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� <br /> e�l�_ � <br /> DE��� �.ECO�RI� <br /> Huffman Form No. tog�/2 Containircg 4��t-Printed Words. <br /> NO. 13rJ-3336U-7MEAUGUSTINECO.GRANDISLAND,NEBR. ' <br /> STATE QF N�BRASKA� <br /> FROM Ss' Entered in l�lumerical Index ancl iled or record in <br /> �.'ounty of �"�S].1 f f <br /> Annie M. Crawford, single the Register of Deedsa{fice of said County <br /> ' TO tl�e �� day of JUly i9 �.$� at 7� o'clock and _ minutes P�M. <br /> and recor e�in book 97 page 315 f,Deeds <br /> John Corder and/or Jenni e Corder � ''� Register of Deeds. <br /> • BY%C3��G������ Deputy. <br /> �,�; <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Annie M. Crawford a single person. <br /> in consideration oF �11e-dollar a.riC�. OtZ1F'I' consic�eration , Do��ARs <br /> in hand paid,do ltereby grant, bargain,sell,convey and confirm urito John Corder and/or Jennie Corder husband and wife, <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common; the folTowing described real estate situa�e in fihe County of H&.�.�. and <br /> saQte af Nebra.ska to-wit: <br /> West FiPty (50) Feet of Lot Two (2) and East Fifty (50) Feet of Lot Three (3) , in Block <br /> Four (4) in Dodd & Maxshall's Addition to Wood River, Nebraska. <br /> ( . . . amps) <br /> (Cancelled � <br /> together wit/� all the tenements, Iiereclitaments, and appurtenances to t�e same belong tng, anc� a�l t�ee e�state, EitLe, dower, right of ho�,�tQad, claim or demamd whatsoe�e►a� <br /> the said grantor ,of,in or to the same,or any part thereof; subject to � <br /> IT BEING THE INT$NTION OF ALL PARTIES HERE�'�, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH QF EITHER OF SAID GRANTEES THE <br /> ENTIRE FEE SII�IPLE TITLE TO THE REAL $STATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SFIALL VEST IN THE SURVIVING GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deseribed premises, euit� the appurtenances, w�nto ihe said graMtees as ]OtN�' T$NAN7'S, and riat as tenants in common, <br /> and to their assiqns, or to the �eirs nnd assigns of the survivor of them, forever, and 8r18 the grantor named herein for herself <br /> and h2T' heirs, exeeutors; and admenistrators, do cavenant w$th !he grantees naimed here%n ancl with t�eetr assigns and witTi the heirs and assigns of 1�te <br /> survivor of them, that she is lawfully seized of said premis�s; thett t�tey are free from.incumbranEe except as stated l�erein,and that she <br /> the said grantor ha S good right and lawful aut�ority to sell the same, anel tTtat She will and Y18T� Tteirs, executors <br /> anc� aclministrators shall warrant and defend the same unto the grantees named herein anc� unto th.eir assigns and unto the heirs afld assigns of tFeo surviuor of fk�fn, Forever, <br /> against the Iawful c�aims of aIl persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set mY hand thts 1.2 t'+�1 day <br /> of June . A. D. 19�-�. <br /> In presence of <br /> J. E. Hoye. Annie M. C'rawford <br /> STATE OF Nebr On th;� 12t',h clay of June A.D. 1��}�, before me,a Notary Public in and forsaid <br /> Count o ss. , <br /> Y I H811 County,personally came the above named A1121'j@ M. Crawford a single person <br /> who �S personally known to me to be the identice� persori whose name i$ a�f ixed to the above <br /> instrument as grantor , anc� 3�7.Q ae�nowlecjgec�said instrument to be her <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> - WITNESS my hand and 1Votarial Ceal the date Iast aforeeaid. J. E. j30yg <br /> ($EAL,� Not�y Publ��. <br /> My commission expires on the ',2`G'd clay o f Q C t', A• D• 19�3 <br /> � <br />��', - - ------—--- <br />