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<br /> ------�-----------------�---------Space above this lirte tor reeording data.------I���--676572 -------�--- ` ` • � �
<br /> � Con�rnercial fNORTGAGE - Collat�ral � : ._ -..;�,;:-
<br /> .. � �ede�a�Bank Real Estat� f�lortg��� o � .� �� � �;�.. _;:, � �
<br /> � � -
<br /> ,j Nature of Indebtedness Loan Amount Mam' Date �R�bdl�nt@i�SZ C�-9 l , , , �°��
<br /> rrty t�' .�r.u�'�'!�'�'�'�x��
<br /> 1 Consumer Loan 11,500.00 7•��� � � , ' `����= .� _
<br />_,`�� �. �' LW A i�C�{�6CL� �<JiY� ��L'�7J...-• � i::t%.'�.. �`, �i� ' ..'"�,'�.�J�y'�".
<br /> here6y give Commarcial Federal8ank a Federat Sa�ings Bank('Commerc�al Federal')a mortgaga wrd��ower ot sale,of the toflrnnnr.�mroperty together wrth ,%;�
<br /> .�' ail improvaments now or hereaFter arected on Me property,and all easements,riphte and appurtena�x�-�thereta ���;�;-,, • ''�+' y,� .__
<br /> '..,� ,:�::: . . ._.�_�:_�.:,� .: . :
<br /> , Y�T FiVS It�T SQ� BI�I S�DMBIIN mm� ZA�4.tALT OF' I�lt� 'M' . ; �::.
<br /> �Rffi�1, Fl�.�ir'0�' IO►P Q� S@�.'P �IVY3YtN ArID PAitTP OF' '`" "� ' ` {-
<br /> .•'� I�BT �i OF �T II�i R�id� �i,EVI�i '`�
<br /> . _
<br /> R�I I�s 'I i�T w t�t @� 3'f� 6TH P.1'd. HAI+L aD�TPY. • " � �,'�""ti. �:
<br /> � _ ���,:�:%i^�', .
<br /> _ �:�- ,��.
<br /> .. i r•:f`,.;.-..
<br /> .... � ..q;�:``=�i�' .
<br /> It more than one eraon ai ns this Nlort a e,tfie vroar:ti 9'means'uve.• . .:.. +� 1'°��
<br /> , P 9 8 8 .;.sfi'�i� ,�7..'
<br /> � p•�.'.
<br /> This Mo a a secures a loan mada Commaroial Pederal,as briefly descnbed abo�a A note datsd the same data as thia Mort a e contains the tarms for .`r'��r`�"k'
<br /> ropayment oi UBiat Ioan.H that note ia evyer changed or replacad by a new note,it wip bs secured by tha Mortgaga 8 B � ; '�'� ��''���-
<br /> .;�:�v4.' ' ' ,''_j t� .
<br /> i promiae the foilawing things ���.•. � •:��
<br /> ' a) ' � �'e( "�.
<br /> paymenta cn nny note w other dabt aacwed Isy thia Mor[gsge wiit be paid when due. '_:"�-- . :'r -�
<br /> �4��
<br /> 2 q�inauranee poliey tor fire and extanded cavaraga will be kept in force on tho proparty in an amount at least oquat to tha debb seeured 6y this + ;,•, '
<br /> Mortpape pius any other mortgagas listed in paragraph 8 belaw The inauranoe eompany must be satisfactory to Commeroial Federal,and •�',�'�'��= �i� '�`
<br /> Commercial Federal wnll be a named insured on the policy. '���'""""
<br /> :. .•. ' an�'=
<br /> 3. AN taxe�end assatamanb on the property��if! be paid 6efore tfiey hecome dehnquant .-. � '� �
<br /> .�•fr•
<br /> �"i' rc�::,.;,,.. :�.-
<br />_ 4. [��e will be committed on the Proporry.a�d it vrill bu kept in good r�c ~'�+'` }��tj� ' '',
<br /> .-r"`•': ° !� t .
<br /> 6. The m ��tn�='�;..,:�'2,_._. `
<br /> p perly wilt not 4e wld (includiag by land contracty.laased,an�r.a in�3�ast i�it wiU�r�.:.u�ned in any way. ��:.• -�;-
<br /> � 8. I own tfie properiy irea and c!eer of any othor mortgagas ar m��;rrnbrances 'D(CfFT
<br /> CQ��tCiAL F'F�tA� � tatP .�::�i��..� . -
<br /> 7- No othe►mortpaqe or lien on tFie propertywill ever be atlowed to be in d�fau�t ar be foreetased. ��""a':�,.,',s:.—'
<br /> _ �� 'S .�fO-.-`�-.'�'. . .
<br /> :-a',�i{�!:'..
<br /> I}eny oi theas pmmises aro not kepL ihcn Commercial Federa7 can declare aU o!the debt immed�amly due and paysble witho��aCvance notice.7he . ,; -������.,
<br />• intareat rate will inweass to 19.0096 or any greater rate altowabte tg��.aa at that ti�r.e,and thia mort�Ee ean bo tareclaeed in aecordance with applieable law.Ii �• -
<br /> the debt is acceletated,tl�sn I alao aasign any rent w other ineome fr�L'�a prcpersy t�Commercial Fedaral. THE PAFITIES AGREE TFiAT THIS CONS71TtJiES •
<br /> 1 �`
<br /> A COLLA7ERAL flEAL ESTA7E MOH'fGA(3E PURSUAM TO S0.DA.KOTA C.L 44S2E 1�A SO.DAKOTA RESIDENTS ONL1f�. In tho mrent oi any def3ult in the � >.,;-.:.
<br /> makinp af any psyment or in keeping any covanant herein,thia Mortgage mzy be fr.�c�OSed by eetion,a by adver*�:�nt as providad by at�tuta ec�tr�rulea � j*y,
<br /> 01 practice retatinp thoreto,and tfiis paragreph shafl be doemed as a�hcriang a^.b ca^rtitu6ng a povuer of aale aa r-rm:uned in aaid atetute or Mes�C any � , ..';�rty�<_
<br /> am�ndment thsrsto,and may reLin etatutory eosts and ottomey Tees(SD,��Y,h:7�i L�C,and MI reaidanW only). ,„� ':-�—�-:._
<br /> mn
<br /> ..��t�
<br /> Certaln arnamb can�e paid by Commercial Fedetal and adda�to the debt aeeured by thia Mort�e.Thoy are any texas or insurt�cce 1 hava agreed to (�;';: . ' ' ' �.
<br /> _ pay but tail to,any ettomey taes a court expenans Commercial Fed9rel pays it it Is mzde a pariy at any lepa)aetion brought by somaa�i alae conccmi�g tho , �
<br /> proputy,and any attomey fees a caurt axpensea which the law might altcw if Carr.+�rrcial fodaraf ha�to go to court againat me to oo�:ect the debt ar ;I';�; .
<br /> loreclose this mortpspe.H any of thase thinpa happen,then tho add�tianaf dobt�vi�l acsruo intemat at tho namo mta a�the rust of the Qabt and mwt foe paid � . � �
<br /> immediatety. . '��.ti:;,`��;'�
<br /> {f thls propety ia ovsr eondemned under the pow+or o1 eminent Aomain a�ny uR�iar method of uWng properry 4w puhtic uso,arry proceed�a1 tl�a taking • •� ��' �� �
<br /> vudl be paid to Commercial Fedenl up to the tull amount of tho dobt cocurod. , • t
<br /> v:': . —
<br /> �Ir'•'. •
<br /> Notic�to Borraw�r(iw Otd�hom� ro F• A �r a!ad�haa bMn �ntsd tn thie Mortga A vier o!eal�m eilow tt�►C�ortqag�w IDa�c�th� � � .
<br /> ' a w o n oou n• onc osur�a o r�u rrower un �r a a ago.
<br /> , .
<br /> � .
<br />. .i Tod u Dnto JAI�I�dy $9� 1997 eo`�°ra Signa re �.� • :
<br /> LiiL��J� �' FU��
<br /> •� Bortowefs Signam� �
<br /> STATE OF � )
<br /> � a�.
<br /> ���„►oF � � 1 . _
<br /> On this 29�IN dey o1 ��� .19._�7_.botoro mo,e nomry puElic m ond for anid eounry, porsonally came . �
<br /> � R j�1TA� �����' � to me known to�e tha idonfical poraon or parsona whoso . �
<br /> nnme�a or aro sffixod to the above mortgago,and thoy,ha o�aho aovaml�y aeknowtodDad tho said mawmant and the mcacut�on thoruoi to ho thoir voluntary , .
<br /> act and deed. . • • 1t
<br /> WffNESS my hand a��1py�g�F_{g�i}ydpn obovo. ^ /� ��/ '
<br /> Myr.emtmRCinneYp�ms• � EEfiiF_•�AJI��.'.ti�i..����:�'.7 p �1/7�`%/ � �X.�/�yU -- �I- - . . '- —' ----'—'
<br /> � CO`::,r 1':::E�i.E:.C�;Pl,� NotnN Pi+bl�t'a S�gnnturo , —
<br /> � NE-IN-lNY-IL-SD =' ��l��T�'�.,'•'i.2�.�s' DN-1077 (10/95) j •
<br /> �,..�•_�.�.,.__ _. • . _. .
<br /> ` ,. � �-
<br /> :ts!nr�'!��sry.�::'�`" . . . � . , . .. � . . •. .
<br /> ni�,st� ' „ .. . . ' . . � , . .
<br /> —--- .�..�_..s ... ._ . . . . •. , ' � • . , . �. . ..- . - , . �. . .
<br />