, . ,. , , , . , .�. ' ` . . .�F-
<br /> . . ' • -. � � a , . ' .. -• . . .. , ... �:< . � �, _
<br /> E
<br /> � �c� pn appliqbie Iaws and regu:auons.inciud�ng.without!�rt@tation.tho Artraricans wan Disabiiities iac�.42 U S C Ss.:~:a^.'2?4+ et s� (and e�� . . . � __
<br /> , regulanons prorrurtgstod thereundar)and al�zoning and buiid�ng laws and regu�ations relating to tha Property by vfAUS of any tederai.state or rtuniapal ,
<br /> � authomy whh Nr+sdid:on over the Property.preserrtly are and shall De observed and cor��iod rv�h irt all matenal raspecis,and all ri�is.lieenses. i �
<br /> perrtrts,and tertftieates ot oaupancy UnGudng but no!limted to zonmg vanences,spedm ezcephons for noncontartrong uses.and final inspaGion `, V
<br /> � aPProvalsl.whether tertg�orary cr Pem�ara:ni.which are material to iho use and oaupancy of ihe Property.presentiy are and shall be obtained. 1 G
<br /> preservod and.whare necessary.renewed. !: .
<br /> (d) Grantor has IhQ n�t and is duly aurhonzed to execute and poAorm ns Ob��galions under this Deed ot Trust and these acuans do not and shall not � i
<br /> Wriflict vnth the ptavis�ons ot any stelula•regu�at�on,ordinanee.tule of law.wntract or other agreemenf wh�ch may be binding on Grantor at any nme. �
<br /> (e) No acuon or prooeeding is or shall be pent5ng or ttveatened wh;ch mght matenally aHect the Property.and =•
<br /> (f1 Grarttar has nm v�olat�and shall not wolate any statute.reguiauen.ordinanca.rute of faw.contraq or mher a�eemeM 1 mduding.but not hrrntetl to. � ,
<br /> those gavemin g Hazardous Materia►s1 which might materially affect the Property or Lender's rights or mterest�n the Propeny pursuarn to th�s Deed of� �
<br /> Trust �
<br /> 3. PRiOR OEFeOS Qr TR{lST.G►antor represerrts and wartants ihat lhete era�d�r�frortn�a Gmely amanner alt the o�atf3 anY pno�d9eds of trust then� . _
<br /> on Sche�le B attached to this Deed ot Trust.which Grantor a�ees to pay pB
<br /> Grantor a�eas to pay al�amo�rrts a'Ned.a�d pertorm all abligations req�ired.under sueR deeds of trust and the indebtedness secured thereby and(urther
<br /> agrees that a detault under any priar deed�Q a�e�ea��ma�+am f any ot�he defau!t and shall entdle l.ender to ali rights and►emadf2s corthained O
<br /> herem or in the Ohligations to which Le de ,
<br /> 4. TRIWSFERS OF THE PROFF.fiTY OR B@JEFlCIAL IHTERESTS lN CiHANT�OR�S i Schedu e�any interest therein,oof all �be efiaal
<br /> contraq for deed or Vansfer to any persun of all or arry part ot ihe real preperry ershi trust.or ,
<br /> irrierest in Borrower ar Gramor fit Bortcwer ar Grantor is not a nalural person or persons but is a corporatien,limited fiabi'Gty curt�anY.P� P� ,
<br /> �' other legal erhiry),Lender may.at its option da:iare the outstan�ng prinapal balance of the Obti�tiers plus aoaued irrterest ifiereon icmied�ately due and . . ,
<br /> , .,'� Payame. a��naer�r�,:�a�r�e�o e��es.�e awn rship interests fumish a cortQlete statensent setling torlh all of its stodQiolders,members,or
<br /> p�armers.as aPD�P :.::•
<br /> 7 r
<br /> '.+1 . f.�.,�.... ��::
<br /> � qggIGN1�FNT aF pENTS. In wnsiderat�on of the Obiigations.which are secured bY this Deed of 9rust.Grarrior absolu[ety assgns to L��u�n' ' . . ,�•�
<br /> Cirarrtors estate.ri M.tiUe. irrterest.daim and demand naw owned or hereatter acquired m all epstin and future leaxas of the Property p 9 : .:i:;��?:;,
<br /> e�densions,renewals and su�'ea. s).ail agr errerrts fc-usP and accu��a c'��a ProPertY ta0 such leases and agreerter.is w�ether written or aral.are •. ```��.:;' :,y�.:;�;�.,:,.:.:
<br /> hereagEr ce��d to as she"Leases�.and a.�arantie. of �ssees,�c."'��:��der me Lsases.together with the icm��i�e and cominuing rigM to �•,: .•:f'�:��•�;:`.'``;{s-;�%,.
<br /> ;, ool4eCt and�ea�'e a1S cf the rzrris.incorte.reCeiPts.Bvenues.�ssues.Frc,:.�a`,c c'•her inwr.'�of any nature now or hereafter�e(indudmg a�y i�come of ,t:X:,;;;:;:;; ; . j,`;r•:;
<br /> °;�'( any rtature oor�i::g t5:e�.-�*z3 any redemption period)una�'�e LEases or from cr a�s.:g_�7 af the Property induding mininum rerrts.addnional rents. ,::.� :•; �,:�:�C%,;,;
<br /> a .-.Ahr.:
<br /> ,:,_ �����ts.�;t,r; o•xrtarwn atea maintenan��'�utions.tax and insu.2rc= �c"�uuons,defiaeney rertts.Iiquidated dartasss following K �s:�..
<br /> �Y F ,�i g ttY '.r=•t,�.-�_,
<br /> default in any L.easa.a.�rw=ads PaYah'•e urtder c+. oi insurdnce covering lass c:'2rs r�sultin irom urttemantafsil' caused by deswedon or tr.�;?
<br /> �r
<br /> damaSe to tha Fro�ersy.�!:,^.rccaeds�l'�°as a res:^ot a Iessees exercise of an¢�ian to p�ucttase the Properly.ai�Proceeds derived from ihe , ;,4s�:'�.
<br /> � tetrrdrtation ar rejection of any Lease m a�•r�.,.-i cr�-ar�satvency pmceedng,and all proceeds from any rigMs and daims of any knd u•hich Grantor , ;
<br /> �y hy,vz a�inst any lessee under the l.e���r arry o�:�:aa'ts of the Property(alt of the above are hereafter coilecirvety referred to as the'Rerrts�. This `. --
<br /> assignrterrt is sub,�ecl to ihe righl.power and aulhoriry given to the Lender to colled and apply the Rerrts. This assignmerrt is recorded in aocordance vrith ,`��
<br /> applica6le state law:the Ifen aeated by ihis assi�mertt is mtended to be speeifie.perteded.and choate upon�tiho re��IS Deed of Trust.Lender��ants • • �� ' _�`
<br /> provi�ed by applieable slate law as amended from t�me to Ume. As long as ihere is no defauft under the Obli � ;
<br /> Grarrtor a revocable Lcense to colled ail Rems from the Leases when due and to use such praceeds in Ciranto�s busfness operatlons. Howe�rer,Lender
<br /> rrey at arry nme require Gramor to deposft ali Rertts irtto an axoum matntained by Grantor or Lender at Lenders(nsliMion. Upan defautt in the paymsm " _.�-�',�!
<br /> • of,or in the pertomrance of,any of ihe Ot�ligations.Lender may ad its opt�n��P�ed totwlted a�nd reee'nre all Rarrts from�the�praperty.end Lender '
<br /> O
<br /> Propeny on terms and tor a pedad of Ume that lsnder doems prapa. y � '' � ` _
<br /> s h a f l have f u l l p o w e r t o m a k e ti i t e r a t i o n s,r e n o v a il o n s,r e p a i r s o r r e p i a c e m e n t s to the Pro p e rt y as Lender may dsem proper. l.ender may appty el1 Rerrts in ��
<br /> t
<br /> Lendera sote dscretion to payment of ihe Obligatlans or to ihe paymen�o�Iy arAdifie managerretrt�andoporation of the Properry. l.ende r�maY keep�t ho �
<br /> expeases inddeM to taking and retaining possession of ihe Propeny pe • .
<br /> p c o p e r ry p r o p e r i y(n s u r e d a n d m a Y d lschar g e an y taxes.char g es,dalms.assossmenls and other Ilens!vhich may aeauo. Ths expense and oosl of t�ese 1.=.' .
<br /> aetions may be�d Imm the Rents reoaived,end any unpaid amourts shall be addod to the prinG p a i o f t he O b t i g a tlons. Th e s e e m o u n t s,t o g e t h a r w B h �,
<br /> o t her costs.shal Yeume Part of the Obiigations secured by ihis Deed of Trust. '� ��''
<br /> . �.� r�s�,�
<br /> � &LEASES AND O7HEH AtiREEMENTS. Grarrtor shall not talce or faH to talce any action vfiich may cause or pem�tt ths temination or 1he wilhhotding ot ��
<br /> any paymertt in conneetion with eny Loase or other a�eemeM('A9reemem'1 peASining to ihe Pmperty. In addrtion,(iramor,without Lender's prlor wrhten J— .
<br /> conserA,shalt not:(a)oollect arry rtnnies payable under an Agteemern rrore ihan one morrth tn advance:(b)mocLiY any A�geemerrt:(o)assr�°r allaw a _..� �
<br /> lien, securtty irrterest or otfier eneumhrance io be plaeed upon t3rantors rf�rts,titie and irrterest in an�Yo any Agreemem or lhe amoums payable � �S
<br /> • thereunder,or(�tertrinate or eancel any A�eement except tor tha nonpayment of any sum�r mher material breach by the other party thereto. If Gramor ,,�1,\'�
<br /> ' . �r
<br /> . , ' receives at any time any wtittan cormunicaUon asser�ng a defaufl by(iraMor under an Agreerrent or purpoNng to temdnate or eaneel any Agreemem. ,
<br /> ; Qraritor shail promptty forward a copy of such cortQrn�nicatlon(and any su6sequenl eomrunications relating thereto)to Lender. All such AgreemeMS and . �.
<br /> ihe amourrts due to Gramor ihereunder are hereby assfgned to Lender as add�8onal seeurity for the Obligations. ���-_
<br /> '��;.• -...�-
<br /> party(indu6�n ' ' •�'.
<br /> �, CpLLEC'RON OF INDEBTEDNESS FROM THIRD PAR7Y. Lender shail bo entitted to noUfy or re�ire Cirantor to natity arry third g.Mri
<br /> not Bmlted to,lessees,licenseas,gavemrrentat authorities ar.d insurance cort�anies:to pay Lender arry indebtedness or ob]igatian owing to Gran[or w8h •
<br /> � respect to ihe Property (aurtvlaUvelY'In�btedness� '^'h`:'�er or not a defaufl exlsts under this Deed of Trust (irantar sha11 dligerttly wtiect ihe �„�,� ���!u��-��_
<br /> IndebteCr.ass owing to Grarrior trom these ttiird parties ur�t8 the 9►ving of such noNfieation. In the evem thai Qrantor possesses or receNes possession of :
<br /> eC
<br /> any ins:nr.'nerrts or ather rertittances w:`+raspet�to iha In�ebtedness tollowing ihe gMng of sueh notiflcation or if ihe instrumerrts w other rem(ttances �_?;,:,;�: .+� ,,,,:;:�
<br /> ' canstrMe ihe prepayrr�em of arry Indebte�ess or ihe payrraerA of any insurance or wndertmation prooeeds,(irantor shall hotd sueh instrumenis end ather �;.;>., . �-•,�:
<br /> ,.r:�•.,.. ,..
<br /> rerritpn�ss In mist for Lender aparl from its other proper�r.endorse lhe instrurrerrts and othclr ramittances to Lender,and irr�ately provide lender�vHh .,��_�,
<br /> possession of the insju�r�ts and other remittance�. 1.3�:r►shall be erttitled.but not reguired,to collect(by legal proc�:-�u3s or olherwise),eztend the • :,f.°
<br /> Ume for payrrom.eom�rartise.exehange or release any obl,gor or collateral,or otherwisg sgtite arry of the Indebtedness v����.r or not an evaM of de}au�t . � %:r•�"'.
<br /> exists under this A�eement. Lender shall not be Ilable to Grarrtor tot any aetion,error,rttistake,orNssion ot delay pertaining:o the actions desafbed in this ,.��,_ _
<br /> para�aph or any darr�a9es resu�inp therefrom Notuithstandng trs foregoing, nmhinp hereln shail eause Lender to ita deemed a ���
<br /> rriprt�gee-m-possession. . • , .
<br /> & USE AND MAINTEl�1S1NCE OF PROPERTY. �rarrtor shall lalce all ac::ons and make any repalrs needed to maintaln the Properry r goad wnd'ition. , .. . _� ,
<br /> Grantor shalt not cormit or pertNt any v�as[e to be oomritted with respect to the Property. Grantor shaii use the Properry solety in cortpiiance with , _
<br /> applicabla(aw and insurance polides. (irantor shall not maf<e an a".erat'ons,a�tions or irtprovemems to the PrapeAy whhout Lender's prlor written � _
<br /> ma e y P
<br /> o Lendervshall not be removfed w'�tth�ou�t Len�dea�ip�r�ior w��wnsem.�ard�shail be��a1 C3tanto�s�ole e�xPense bject to iho benefldal irrterest belon�ng .. . • .
<br /> 9. LOSS OR DAMA[iE. arantor shall bear the emire risk af any loss,lhefl,de�cUon or damage(curru�atively'Loss or Oamage'to ihe Prope moj ng _
<br /> portlon thereot from any cause whatsoever. In the everrt of any Loss or Dama (irantor shatl,at the oplion of lsnder,rep�ir the aftected Pro
<br /> prevlous con�tion or ptry or cause to be peld to Lender the deeraa�o in the falr matfwt vaue of the aitacted Prapeny.
<br /> ' 10. INSUAANC6 The Proporty will be kepl insured tor its fufl insura6te valus(replacerrem cost)against ell harards Induding loss or damage causedby •
<br /> tload,earihquake,tomado and iire,ihefl or other qsuaity to the exterrt requlred by Lende►. Qrantor may obtaln�nsuranee on the Property from sucf�
<br /> cort�an 10 as are aoceptable to Lendor In its sole disaetlon. The insurance poildes shaii require tho insuranoe company to proNdo Lender with at least •
<br /> 3� days'writlen nolioe before such policles are altered or canceilad in any manner. The insuranoe policies shall narre Lender as a loss . .
<br /> payee anTprovfde that no act ar omission o1 Grantor or any other person shal alfecl the d�t of Lender to be paid the insurance proeeeds pertalning to ihe . •
<br /> loss or damago of the Properry. In ihe evem Grantar fails to aequiro or maintain insurance.Lendor(attor providing notice as may be requlred by Iaw)may
<br /> in its disaetlon prowre a�propdate insuranee eoverage upon�he Property and the insuranee eost shall be an advanee paYabio and bearing Irrteresl as � • .
<br /> describod fn Paragraph 23 and secured hereby. Grarrtor shall fumish Lender with evidenoe of insuranee ind�cating tho roquired coverage. Londer may aet i
<br /> es attomeyin•tact tor(irarttor in maWng and settling daims under insuranee polieies,caneelling any pol or endorsing Cirarrtor's name on any drafl or � .
<br /> neQotiablo insttumerA drawn by any insurer. All such insurancopoIides shall ha Immediateiy assigned.pl and deBvered So Londer as funhar secudty __
<br /> . tor tho Obligallons. In ihe evenl ot lou.Grarrtor shall immediately give Lender written notiee and Lender is authodzed to make proof of loss. Eaefi I =
<br /> insurance corr�any is directed to mako payme►rts�rectiy to Lender instead of to Lender and Grafdor. Londer shall have the dgM.ffi its sole optlon,to � �
<br /> appty such monies taward ihe Obiigations or toward the cost of rebuilding and restoring the Prope r ty. My amounis may at Lender's option be applied�n j _
<br /> the irnerse order ot tho due dates thereof. 1 . � �
<br /> j 11. ZONING AND PRiVATE�OVENANTS. Grantor shali not initiate or consent to any change in the zoning provisiona or privata covenartts aHeeting the �
<br /> use ot the Propgrty wahout Lenders prior written conser,t H Gramcrs�se ot 1he Property becomes a nonconforming use under any zoning provision. �
<br /> � G;�rtr s*a:�r,c!ca�se ar pertnit such use to be dscorr.:rued or aLz.�ar�d rr.'.hc�1 the prior written eonsertt ot Lender. Gramor v�ill IrmnetLately provide �
<br /> , �-u9.r•r.r•rr.^�_-��-.�of any proposed changes to the zoning prc�rs�xs o�pr•la's avenants attecting the Praperty. j,'�: . •
<br /> 12 YChD£;11L'3Ca�17'�t. Grantor shall irtar�ed'ately FrarCe Lender Nr.h wrtr,en r.�ro>�f any actual or threatened eondemnation or ertinent damain � .
<br /> prcceed'rrg pert�:-�,t�:ne Property. a��monies payab;e so Grantor hom such con���'non or tafting are hereby assigr�d to Lender and shall be appiied •
<br /> :-s�o ihe paymert.,LEndsrs attomeys'fees.legal o,eFenses ard o?:^.er costs(mU�7iag appraisal tees)in connection wrth the condemnation or eminent , . . ,_ �
<br /> �r�•-.,,.y�c�iinas ar.d tfien.at tre oT�on of I.ender.to the Paymor'o.?�e Obliyatiors cr the restoration or repair of ihe Property. �
<br /> Paye2d6�. F—��, � ���
<br /> . r5�'.'8 pev.tt.9a . . -
<br /> .. _. _ � . . - _ ,. . �• '
<br /> .
<br /> --�--�—r— . • - - . .. . ....
<br /> - - � - • - . .. . . . . '•5!�kf . �� ''�
<br /> . . , - . . �. ". . ' " s,.• _ . � . '9�' � ' , . . .
<br /> .�'� u. . � .r . .. . •� , �. . •- � . � . . . . . '�.
<br />. .. .,_.. � . . . . _ .f- . _. .. . . _. - .. . . _ . . .. _ .
<br />