` . ..- ., . . .. . � . . . � � _ y,� '. . .. �, � ` ..\' ._ • ..f .�._1•'^" . _ t` ,.. . . i+�__
<br /> 1___._..,... .._u._.._"_____..t" . . ` ` I, ( .,�4�.
<br /> , ` �:.;�-..
<br /> .I • - - t.. r o I} il o► anv dR 01 ihB PfoPeRV o� �,.. . • . �. `
<br />� � 17. Traneter oi tit8 rrop�riy or � B�nai3�iai lit ores't ... °ksr.��_r. R . Q ���- -__�
<br /> t�s
<br /> �S� any interost rn il Ia sold or transtened (or d a beneflcial interosi m Bortower �s sold or translened end Barower �s not a natural f ,__,
<br /> � I person) wdhoui Lenders prfor�vntten consertt Lender may.et ds option. requue immediate payment �n futl ol all sum5 secure� by � , ' •r .`, , , • 'f
<br /> th�s SpcurRy �nstrumsnt However. t�is optl�n shalf not bo exerased by LenQer d exerc�se �s pmRcbited Dy�edera��3w as ot tho f , •'�_-"`
<br /> date a1 this 3ecurity fnsirument. "�
<br /> N Lmder axercises thls optlon. Lender shall gtve Borrower notice of ncceterotion Thp noUce shuil prov�de a Denod ot oot � `
<br /> less than 30 days from 4ho date tho notic2 �s dehvered ar maded wdhm wh�ch Bonower must pay afl sums securod riy th+s � . .
<br /> Securlry Instrument It BOrtower f�ds ta pay ihese sums pnor to the expireUOn a1 thia penotl. LendEr may mvo4�e anY �emcdtes �
<br /> permRted by th�s Secunty InsWmenl vldhout tuAher noUte or Cemand on Bor►ower , . •4�'�sr'
<br /> 1�. �OCf0111/AP$ F�igh1 t0 R011184�8. if Borrower meets ceetam condiUOns. 8onowei shatl have the nght to have ' - :5. ,. "
<br /> enforcement o1 th�s Secunty Instrument discontinued at any time pnor to the ead�er ot (a} 5 days lor such other penod as � , ,
<br /> applicable law may spedty tor reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any power af sale contained m this Securtty Q .
<br /> � Instrument: or (b) entry of a judgment entorcing thrs Secumy Instrument. Those condidons are that Bartovrer (a) pays tender all _ _ _-- � . -�_..
<br /> sums which then woWd be due under this Security Inswroent and the Note as it no acceteraUon had occuned: (b) cures any (� � .. .
<br /> defauft of any other cove�ant or agreements: (c) pays ail eupenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument. including. but � • ,
<br /> not limited to, reasonabte attomeys'fess: and !�takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure that the Gen of � � _
<br /> ' this Securfry Inswment Lenders rights in the Properry and Borrower's obligation to pay ihe sums secured by this Secunty . .,
<br /> Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Security Instrument and the obGgations secured � � "
<br /> hereby shall remain fuQy eftective as if no accNeraUon had occuRed. However,this nght to re�nstate shall not appty m the case . ,. � ^ _ �.-;,�-
<br /> � of acceteratirn under paragraph 17. � �-rc;�- ,_�
<br /> 19. SaEe of Note; Change of Loan Servicer. �e Note or a a partial mterest in the Note (togeiher wRfi this � �a
<br /> Security Instrument) may be sold oae or more Umes without prior noUce to 8orrower.A safe may resutt in a change in the entib/ -°_�,;;°'���--.
<br /> - (Imown as th2'Loan Servicer')that co:tects monthiy payments due under the Note and this Security Insbvment. There also may ��I
<br /> be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of tlzn !�ete. If there is a change of tAe Loan Servicer. v
<br /> Bortower Nn'N be given written notice of the change in accordance wdh paragap` '4 a6ove artd appUcable law. The notice will � ��:�
<br /> _2. rs�:�:
<br /> state the name snd aa�zss of the new Loan Servicer and the address to w'+i��w�ents should be made. The noUce v�ill also , . : �•�;��- . .
<br /> ' , con�::��-�y other irtformation requireal by apPlicable law. ;Nr.�`.y, �'r�-
<br />�.:,�..t '�'�!ir '.
<br /> ��. H�ardous Substanc�. eortower shail not cause cr pertnit the pres�ce. use. disposai,storage. or release of >�-�, . ,
<br /> • any ?3�nsrdous Substances on or n the P�vperiy. Bnrrower sh�:. not do, nor atiow anyone eFSe to do,anything affecting th� ,^ -- , �����'�v_
<br /> Propary that is in violation of any Environmerrtal L��v. The prece�ng two serttences shall not appy to the presence, use, or 4.;f �.. , _ .�.=,;;���1_
<br /> ' storage on the Property of smail quantities of Hazardous Subsiances that are generalty recognized to be apprapriate to nortnal �;. + , ,v_.
<br /> • resider��l uses and to maintenance of the Property. ��� u..
<br /> .; Borrower shall promPrY 9� �. ':,, ��_
<br /> e l.ender written notice of any investigation, ciaim, demand Iawsuit or other action by any _, �.;w..�'sl�• �,
<br /> K,, govemmentai or regulatory agency or private party involving the PropeRy and any Hazardous Suhstance or Environmentai Law af �, � �'�-.:��`-'•'._
<br /> ;-a which Bortuwer has acUiat knowledge. If Bortow� leams, or is notified by any govemmenial or regulatory authority. that any � � " • '��.4- � ,� __
<br /> removal or other ra;n�ation of any Hazasdaus S�bstance aflecting Property is necessary. Borrower shall prompUy take ait ��� :.a .�,:
<br /> .�.r�`,.�_,.. ,. �y ,,�xai
<br /> necessary remedisf actio:is In accordance v�ith Enviro�mental Law. . •d�'1� : '�r 3c��u•.
<br /> As used in thls paragraph 20. "t#azardous Substances° are those substances dafined as toxic or hazardous substances by `',`� � �•�'� ,�� :�+ _�
<br /> ' Environmental Law and the follawing substances: gasoline. keroseae, other flammable or toxic peVoleum products. toxic •. t:-. ,;� ��•._
<br /> pesticldes and herb(ddas.voladle solvents. materias containing a�estos or forma l de fiy de,an d ra dioa c t i ve m a t e�ials. As used in ,' i
<br /> ..:�:i1- � :,_��':''..—.
<br /> paraprayh 20, 'Environme�l Law' means federal faws and laws of the jurisdicUon where the P rop e r t y is toca ted that retate to ,-.2 .: , , �
<br /> heaith,saTety or emironmentei prote�tion. ���f ` .�
<br /> ,'+!�t
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENAM1ITS.Bortower and Lender fuRher covenant and agree as foRows: • .r, ,� i�
<br /> 21. Acceteration; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to aaceleration �>;�,_;,.��.
<br /> � a� covenant or a reement in this SecurQfiy i�strument (but not � �<:--.
<br /> ioitowing �orrowar s breach of y 9
<br /> � prior to acceteratton under paragraph 17 unloss applicable law provtdes otherwise). The noiice ;�.;�._
<br /> ,�,-:
<br /> shall specHy: (a)the default; (b) the actlon requfred 4o cure the defaul� (c) a date, not lesa than . �� �� -� :`� ,
<br /> `_„, 30 daya irom the date the nottce is given to Borrower, by which the default must be cured; and �_ • • - __,
<br /> � (d) that iaUure to cure the detauit on or before the date specifled in the notice may resutt in �••"�'�� �
<br /> acceleratlon of the sums secured by this Security tnstrument and eale af the Property.The nottce • - _
<br /> �•„_� shati turther intorm Borrower of the right to �einstate after acceleratton and the rtght to bHng a _ - •_�_
<br /> coa�rt action to assert the norrexistence of a defautt or any other detensu af Bonmwer to �• _ .:
<br /> � ;� acceteratlon and safe. ff the defauit is not cured on or before the date specifled in the notice. ,• ��• ---
<br /> • Lender at its option may r��uire immediate pay�sant in fu l l o f a l l suans secure d by t h is S e c u r i ty :,��;�__
<br /> ,s lns4rument without further demaod and may invcke the power of sale and any other remedie� -` `" '�, •,:_
<br /> � k permi4ted by applicabte law. Lender s4�atl be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing ',�,,,.� - -,'��.,,��:
<br /> � the remedies provided in thia paragr�h 21. including, but no! Iimited to. reasonable attorneya _ , ''�:
<br /> - .! �"4"i_-.. •..�.
<br /> • :, fees and cos4s of title oevi�aace. •�µ_�.��:�;�`�
<br /> ' If the power of sala is invoked, Trustee sha91 record a notice of defautt in each county in :�-�••�'° ••' �:ar_^�
<br /> � 1 which any part of the Pra�perty is loaated and shall enail copies of such notice in the manner `����""`�'—
<br /> ;,`:r'r n;Z.,i�: ���
<br /> prescrlbed by applicable law to Bor��ar and to the other persona prescrlbed by appUcabte law. ;_:,�,.�,•_,,�;;�;,.:— _
<br /> After tho tim� requtred by app9ica�� !�+v, Trustee shall give �OUblic nattce ot sale ��the persons :...�.,.,,..,...�r,•Fr,�•,tiL'�'�:"
<br /> � �: and In the manner prescribed by ap�:icable law.Trustee. wi�thout demand on Borrower, shafl sell ��. •�.`� � - �
<br /> ' the Property at public suction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the 4erQeas �•�
<br /> ' • destgnated in the notice of sale in orte or moro parcels and in any order T�ustee detoiminea. . ��'� :�
<br /> � Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by public announcement at the . : �.
<br /> � ��� time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or Rs designee may purchase the . . �
<br /> Pro�erty at any sate. --
<br /> � Upon receipt of payment of the prlce bid, Trustee shall deiiver to 4he purchaser Trustes's
<br /> . � deed conveying tha Property. The recitals Ire the Trustee's dead shaQ be prima facie evidence of . �
<br /> � the truth of 4�e sYatemen4s made thoreln. T�us4ee shall apply the proceeds a! the sale in the � ,
<br /> ' follQwUg ord�r. (a) to all costs ared expense3 0! exercls�'�og the power of sale. and the sale. � �
<br /> ' � including the payment of the Trustea's feea actually incurred. not to exceed three • �'
<br /> i % of the priroclpat amount of the �'
<br /> ' note at the time of the docdaration of defautt, and reasonable aitorney's fees as pormitt0d by laav: . � �
<br /> (b) to a10 sutna secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to 4he person or porsons � �
<br /> . legalty e�titlod to it. � ' , _ --
<br /> � � . — -
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