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<br />' 'POGETI�R WTI'H all the improvaneats aow or hereafter erected on the properiy,and all easements,appurtenances.and ,. . . �'
<br /> fixtnres now or hereafter a part of the pmperty.All replacements and additions shall also be covered by this Sc�curity Instrument • �
<br /> All of the foaegoi�g is refeired tn in this Security Instrument as the»Propertv'. . • _
<br /> • BORROWER COVENAIVT'S that Borrower is lawfully sased of the estate hereby conveyrd and has thc right to grant and � �
<br /> cflnvey the Property and that the Fmpeaty is unencumbered,ezcept for encumbrances of record. Borrower warrants and wiil � • ..
<br /> defead generally the tide to the ProperEy+against all claims and demands,sublect to any encumbrances of record. �
<br />--- 'CHIS SECUAITY Il+ISTRUMENT combines uniform covenanis for narional usc and non-uniform covenants with limited �
<br /> .. vaciatians by jurisdicti9n to cansritute a unifomi security inswment covering real pmperty. f ' '
<br /> UNlFORM COVENANTS.Boirower and L.ender covenaut and agree as follows: --
<br /> 1.Payrnent af Prtndpal aad Interesh,Pirepayment and Late Charges. Borrower shaU promptly pay when due the _ .
<br /> prinapal of and inteaest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any pmpayment and Iate charges due under the Notc. ,
<br /> Z.Faads far Taaeg and Insuraace. Sublect to appHcable 1aw or to a writter► waiver by I.euder, Borrower shall pay to t , �
<br /> Lender on the day monthly paymeau are due under the Note,until the Nate is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for.(a)yearly taxes � �
<br /> •�i and asssesssments which may auain priority over Wis Seauity lnstrumeut as a lien on the Prope�ty:N)Yearly leasehald paymeuts ' .. : . :.
<br /> or ground rents on the Property,if any;(c)Year1Y haraid or pmpat}r insurancc premituns;(d)Yeazly tloai insurance premiums,if .
<br /> anY;(e)Yearly mortgage insurance premiums, 'ff any:rinnd(�anY sums payable by Borrower to Lendea,in accordance with the � .-�.,,;:.:°.�;`.
<br /> provisions of par�h 8.in tieu of the payrraent of mortgage insurance premiums. 'I'hese iterns are callad "Fscrow Items." � � `. . `
<br /> Lendea may,st any time,wllect and hold Funds in an amount aot w exceed the maximwn amount a lender for a federally related , .
<br /> martgage Ioan may re�uue for Borrowa's escrow account nnder the federal Real Estate Seule�ment Procedures Aci of 1974 as �
<br /> arnended from pme to tirne,l2 U.S.C.Section 2601 er seq. ("RESPA"),unless another law that applies tn the Funds sets a lesser ; �, � • s. �.; _
<br /> amount If so, I.ender may,at any ti�e,collea and hotd Funds in an amount not tn exc:eed the less�amoun� Lendea may � , , ,,y
<br /> � estimate the amonnt of Funds due on dn�Lasis of caRent data and reasonable estimates of exgendiaues of fuwre Fscrow Items or i_ `;:,�!:.:�.:-`�'� -_
<br /> ` othetarise in accordance with applicarT�:Ia�. � t�F:z >, �'�;s:
<br />,��t . 'Ihe Funds shall be held in an institurion whose deposits are insured by a fedeTal agency,insnvment�ity,er entity(mc�i�ing � �. ,, -;�,;?,�j�t,. -,f°..
<br /> L.ender.if Lender is such nn insuwtion)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. I.ender shall apply the Funds[�pay the Escrow G , •..''�`,, = �,
<br /> Items.I.ender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow account,or veri.�y�g � � �*•-����,•�
<br /> • � the Fscmw Items,unless Lender p a ys Borrowa intErest on the Funds and applicable law penaits I.ender to malce such a cG��.» . �:�,; �
<br /> However,Lender may require Bormwer to pay a one.time cdarge for an inde�sendent real estate tax reporring service c.�'�y � - �
<br /> I.eud�in connectinn ar�a this loan,uuless applicable law pmvides otherarise. Unless an agreement is mads or applicabde taw . • ` �' r� ..
<br /> reqnires�teaest w be p2�:r�,Lendea shall not be required w pay Borrower any:�st or eamings on the Fc�.Bomnwea and ;�� ,� .;:+' -
<br /> ;.� Lea�d�may agree;n vvrir;�g,howeved,that interest s�a►1 be paid on the Fnnds.ir-�ser shall give tn Borroweu>��hoat charge,an . . . . .,` -
<br /> annual accounting of the Fnnds,showmg credits and�abits to the Funds and the purpose for w�ich each de�:.to the�unds was r�;... : �' '
<br /> . '; made.'Ihe Funds are pledged as ad+�'�nal security for all svms secured by this Seauity Ins�u��a. �=�s�': ��'`
<br /> . If the Funds held by Len�der ezc:�1 t�e amounts p�miued w be hcld by applicable law,Lea�dear shall accoi.:.t w Borrower for � . . 7�� '''�=.z;�f
<br /> the excess Funds in accor�nce wi:���requffements of aFplicable law.If the amount of the Fands held by L�.3u at any time is _ . •__._,, "
<br /> � not svfficient to ay the�eow Irems when due,Lender may so no Boirower in wridng,and,in such case Banower shall a ��'�' ' .��'' I
<br /> P �Y P Y .�; ;:�-
<br /> � w I.ender the mnount nee�y t�c.ialce up the deficiency. Bo:row� shall make up the deficiency in no more than twelve '' � �:�.
<br />. . monttilY PaYments,at Lepder's sole d:srauion. �''7�''' -.�r _
<br /> •, uWn PaYment in full of aU sums secuted by this Security Instrument,Lender shall promptly rcfund to Bonower any Funds �f<%r {=�
<br /> . held by Lender.If,undc�p�ragdph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.Lenda,prior w the acqaisition or sale of ihe
<br /> ' Propeaty.shall apply any Fands held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sa".:as a credit against the sums secumd by this . =�__,:�
<br /> Secunty Instnuneat . ' ' J�'�
<br /> 3.Appllcatlan olPaymr.nta Unless applicabte law provides otherwise.all payments rec�i�r:9 by Lendea under paragraphs .�'�: .
<br /> r �� .
<br /> 1 and 2 shaU be plied; fust,to anY I��Yment charges due u¢_�i the Note:second,to ar��:�s a able under h 2; '�'•�`:'E¢�.:: .., . :
<br /> aP P Y P��P .: ..�>::�,_�----
<br /> � third,w mterest due;foarth,to pri�►cipal dae;and 1asc.:�any late charges due undea the Note. � � • . �'"'�'f",
<br /> , 4.Charges;Ltens. Bormwer shall pay all taxes.assessments.charges,fines and imposidons ann'butable to the Property • . : �,�..�:� --
<br /> � which may auain priorisy over this Security Instrumer.L and leaset:3ld payments or ground rents,if any.Botrower shall pay these •
<br /> _ .� obli ons in the mannea mvided in ara h 2,or if not a.��aat mamier.Borrower shall a them on time directl to the � . , ,.�`"
<br /> B� P P �P P ' ' P Y Y
<br /> j person owed payment Brnrower shall yrompUy fnmisb to Len�2r all notices of amounts ta be paid undex this paragi-:�. If ; ;::� , ,�Y,
<br /> . '� Barrower makes these payments directly,Borrower s*�' prompSy f»mish to Lea��receipts evidencing the��yments. :���,—
<br /> Borrower shall promgHy discharge any lien wfi;,:h has priority over thig Se�..--ity 1ns�ment unless Bc���+er. (a)agrees in
<br /> cvriting to 1he payment of the obligation secured by th�lien in a manner acceptable tn Lendea:(b)wntests�:good faith the lien � .
<br /> by, or defea►ds against enforcement of the lien in. legal procee�iags which in the Lend�r's opinion operate to prevent the � . '"
<br /> • . enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holda of the I:,;�a�agreement satisfactory cn Lender subordinating the lien to
<br /> this Security Instrumont If Lender deteranines that a�y part of the�'roperty is subject to a lien w"uc�may��priority over this . . .
<br /> Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a nofice idenrifyr.ng the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the E��vr take one or more � • '
<br /> . of the acdons set forth abave within 10 days of the�ving of notice. •
<br /> Form�8^/9�0 •
<br /> �'6R(FIE}ta2t2)A� oa;o2o+6 inmais ��i�
<br />. • , � � , • _
<br /> . • �,•. ' ' , .
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