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. <br /> .,_u�_.. � _ . . . <br /> , .. _ ._ • . � . °_ , . . � 4 , . , . . _. . . . _ .. . - ----.._... � �}_ <br /> �` t <br /> , 7� �����`�r • - <br /> � 4. As ndditianal eecurity,'I�uswr hvmby g�ves to and rnnfcre upon BeneGciary th�elght,power and euthonty,dudng tho mntinuunca oP ` • <br /> s these Trusta w collect tho rente.issues uad proflte of eoid property,msemng unta ltuetor the nQht,prior w ony defnult by 7}ustar in puyrtnent ; - <br /> • ; of any tndebtedness securad hercby or ta performnnco of nny a8reement herounder,W rnllect and rewin euch rcata.iesaes nnd profita ns thoY <br /> •'.� become due and payable. Upun any such defaulR Heaeiidnry mny ut nny tima without notioe,eixher ia persou,by ct�ent,os by a receiver w bo • .. <br /> appoinited by a eaurt,nnd without mgar+f W itia adequacy of eny securiiy for the indebtedness heeeby eecured eater upon end trke posseutoa <br /> � of eaid pmyerty or any part thereof,in hia owa name suo For or othQrwise collect such rnate.�asues and profite,inclndia8 thase past due aad <br /> ;4 unpaid,and upply the eame upon any iadebtedneas eecurcd kan:by,ead ia eush ord9r ea Hene&eiery may determine. Tha eateriag upon and - �- _- - . - <br /> taZoag poaaession of eaid property,the wllection of sucD renta,iasues aad profite and che application th�reof as eforesaid,ehall not cure or [ ` <br /> � � vraive eny default or norice of default hereunder or iavalidaLe any act doae gursuaat W auch nottce. � , . ` <br /> 5. Upoa default by Tivstor in the payment of any indebtedness aecu:ed hereby or ia the performaaoa of any a�eement contained hereia, � <br /> all eums secured heseby ahsll immediatelY become due aad payable at the optioa of tbe Beaeficiary. Ia sueh eveat end upon wcittea iequeat . • <br /> - of Henefiaery,lYvstee ehall sell the trust pmgerty,in aocordanoe witd the PIebraeka 1Yvst 1?eede public auctioa to the highest bidden , . . . . <br /> Any pe:soa ezcept Truatee may bid at 7�uateee eale. 7��stee aha11 aPF�Y�P��of the sale as follows: (1)to the ezpense of the eale, , . <br /> including a reasonable'14vstee e fee;(2)ta the o6liption secured by thia Deed of 7lruet:(9)tha sarplus,if any,ehall bu distributed to the pereans .:<. -�.• <br /> "F, . - --- ,r;. <br /> entitled theietn. . • _ <br />