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;'��:�: <br /> � <br /> r <br /> .. � <br /> i , - . � '�: <br /> ; 98-:�t z1'Z96 �� <br /> � (d) Cirantor has the right and la duly suthorized to execute and pe�form Its Qbligstlons under this Deed of Trust and these actions do not and �' <br /> shall not confllct with the provialons of nny stetute,regulation,ordinence,rule ot Iaw, contract or other agreement which may be binding on f: <br /> (3rantor at any tlme; ` * <br /> (e) No actlon or proceeding Ia or shail be pending or threatonod whlch might materlally aftect the Property;and •� <br /> (f) (3rantor has not vlolated and shall not violate any statute,fegulation, ordinance,rule of law,contract or other agreement(including,but not <br /> Ilmited to,those governing HeTardous Materlals)whi�h might materially aHect the Property or Lend�r's rlghts or intarest In the Property pursuant - <br /> to thla Oeed of Trust. <br /> 3. PRIOR DEE03 OF TRUST. Orantor represents and warranta that there are no prlor deecfa of truat aHeoting any part of the Property except as set r <br /> . forth on Schedule B attaehed to thls Deed of Trust,whleh Grantor agrees to pay and perform In a timely manner. If there are eny prlor deada of trust <br /> then Orantor agrees to pay all amounts owed,and pe�form all obllgatlona requlred,under such deeds of trust and the Indebtedness secured thereby _ <br /> and further agrees that a detault under nny prlor deed of trust ahall be a default under thls Deed of Trust and shail entltta Londer to all rights and <br /> romodlos contalnod horoln or In the Qbligatlons to which Lender would be entltled In the evant of any other default _ <br /> 4. TRANSFERS OF THE PAOPERTY OR BENEFICIAL INTERE378 IN ORANTORS OH BORROWEHS. In the event ot a sale,conveyance,lease, <br /> contraat tor deed or tranafer to any pereon of ail or any pert of the real property descrlbed In Scheduie A,or any interest thereln,or of alt or any ! <br /> beneflclal Intereet In 8orrow�r or Orantor (I}Borrower or�rantor ia not i natural pereon or psrsons but Is a corporatlon, Ilmited Ilabillty campany, <br /> partnerdhip,truet�or olher Isgal entlty),Lender may,ut Its optlon,declare the outatanding princlpel balance of the Obllgatlons pius aCC�ued Intsnat <br /> thereon Immed�ately due and payeble. At Lender's requeat,Orantor or ths eaes msy be,ehall furnish s eomplete atatoment aettlnp forth <br /> ail 01 Itn atockhoidere.membere,or partnere,as appropriute,and the extent of thelr reapective ownerahlp Interests. � <br /> a. ASSIONMENT OF RENTS. In consldsratlon of the Obllgatione which�rs securetl by thla Deed of Trust,Orantor absolutely assigns to Londer all � t <br /> Cirnntor's estatn.rlpht,t�tlo,Inte�est,cldm and demand now owned or hereafter acqulred In all srlsting and futun lea�es of the Property(Includinp ! <br /> e■tenslono,renewels and eublsase�),ell agreementa far use and occupancy of the Properly(all auch leanee end agreementa whether wrlHen or oral. <br /> nre herenfter referred to as the'Leases'►,and aIi guarantitn o1 Ieaae�s' pelorm�ne�und�r th�UA4�6,topether wlth thn immsdlate and continuing �_`_..n* � <br /> rlpht to collect nnd reeelve nll of the rents,income,recelpte,revenues,issu�a,proflts�nd other Inr.oms ot any neture now or hereaRer due(Includlny .•�-:•� _ <br /> eny Incam�o}�ny newr�cominp due durinp any rodemptlon period) under the l.�as�s or irom or arl�lnp out ot the ProPerty,Ineiuding minlmum -�..$y��_�s <br /> rnnts,addltlonal rsnte,percontap� rsnts, parking or common area malnt�nanc� contrlbutione,tuc and Ineurancs contributlona,dsiiclsnoy rents, „� - <br /> Ilquldated dnmepss (ollowinp dNault In any Lease, all proceeds payebl� undet any polloy of Innurance cover(np loss of ronts resulting from ,_ --t'� <br /> untenantablllty caue�d by d�itrudion or damaeo to the Property,all prou�de p�yabie as a nault of a leasse'a sxeratae of an optlon to purchass ths '�' <br /> � Prop�rty,all procs�d�d�riwd from th�tsrmination or rsJ�otion of any Utt�in a benkruptay or oth�t insolvenoy proaedinp,and all proceeda irom <br /> nny righte and clalmt ot any kind which Girantor may havs tpalnst any lea�s undsr th�Lsas�s or any occupanta of the Property(all of the abovs ars � �� <br /> hsroaftsr collscttvsly refsrred to a�the'Rsnte'). Thia aaaipnmtnt is eubject to the riyht,power and authoriiy plven to the Lender to coliect and apply _ <br /> the Rvnts. Thls aesipnment is recorded In acwrdance with appllcable etate Iaw; ths Iien crsated by thls assignment is Intendad to be speolfio, E =- <br /> pertscted,and choett upon the recording of this Deed of Trust,ail as provided py applicabl�state taw as amended from time to time. As Iong as . <br /> thers Is no defnult under the Obiignttona or this Deed of Truat,Lender grants Orantor a revocable Iicenae to collect all Rents from the Leasea when f <br /> due and to uas such proceeds In Cirantor's businesa operatlons. However, Lbnder may at any time requlre Cirantor to deposit all Rents Into an � ���� <br /> , aceount malntnined by Grnnlor or Lender at Lender's Instltutlon. Upon de(ault In the payment of,or in the perfamance of,any of the Obligatlona, � �� <br /> Lender may at its optlon teke poasession of the Property and have,hold,manage,loase and operate the Property on terms and for a perlod of time <br /> that Lender deems praper. Lender may proceed to colleot end roceive all Renta from the property,and Lender shail have fuli power to make � �!�� <br /> altoratlone,renovatlone,repalro or replacements to the Property ne Lender may deem proper, Lender mey apply ali Rents fn Lender's sole discretion �r.�� <br /> ' to payment of the Obligationa or to tha payment of the cost of such altsralbns,renovatlona,repalrs and rePlacements and any expenaea Incldent to <br /> taking and retaining poaseasion o}the Property periodloaliy tnd the menagemsnt and operation of the Property. Lender may keep the Property <br /> properiy Innured and may dlecharge any taxes,charges,claima,asaesamenta and othar Ilens which may accrue, The expense and cost of these <br /> actlons may bs pald from the Rents received,and any unpaid emounts aheli be added to the principal ot the Obllgations. These amounta,together � <br /> with other costs,shall become part of the Obllgations secured by thls Deed of Truat. <br /> 8. LFASHS ANO OTHER AGREEMENTS. drantor ehall not take or idl to take any aation which may cause or permit the terminatlon or the <br /> Wlthh�ldilfg O!!!!:�pflyffl8!!t!R C40R�!'li4n wlth�ny I w�g���A��nint�te the Prcperty. In addltlon,�rantor,wNhout LendePa prior written consent.ahall <br /> not: (a)colteot any moniea payable under any Lease more than one month in advance; (b)modliy any Lease;(e) easign or ailow a Ilen,security T � <br /> intereat or other eneumbrance to ba piaced upon Orantor's rl0hts,titie end Interest in and to any Lease or the amounts payable thereunder;or(d) � <br /> terminate or cancei any Lease except tor the nonpayment of eny sum or other materlal breach by the other party thereto. R(irantor recelves at any <br /> time Any wrltten eommiini�.�tion asasrting a dwiault by Grantor under a I.ease nr purporting to terminnt�or cancel any Leas�,Grnntor shall promptly <br /> forvuard a copy of auch communlcation(and any subsequsnt communicatlons reiatlne thereto)to Lender. All such Leaaes nnd ths amounts dus to ;. <br /> �rantor thereunder are hereby asslgned to Lender as addlttonai security fa the Obllgationa. <br /> 7. COLLECTION OF INDEBTEONHSS FROM THIRD PAR1Y. lender shall be entitied to notify or requlrs Cirantor to notify any third party(Inr,luding, <br /> but not Iimited to,lossees,Ilceneeea,governmental authoritlea nnd insurnncs companiea to pay Lender any indebt�dneas or obliestion owing to <br /> Grantor with respeot to ths Property(cumulativeiy'Indebtedneaa")whether or nOt s dsitu t sxlats under thls Deed o}Trunt. Cirantor shali dlliyently , <br /> collect the Indebtedneu owin8 to Cirantor irom theae thlyd partles untli the piving of auoh notifloatlon. In ths event that Orantor poaaeaaea or teceives _ <br /> possesslon of any inatruments or other remittancea with reapeot to the Indebtednesa followinp the plv(np of auch notmoation or If ths InsUuments or _ --- <br /> other remlttancea conatitut�the prepeyment ot any Indsbtsdness or the payment of any ineurt�ncs or condsmnatlon proce�d�,Orantor ahali hold _ <br /> such Inatrumenn and other remittnnces in trust for Lendsr apeR from Its other property,�ndors�th�Inatrumsnri and other nmittenc�s to Und�r, ;��;_ <br /> and Immediatety provids Lender with poaseaalon of the instrumenta and othsr remittances. Lender ahail be entitbd,but not requlrsd,to colleot(by <br /> legal proceedinge or otharwise),extend the time for ayment,compromlae,exchanpo or releass any obilpor or collateral,or otherwiss nsttls any oi <br /> the Indebtednesa whether or not an Event of DefauP exists under this Deed of Trust. Lsnder sheli not be Iiabls to Orantor tor any aotion,error, <br /> mistake,omiaslon or detay pertalning to thu Aotlons dsaorlbsd In thls parayraph or nny dama9ea reeulting therefrom. Notwithatnnding ths foregoing, ' " ' <br /> nothing herein nhali cauas Lenderto bs deemed a mortgagee•In•possesalon. • i�� <br /> 8. USE ANO MAIN7ENANCE OF PHOPER7Y. Grantor shnll tnke all eotlona nnd make any ropnlrs needed to mnintaln the Property In good �;_-- <br /> condltion. Cirantor ahalt not commlt or permlt any waste to be commHled with reapect to the Property. �rantor shali uae the Property solely in -- " <br /> compllance with applloable Inw and inaurance poilcies. (irantor ehali not make any atteretlons,additfona w Improvements to the Property without '��� -- <br /> Lender'a prlor written conaent. Without I(mNing the foregoing,all elteratbne,addltions and improvements made to the Property ahell be subJeot to �`�zf�T � <br /> the benefletai Interest belonging to Lender,ahali not be removed without Lender's prior written consent,and ahall be made at Orantor's sole expense. �;c', � <br /> 9. LOSS OR DAMAGE. C3rantor ahali bear tha entire risk of any loss,theR,destruction or damage(cumuiatively'Loss or Damage')to the Property or '��•� �-� <br /> any portlon thereot from any oause whatsoever, In the event of eny Lou or Damage,arentor ahali,at the option of Lender,repair the aHeoted "'�r <br /> Property to ita previoua conditlon or pey or cause to be peid to Lender the decrease In the tair market vaiue of the aHected Property. <br /> 10. IkSUHANCE. The Property will be kopt Insured for Its full Insurable value (repin�cement coat)agalnat all hazerda Including loss or demnge ; <br /> caused by flood,eanhquake,tornado and tlre,theft or other caavalty to the extent requtred by Lender. Cirantor may obtain Insurencs on the Property <br /> from such companles as are aceeptable to Lender In Its sols discretlon. The Insurance pollcles ehall requlre the Insurance company to provide ' <br /> Lender with at least days'Nrltten notice before such pollolea are altered or canceiled In any menner. The Insurance pollciea shail <br /> � name Lender as a lou payee and provlde that no act or omisalon oi(irnntor or any other person ahnll aftect the right of Lender to be paid the <br /> Insurance proceeds pertalning to the loss or damage of the Property. In the event Grantor faiie to acqulre or melntatn In�urnnce, Lender(nfter <br /> providinp notice as may bs requlred by Isw)may In Ita discretlon procun appropriate Inaurance coverage upon the Property and ths inauranes coat <br /> shall be an advnnce peyab�e and bearinfl Intereet ae deooribed In Paragrnph 23 nnd secured hereby. Grantor shn!!lurni�h Londor with evidcnce of <br /> I Insurance Indfceting the requlred coverage. Lendor may act as attorneyin•fact for Orantor In making and settling cleima undor Insurance policles, <br /> I cancelling any pollcy or endorsing Grantor's name on any dratt or negotiable Instrument drawn by any Insurer. All such Insurance policles shall be <br /> Immodiately assigned,pledged and dolivered to Lender as turther aecuriy tor the Qbligatlons. In the event oi loss,Grantor shall Immedlately give � <br /> Lender written notice and Lender Is authorized to make proot of loss. Each Insuranca company la dlrected to make payments d(rectly to Lender i <br /> Instead o1 to Lender end Grantor. Lender shall have the right,at Its sole optlon,to apply such monlea toward the ObNgatlons or toward the cost of <br /> �ebuilding and restoring the Property. Any amounts may at Lender's optlon be applled In the inversa order of the due dates thereof. <br /> 1 t. ZONING AND PRIVATE COVENANTS. Grantor shall not Initlate or consent to any change In the zoning provislona o�prlvate covenanta aHecting � <br /> the uso of the Properry without Lender's prlor wrltten consent. If Grantor's use of the Property Is or becomea s nonconlorming use under any zoning � <br /> provislon,Grantor shall not cause or permit such usa to be discontlnued or abandonad wlthout the prior wrltten eonsent of Lender. Grantor wlli ' <br /> immedlately provlde Lender with wrltten notice of any proposed changesto the toning provislons or private covenants aNecting the Property. : <br /> 12. CONDEMNAT�ON. Grantor ahall Immedlately provlde Lender with written notice of any aotual or threatened condemnatlon or eminent domain � <br /> proceeding pertalnfng to the Property. Ail monies payable to Grentor from such condemnatlon or taking nre hereby aaslgned to Lender and shall be <br /> n�nunrf nret rn rhn navmanf nl t ander's attornevs' tees. Ieoai exnenses and other costa (Includlnn 8D6t014.-'11 188�SI Ifl connectlon wlth thn <br /> condemnation or ominent domaln proceodings and then,at the optlon of Lender,to the payment�of tho Obllgations wthe rostoratlon or repalr of tho !. <br /> Property. � <br /> 13. LHNDHR'S RIGHT TO COMMENCE OR DHFEND LHGAL ACTIONS.Grantor shnll Immedietely provide Lender with wrinen notico of any actual � <br /> or threatoned action,suit,or other proceeding aHecting tho Property. Grantor horeby appolnts Lender as Its attorneyin•fact to commonco,Intervono <br /> in,and defend such actlons,suits,or other legal proceedings and to compromise or settle any clalm or controversy pertaining thereto. Lender ahall <br /> not bo Ilable to Grantor for any actlon, error, mistako, omisslon or dolay pertaining to the actlons described In thls paragraph or any damages <br /> rosulting therefrom. Not�ing contelned herein wlll prevent Londer trom taking the actlons described In this paragraph In Its own neme. <br /> 14. INDEMNIFICATION. Londor shall not assume or bo responslole for the porformance of any of Grantor's obligations with respect to the Property <br /> under any circumstancos. Grantor shall immediately provide Lender w�th wr+nen notfce of antl indemnffy and hold Lender and its shareholders, <br /> directors,oHiCOrs,employeos and agents harmless from all claims,damages.Ilabilities(including attorneys' teos and legal expenses), causas of <br /> action,actions,suits and other logal proceudings (cumulatively"Clalms�portaming to tho Proporty (including,but nor lim�ted to.those invulviny <br /> Hazardous Materlals�. Grantor.upon the request oi Lendor,shall hiro legal counsel to tletend Lender from such Clafms,and pay Ihe atterneys'fees, <br /> 1og21 expenses and other costs InCUrred In connoction thorowith. In tho allornatrvo.Lendor shall bo entitled to employ its own logal counsol to defend <br />_ such Claims at Grantor's cost. Grantar's obligation to indemnify Lendc�r undor this paragraph shall survivo the termination.�elease or foreclosure of <br /> th�s Deed Of Trust. <br /> i�•�I"•n��7 e �n,,,,M�onl«„noloq.�e.�no1119•OG1180018J7J»9 Pay�2ofE <br />