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__�- <br /> c.A�_ � <br /> D ��D R� CORD <br /> I-IufFinar►Form No. togi/2 Con#aining qti Printed Words. <br /> NO. 135�3336O-THEAUGUSTINECO.GRAND ISLAND,NEBR. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA� <br /> FRQM. ss. <br /> County of Ha,]�1 Entered in Numerical Inde.x and filed for record in <br />, W Y+ the b ice-of said Count <br /> m r e wi do e ff y <br /> h s F. D ta o � r D eda <br /> C arle e , Regi$ e of e _ <br /> tlie `2'2 da o Jul � `+�S at o'clock and_ inutes M. <br /> TO y f Y 9 3 � P. <br /> and recorded in book a e o De s, <br /> LeRoy G. Kutschkau & 97 p g 317 f G�;��� <br /> �lEa, ►4. Kuts ehkau � �Re�ister of Deecls. <br /> By ��,/ �,�.,/ Deputy. <br /> � <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESB PItESENTS. '1�hat Charles F. Detamore, a Widower, <br /> in consideration of Other consideration and One and No/100------ DQLLARS <br /> in handpaid,do hereby grant, bargain,sell, convey and confirm unto L@ROy G. Kutsehkau and Rhea ►g. 1{UZ"iSC�SBU� Husband c'32'1C�: <br /> Wife, <br /> � JOINT TENANTS, anc� not as tenants in common; tTie following described r�al estate situate in t�e County of Ha�-�- nncl <br /> State of NebraBka ta-w=t: <br /> Lot Ten (10) in Block Twenty-three (23� in College Addition to West Lawn, in the City of <br /> Grand Island, Nebraska, as aurveyed, platted and recorded. <br /> (�. . .�amps) <br /> ( Cancelled ) <br /> togetTier witl� all the tenements, heredita►nents, and appurtenances tv t�e same belanging, and e�1 tl�.e estate, tit�e, doruer, right of I�or+aestead, claixn or de►narul rultatsoeyer of <br /> the saitl grantor ,of,in or to t�e same,or any part thereof; subject to <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIBS HEIt�TQ, THAT iN THE EVEN1' OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID �RANTEES THE <br /> ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HER�114� �HALL VEST IN THE SURVIVIIVG GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tTie al�avs clescribed premieea, wit�t tlte appurtenanees, unto the saic�grantees as JOINT TENANTS, and not �s tenants in common, <br /> and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the suwiuor of them, forever, and I tlte grantor named lierein for myself <br /> and �y heirs, executors, and aclminzstrstors, da aavenant with the grant�es named Iierein anc� wtth tliefr assigns and with the heirs and assigns of t�ie <br /> survivor of tl�em, that j a,m lawfullq seized of said premises; tltnt t1�ey are free/rom fncumbrance except as slated herein, and that i <br /> the saic� grantor ha ye good ric�ht and Iawful autFiority to sell the same, anc� tl�ak I will and IDy hetrs, e�ecutors <br /> anc� aclministrators sliall warrant and defend tlte same unto tlae grantees named herein art,cl unto th.eir aesigns and unto the heirs and assigns o� ihe surutvor o}' tFiom, forever, <br /> against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions namecl Iterein. <br /> IN WITN$SS WHEREOF j have hereunto set my Twnd this 1.2th day <br /> �f June, , A. D. 19�. <br /> In presence of <br /> Charles F. Detamor.e <br /> STATE OF Ne�jra,8}ia; On this ].2tiY1 day of June, A. D. 19�+� , before me,a Notary Public in and(or said <br /> � <br /> count o SS' Detamore a Widower <br /> y I H�1 County,personally cam� the above named Charl e s F• � � <br /> • who j.8 personally known to mo to bg tlae id�nttcal perron whose name 18 af fixed to the above <br /> instrument as grantor , and he ae&nowledgecI sattl instrument to be �1�8 <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hanc� and Notarial �eal the date �ast afvrecaid. C. Z'• �'1OW82' <br /> (sE�+) Notary Public. <br /> 1�'Iy commission expires on the 9'th day of September, A� D. 19�+9 <br />