /> � Ha�ardous Substances on or in the Pr�perty.Boirower shall not dQ.eor allow anyone else to da,�ything aifecting the Property �.�.b ; �
<br /> � that is in violation of an�r Er►vironmental Law.'Ihe preceding taro�nces shall not apply to c1m�.�esence.use.or srorage aa the • _ .
<br /> . P r o p e a t y o f s n a ll qnau�a f H a r�d o u s S u b s t a n c e s t h a i a r e g e n e r a ll y r e c o�w b e a P F r`��:-:ate to narmal residential uses � �� "�} ; -
<br /> and tn ma�nt�anee of sYr�L?ropaty. .. • .��, .,_.L...
<br /> Bmrower shall FI'¢�"��i+8►ve L.ender written uai.r,� of any �.vestigation, cL^•:_�'n, deman�, law�suit ar c�:er action by any . i.'��
<br /> . governmental or regulatary agency or privare party���-ing�z i�erty and asy Hazardons Sa�±stance or Farvironmensal Law �
<br /> of which Borrower uas aarial lmo�l��-If Borrc:i:�i�-.-s�ss.or is a�fced by any govemmencal or iegulawry authority,tdat any _ •�_�• . ,
<br /> as
<br /> removal ar other reraediaseon of a:sy�-''.,.oi:s G:3staace affeaing the Propaty�s necessar}�,Borrower shall promplly ta&e all ��. . • �� �'.
<br /> necessary remedial actians in accordmce�ith F�.4�nmental I.aw. �� .,� • •
<br /> . �.`s� �� ' '
<br /> ,. As used in th�s p�"�h 20, "Ha�ardous��v'�2tmces" are those substances defined as touc or hazardous substanses by -
<br /> . Eavironmzntal Law ant� �e following substances: gasoline, keaos�e, other flammable or toxic petmleaan �roducts. wuc ;�=. '���,�c
<br /> pesricides and he,rbicides.volatile solvents,matea�als canta�ning asbestos or formaldehyde,aad radioadive materials.As�sed in �:�eat��.: ��'� :� �;
<br />. - this para�raph 20,"Environmental Law°means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction wheie the Property is located ihat relate .. '-..,.,�; �
<br /> w health,safety or eavi:onmental protection. .�'',: �y`s . „; _
<br /> , �� _
<br /> N O N-U N I�U R N!�V E N A N T S.B o r m w e r a n d L e n d�f u rt h e r c o v e n an t a a d a g r e e a s f o ll o w s: ;�#;.�.
<br /> � �q —
<br /> 21.Arc�eterstt�on;Remedies.Lendes shafl�ive uo3ice to Borrower prior to asceieratton ioilowing Borrower's breach of a '�" . �
<br />..��. any covenant or agreement in thLv Secarity �astrament (but no! prtos to acceteration under paragraph 17 anless . � �'��. '.._-.-._
<br /> �r-:�++�°
<br /> . � aPPlicable taw provtSes otherwise)•'I'6e notIce sbaU speti�'y:(a)t6e defaalt;(b)the adion required to care tbe defanit;(c) :r'�=�= �--
<br /> �::..;�. :.,��_:�
<br /> '; s►date,not�t6aa 30 days irom the date t6e notke is @iven to Bosower,by w6icb the deiaWt must be c�red,and(d) .� -
<br /> � th�t taiiare W wre t6e defAWt on or betore the date sp�in the notice may resnit in acceIeration m4 tSe sums setared
<br /> '� by thi�Szcarlty Ins4rument and sale ot We�+mp�rtys The aotice ahall turther iaform Bormwer o!tLe�ght to reinslate �` ��_: "•_•_'"=�-�=
<br /> � aRer Acaieratton and the right to brtng a oo�rt action to�ssert the noa�adstense of a dcfaatt or any other defense of ; `� �:`�:` :
<br /> Borrower to acceleratlon and sstte.If t6e defaalt�S aot cmred on or before the date specifi¢d in the aotice,Lender,pt its
<br /> � i'•�`'���: -
<br /> optioa,mAy reqaire immediate payment in tull of all avms secured by this S�curtty Instrument without tarther de�and . •
<br /> and may InvoSce the pc.wer of sale and any other remedies permiited by a�y�6le taw.Lender s�aU be entitted to coQect ,. _' ' �+►`"
<br /> � ap eupenses incmrred im�parsning the remedies provided in Wi�paragrapb ZI,inc[nding,bnt not limited to�reasona�le ' • ''.. ..-
<br /> , '=�i�.-- .
<br /> attorneys'tees and oosts of tttle evidence. . . `
<br /> It the power ot sale b invoked� TnLCtee s6a11 record a noHce of defaoIt in euc6 county in whic�any part of the ,.�..,
<br /> Ymperty is bcated and shall maD cop3es of sach notice in the mpaner prescrWed by npp ':; ` •.' �_;
<br /> Hq6te ta�v to Borrower and to t6e `:��;%;;::f; .
<br /> ot6er per'�on3 prescribed by applicable law Affi'�46e time reqnired by applkable law,Trustee shall glve pubttc notise o! . . .
<br /> sale to the persons aail in t6e manner prescrt"lhed by appllc�ble taw.Trustee,withont demand on B��rower,shaU seq the • . ��
<br /> e
<br /> Yropertq at publlc s�oclion to the�cst bid��ai the time and place and under the terms designated in the notice ot sple ' '�� '�
<br /> E . . � �� . �-
<br /> 1 Fotm 3028 9/90 ' , —
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