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F � <br /> ��� � <br /> D �� D R� CORD <br /> HuFfman Form No. togt�a Containing qit Printed Words. <br /> NO. ISS�333(1O-�'NE AlIGUSilNECO.GRAHD ISLAND.NEBR. <br /> STATE OF 1VEBRASKA� <br /> FRONI County of HA�.l S3 Entered in Numerical Index and f iled for recorcl in <br /> T. Neil Withrow and Jerre L. Withrow eac <br />''I in hi� or her own r ht and as spouse of the Register of DeedsbfftCe of saidCounty <br /> ea�eh other �� fhe �.9 `IQY °f July 19 �{.$� at � o'clock and --minutes P.M. <br /> and recorded in book 97 page 3�7 of Dee s ' <br /> wi111�.m E. Thompson and Lillian R. � g,�q/ Register of Deeds. <br /> �1t'3ffi $Oi1 BY �iz���'/C���c��v+'� Deputy. <br /> p �� <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. Thnt - T. Neil Withrow �and Jerre L. Withrow, each in h�.s or her own <br /> right and as spouse of the other <br /> zn consideration oF One Dollar and other valuabl e consideration ���g <br /> in hand paid,do hereby grant, bargain,sell, convey.and confirm unto Wj.1.l�a.II1 �'� Thompson a,T1C1 Lillian R. Thompson <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common; the followtng described real estate situate in ihe C,'ounty of Hc'�.1 nnc� <br /> S�ate of Nebraska to-wia: <br /> Lot Five (5) Block One (1) Better Homes Subdivision to the City of Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> ( Cancelled� amp$) <br /> fogether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belong€r+g, and n�� t�e estaie, title. �lotver, right o( �omestecud, cluim or dernand w�iatsoever of <br /> t�ie said grantor$ ,of,in or to t�,e same,or any part thereof; subject to nil � <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PAR�I�S IyIERETO, THt�T I�V TH� EVENT OF TI�E I?EATH OF EIT�IER C�F Sf1iD GRANTEES THE <br /> ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL $S1'ATE DESCRIB�D HE�2EIN SHALL VEST IN TH�E S�IRUNII`JG GRAN�'EE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aboae describe�d premises, witi� t� appurtenances, unto the said qrantees as jOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common, <br /> ancl to their assic�ns, or to the h,eirs and assigns o{t�ie su►vivor o f them, f orever, and W 8 t�te grantor g named{�erein f or o ur s e lve a <br /> ancl OUT' heirs, exeeutors, ancl aclministnators, do covennnt witlt t�e gmntCes namec� �e►�ein anc�`wtt� tTieir assic�ns and with tlie Tieirs und assi�ns of t� <br /> survivor of them, that We are lawfully seized of saic� premisss; t��t they are free frorx incumbrance ercept as statec�herein,nnd thnt WQ <br /> t�.e said grantor 8 ha V'@ good right and lar�rfrrl authority to sell the same, anrl t�at W@ Fuill and OUY' heirs, executars <br /> antl ac�minisfrators sTiall warrant and defend 4lie same unto t�e granteea �ddmecl l�erein anr� untm t�ieir +assigns ar�cl unto t�i�e heirs and assigais of the suroii�cr►� of t�iem, �orever, <br /> against the Tawful claims of aII persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions named�ierein. <br /> IN WITNESS WH$REOF We I�aae liereunto set OUI' ha�ad S th�s 7th day <br /> of July , A. D. 19�$ <br /> In presence o f <br /> Paul C. � Hus'�on T. Neil Withrow <br /> Jerre L. Withrow � � <br /> sTA�'E oF Nebraska on tltis 7�'i�1 day o) July A.D. ].9�$, before me,n Notary Public in ancl forsa�id <br /> County of Hc�.�.� }ss. County,personally came the above named '1'. Neil Withrow and Jerre L. ti�Tithrow, eaeh in <br /> his or her own right, and as spouse o� the other <br /> who are personally �C�awn Eo me 4o be !�e idemiical p�rson g whose name 8 a,Y'Q af f ixed to the above <br /> instrument as g�+ntor 8 , ancl they ac�nt�svtiaat�ged saic�instrument to be their <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand�unct Not�uisc� fieal the drete laa�t aforesaid. Pa,Ul �'i. HUBtOri <br /> (sE�� Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires on the 218t'+ day o( June A� D� 1953 <br />