. ,Y.— --
<br /> , ���__
<br /> ot�2�-949� DEED tDF TF�UST p�� : ' -�.4-.
<br /> Loan No 404210 (Corttlntted) ��� �.����� • � -
<br /> ot the PropeAy or interest in the Property;increase the incom�f►om the Praperty or Prottct the�curitlr of tha PropartY,and.wtth or without : —
<br /> ��9 Po��on ot the Properly,sue for or ofnarwise coifect the rents.fssues and profits of the F'ropeAy.irtdudinp those past dus 8nd .,`
<br /> unpsiG.and aPPty the sanse,tass cosb and��4ar�s of op2ration end cwfection.lndud�ng attomeys'fees.to eny indebtedness secured , _:
<br /> I by Mis Deed of Tn�St.etl In such ord�r as Lender may Qetermiae. The enteri�g Won and takin9 Pos.Sessiun of the Property.ttae coQection .°--
<br /> ot such rents.issu�and profiis.and the aAPlSCation thereof shall aot eute or waive any defautt or nottce of Qefautt under this Deed of TNSt �
<br /> or invatidate any act done in response to such de(ault or ptnsusnt to suct►notice of deieut�erid, no�+s�ndinp the cor�i^ua"oe�n ,�
<br /> '� posssssion ot the Property or th�coll�ctian,receEpi and app�cation af reits. issuss or Pr�fits,Trustes or Lender shnll be entitlsd to
<br /> � �cerdse every right pto�dad for in tha Note or the Related Oacuments or by Iaw upon the occurrence uf enY e'wr�of defautt,induQ�g We
<br /> right to exetcise the power of sala; 'f�
<br /> (b) Commence an action ta forsctos�1t�is Desd of Tnist ss a mortgege.appoint a raceiver or specifiealfy enforee anY of the eove�ants . � :
<br /> hereot anG �,�y
<br /> � (c) Deliver to Trustee a writteo dedaration ot Qatauit and demand tor sale and a written notice of detautt and eteclion to ca�se Tntstors
<br /> interest in ths Property to b9 soFd,whkh noUoe Tru:,lee shall rause to be d�dy filed for record in the apAroA�ate o�s of the County in . ..C_
<br /> � which the ProperN i.s located:8nd
<br /> (d) With resPect to sll a anY Part cf the Personal PropeAy.Lender Shal!have all ffie dgMS and remed!es ot a securad paRf�under the '
<br /> ; NshreSka UnHorm Commetctal Code• ; �
<br /> i ForeNmsare bl/�er o!S�te. t!Lender otects to(oredos�by exarase a!tho Pcwar ot Sale harein co�alned.Lendsr shaU notiSY Truslse and � . . _
<br /> '� shall deposil wtth Tnutea this Oesd a!Tnut ar+d the Note and such rocdAts and evidenc0 of e�end�tures made end sacured by U�S De�d o¢ f —
<br /> , Trw^t as Trustee maY re4ulre. � .
<br /> ' (a) Upon rece�pt ot such notice from Lender,Trustee shaU cause to be recordzfl,P���d and de�vered to Trustor such Notloe of De1aw't � � _
<br /> � and Notice of Sale as then required by Iaw and by ttils Oeed of Trust. Trustee sha7,without demend on Trustor,after sucA Ume as maY I Y - - _:
<br /> � then be required by taw and aftsr recardaUon of such Notioe ot Oefautt and atier PloPce ot SaSa t�vin9 trae^8�n e��eQ�by�w•� � ;�
<br /> � ihe Properly at the time and piacs o!sate ftxed by it in such Notice of Sela.e+tfser as&whola.ar in Separate lots ot Dar�ets cr items as . . .
<br /> .; Trustee shaD deem e�edierd.aad in such oMer as it may determlr�a.at DubCa auc8on to tTie h�hest bidder for cash In tawtul maney of . .:
<br /> tha United States payab►e at the tim9 ot sate. Trustee shaU defiver to such Purchase�or purc,httsars tRereof its poad and sufl3c��ft deed er r .�5 :' ..
<br /> deeds wnveyin9'the PropertY so sold.but wi4TOUt arry covenani or wartantY.ezRress or imp�ed. The reatats in sush deed af arry rt�tlgas i
<br /> -niiaHon Tn�s?cr,Tnistee,or Lendar,may I �
<br /> ; or facts sha11 be condusive proof ot U�e b�rt�tnass Ihersot My persan,inciuding wrinout Q, �. f _ � •,•_'.
<br /> � purohase et such sa19. �
<br /> 7 (b) Rs may toe parmitted by law,after deductlng efi costs.(ees and w�erises a}4'rustee 8nd of Ws Tntst.indudlnp cosls Ot evtdence of �!a,.:;.
<br /> . ; title in connaction with sals.Tn�stee shall apply the Proceeds of sate to payment of (�a'1 surrs e�ended under t1�e terms of this Oee�of i . . � _
<br /> • � Tnsst ar��n�tar tt�a terms ot the Note not then repaid,indudinp but not Qmited ta ecaued interasi end laT�eherp�. M a11 othar sums ihen � E� ._.
<br /> secured harobY,and (4i)the remeinder�it any.to the pe+son ar persons legellY enVtled thereta. : ,• . ' ; „
<br /> ' (c) Tnutee may in the manner provided by[aw postpone sale ot eN or aey Pc�an of the Property. � : '���4� �
<br /> a
<br /> �.�,,.. �{.
<br /> � RemaSies Not Ekdueive. Trustee end Lender,and each of th:,m,si�ai!be entiHed to e rt f o r e e Raqr�en t a n d O e t���o t�ry i n d e b t e d n e s s _
<br /> ti
<br /> ` or obF.$aUans secured by this Deed ot Tnut and to mcerdse e!►rtphts and powers under this Daetl m!Tnrst,under the Not�,under a�r of tha : , .:
<br /> Retata�Oocumerds,or unQer any omer ayreertsent or any laws naw or hereafter in force;notw3t�ndirW.some or ai�ot such Indabtaslne5s
<br /> and obuyaUons secured by this Deed of Trusl may now or hereafter be oYhxwis8 secured.wt+ether by mortpa�e�deed of trust,D.��Qo.Qan, 4`•'� . . :t`;
<br /> assiqnment w othervdse. Ne{ther the acospfance ot ths Deed of Trust na fts entorcamenb whett�er by couR adlon or Owsusnt to the powar ot . `:�,.,, ,
<br /> sale or other powe�s contained in this Oeed of Trust,shaU prejud�Ce a in any man:ser atled Trustee's or L.ender's ripht to re4Qze upon or � ,
<br /> entarc�anY other 53curiiy now or hsreafter heitl by Trustee or Lender.it being e�ed tAat Trus2eB end Lender,and each e!them.ShaU be �, ..,
<br /> entiUed to entarce Ihis Deed of Tnut and nny other secur(ty now or hereaRsr t►e�d DY 1-ender or T�s+.ee in such ardar at►d��n�Q�Y� � . - ��
<br /> enner or u�em►�ay�n u�eh absau��tion aerarmine. No re.r,edy conferred upon ot resen�te Trwtse a lsnder� . �
<br /> exctustve of any othar remedY in tlu�Deed of�ncst ot by Iaw provided or perrt►itted�but each st�aD be cumWsttve an�ahaU be in add�dan to � . �,y��y,�,`.��Y�:+ _ -.
<br /> every other remedy g1�ron In this Daad of Tnsi or now or Iwreatter e�dstlrp at law or in equity or by statu1a. Ewry powar or rortNdf�plwn bY 1M , .- --_',;M��
<br /> Note or any ot Me Retated Oocuments to Trus`.ee or Lendar or to which eitha►ot them may be othawisa�ntltpd,may ba a�c�ad. . . { '
<br /> concurrently a Inde�ndenUy.trom tlme to Ume and es ofton as may be de��►sd e�Ed:ant by Trustee a Lendar.and eithet of tt►em may � � r�
<br /> � pursue Inconsistent remedles. Nothirp in thi�Oee�of Tnist sha9 be construed as prohibiUnp Lenaet from saekinp a defldencf►ludamer� � ...�`,� t _
<br /> ayelnst the Trustw to the extent such ectlon b pertnitted by law. x. "°�"
<br /> .,��!:
<br /> ,.%�',_
<br /> � o}S�ele under thb Deed O�f Trust be maite}d to them 81n e eddresse3 set fo�rth I�n t�he flrst p�O�Ah o!h DeeO o0 f TNSt. d e copy af arry Noffce . 7 • �. _-
<br /> � Wdver.Eiectton of Remedtes. A weWer bY a^Y P�►Y of a breaeb of a provtsion of this Deed ot Trust st�atl nat consHtute a watver of a � °•� �_� -
<br /> � � preJudice the paAyfs rfyAb otherwlse to demsnd s�3ct comptlance with that provtsian a any other provision. Etedion by lsnder to pursua nnY . �- ��.
<br /> ' remedy provlded in ihts Deed ot Trust,the Note,in any Reiated Oacume�f,or Rrav�flad bY taw shall not exdu�e�wsuit of etmt other rom�Qy. � . .���,
<br /> an0 e�electlon to make a�endidrres a to take acUon to per4am sn obUyaUon ot Tnistor undsr 4h1s Oaed of Yrust after ffiHiue oi Trustor to • _ . . _��_. '_�
<br /> . '. petar�shail not affect�enders dght to dedare a defaWt end to exarcise arry of Hs remedtes. ,�., � _
<br /> ' � AttomBys'Feas;E�an�es. If Lender institutes any Suii a ection b enforoa any o!ihe tertns ot this Deed o�������� 4 •� , � _
<br /> a
<br /> • ceeover such sum as the court may adJudpe reasonnble 4s attomey�fees at trla�nnd on nrry appe�l• . • ., .
<br /> InvoNed,e11 reesoneble e�enses Incurred by Lender wh�h In Lendera opinlon er�a necessar�l a2 any Br►�ta the protectlon of ifs Intecssl or ihe �.�-.:
<br /> � enforoement af its�,th�sha(I become a paA of the Indebtedr�ess payabte on de�r�nfl and sha�bear Intarest at the Nof�rate trom tha date of �
<br /> e�enditure unU7 repald. E�en:,as covered by thb psrayraph Inctudo,wlthoul nmiffiUOn,hox,,��sr subjact t0 any Umib undor apAYCab1e faw. �
<br /> L.enQer's Bttomeys'fees whether or no!there b a IawsWb Indudirty aYtomeys'tees ta bankn%P�,'�roces�nps Mctu�np eitafb to modi9y at . _--
<br /> v�-ate anyr automatic stay a inj�'an).appeats and any anUdpated post-�udpm�nt aaller.'�nn senAces.ths cosl of aNrcNny re�otds. � . _ .
<br /> . obtaiNny UUe reporfs pr�udiny tora�osure�ePatsl.surveyas'repab.aAPra�sal teas.9tb Insursnce.and taes fa the TruslaQ,to ths at�nt . • . __
<br /> permitted�y epDikable�aw. Trwtor elso wtD Pay eny court costs�in addGon to afl other sums provfded by law. � �
<br /> Rtphts ot Ttuatee. Trustee s1�ai1 have all o}the Aptsls and duUes of Lender es set torth in thb secdan. i • , ••
<br /> POWERS IU'1D OBLl0ATI0NS OF TRUS?EE. The following provlslons retaUng to the powers and obllyatlon4 at Trustee arF►PaA c�Ut7s�eed Cf ; . �
<br /> i -
<br /> - Trust.
<br /> Powen of Trustee. In addttlon to aN powers of Trustee artsiny os o matter o1 law.Trustae sh�l have the power tv tako 1he 4�hD e�x7r�s � � .
<br /> with rosp�dct to th0 PropeAY upon tfw wdtten request of Lender and Trustar: (a)Jaln in prapadnp and fiUrp a map ar pial of the F�al Propwty� ` ,'
<br /> Indudiny the de�it�lon of streets or other riphb to the pubtic; (b)Joln In qran:ryt�ny easement ot ereatlrg nrry rostrlcHon on th�Real PropedY. � �
<br /> and (c)Jdn in e�y subordlnaUon or othsr ayreamont atfecUnp ths Oeed of Trus9 ar ths interest of lender under t?�b Deed o}Tnnl. �
<br /> T�u3iM. Trustae BhaU maet a11 qualtflcaUons r�qulred for Trtesttie unQet epp�caLie law. In additlon to tho rlptitr and remedie�3it torth ahovs.
<br /> t�x�a�^e b judldal fu��e,in ertt�ce�se� in aTnntee�shaU�Q d to the fuil exteM�perovl�de9 by aDDNcabte Iawlsndor ahall t3v�tho rfpht to . _ -
<br /> gueees�or Tnuite. Lender,at Lende�s opUOn,may from @me to Ume appolnt e stxcessor Tnts:ae to eny TrtLStee appdnted hereunder by an ---
<br /> Inshument executed and acknowiedped by Lender and�ocor6ed In the offloe ot tne rocader of WU.L County.Nebraske. Ths insVument ahaU f
<br /> � contain,In addi8on to a0 other matters requtred by state law,the names of tho a�fpinal Lender.Trustee,end 7r�tar,the book and pay9(or -
<br /> computer system reference)whero thts Daed o!Trust is recorded,and the name end addtess ot the suooessa lrustee.und the Instrument shell � �
<br /> be exeCUted end aCknowledged by eil the beneflciaries under lhe Deed ot Trtest ar tReir suocesscrs In interest. Th9 suoCessar L"nstee.wtthoN + _
<br /> conveyertce ot the Propertfr,sha�i succeed to uD the Utle.Oower,an0 dutles confeRed upon the Trustee In this Oeed of Trust and by appHceble j !'
<br /> taw. This procedure for subsUtulion ot Uustes Shait povem to lfie exCiuslon of ait other prov�lons tor Su4sUtution. ;
<br /> NOTICES TO TRUSTOA AMD OTFgA PARTIES. My notice under this Deed ot Trust sholi be in writing,may be be 5eM by teietacsimNie.end shall � . •
<br /> be eftecUve when ac1ua11y delhrered,or when deposited with a naUonallY reocCnfa�d overnight cow}sr.or,if ma(tad,shall6e d�amed oftactivo when � . _
<br /> deposited In the United States maii 8rst class,oertiP.ed or ce9►stared maH�Rosta9s PiePaid,direcied to the addresses shown near the beginNny c7 F
<br /> sPiec M 8 t�t����oenotloe is o hange t�hetpaitf/s�addr�eu. a caP�of no oe�oYt�-^�osu�ro hom he hdder of ar��n wh ch has
<br /> prlority ovFa this O�od of tnist shal!be sent to Lenders address,as shown near the boginning ot tr,u Desd ot Tn�st. Fa notice:�r�es.Tru.tar t �v
<br /> agrees lo ksep Lender nnd Trustee informed at aIl Umas ot Tnutor's curtent uddre�.
<br /> MISCEIIANEOUS PROVISIONS. Tho(oCovring miscellaneous provlsions ere a pert af thfs Oe9d of TrusC . . f
<br /> •
<br /> � , ��
<br /> - � ,. . . .. •' , . . ... � � .
<br /> _..- • . . . . ,: .. ._ ' .
<br /> _ . .. .._ . .. ... . . , . . . , . .
<br /> .. .. � �� •, ��.� . .
<br /> . . • r' - .. , . . . . . . . �
<br /> . . ._. . _ _ . . . . . . , . .. , . . . ' ... �., . '� .. ' . . . �. . . . . . • . „' . . . .. , ,
<br />