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_ � . . . . t > __-� -, ,-. - - . . _. _. - - --. �._` . ` : ---- i;-_ <br /> �.�.�.. ._. .. i.l` � - ' _ . .. . . . . '�,��. <br /> `..._ — � - `` � . � ;c .._. <br /> ! <br /> ���� ���1�0'y�8 �r : �-.� ., ._�� <br /> j 1. Paymarfts. Bortower agrees to make sll payments on the secured daht when due. Unless Borrativor artd lender agree otherwise, arry � y <br /> � paymerts Lender receives trom Borrower or tor Bonower's benefit wdl be appiied hrst to any amounts Borcower owes on tha secured debt � �� <br /> � exclusive ot interest or principat,second to��tCrest,a�d then to pnncipai.If partial prepayment o}the securod debt cccurs for any reaso�,rt wdl > � , <br /> not teduce or exrtuae anytchfldulad.paYt¢ant unt�l.ibiq Secured debt is pa�d m fulL � . • �'=° <br /> 2.(,ystms qps[rtst 4itT►,9orrow w pay.aU�te���.�ssessments,and other charges attnbutable to the proporty when Que and wd�detend trtte <br /> to the propertlr aga�n �a� �w�iCh vcoGf�F impe the lien of this deed of trust.Lender may reqwre Bonower to assign ony righ4s,claims or ' =� <br /> 4t. Y GI.� <br /> � defenses whir,h Bonows aY9y 3ve'Aq8T�iat 9At4Fdi v�o supply labor or materials Lo improve or maintam Me proyerty. � <br /> 3. IMUranae. Bartower wiil ke�sp the Droperty insurud under terms acceptable to Lender at Bonower's expense and for Lender's bsnofit. Ai! �_ <br /> � insurance policies ahail inGude a standard mortgage clause in favor of Lender.Lender will 6e named as lo5s Dayee or as the insured o�eny such . • <br /> insurante policy.rAny uuuranca proceeda may ba appt�ed,within Lender's disaetion,to either ths restoration or repair of the damaged property <br /> or to the secured dabt.If Lender requires mortgage�nsurance.Bonower agrees to maintain such insurance for es long as Lender requires. . <br /> - 4.Ptoperty.Borrower witl keep the property m good coMition and make all repai-s reasonably necessary. ` ;j' <br /> � b.Expenaea.Borcower agress to pay all 48nder's expensas,including reasonabte attorneys'fees,if Borrowar breaks any covenants in this deed . '' ' '. ;,,r <br /> � ot trust or in any obtigation secured by this deed of trust.Borrowar vinll pay these amounts to Lender as provided in Covenant 9 of this deed of <br /> trust. < • _ <br /> 't . � <br /> 6.Pdor SearitY trRereste.Untess Bortowar first obtains Lender's wr�tten conseM, Borrower will nat make or pe�r.�!any changes to any prior , <br /> security irtterests. Borrower will psrform all of Bartower's obtigations under any prior mortpage, deed ot trust or other sscurtty agreemenL � ��-- <br /> , including Borrower's wvenants to make paymerrts when due. � <br /> �' <br /> � . T.Asai�nment of Reirts end Pro�ts.Borrower assigns to Lender the rents and profits of the property Unless Barrawar and Lender have agresd C , <br /> . � oTharw�se in miting, Bonower may collect and retain the rents as long as Bortower is not in dafault. If Bonower defaults, Lender,Lender's t �.i <br /> agant,or a court appointed rocaiver may take possession and manage the property and collect the rents.Any renu Lendsr collects shall be f. . , �•��'• <br /> appSied first to the costs of managing the property, incfuding court costs and attomeys' fees, commissions to rsmal agents,and any other E • . , <br /> necessary related expenses.The rememing amount of rents vrill then apply to payments on the secured debt as provided in Covenant 1. • ��. <br /> 8.Leaseholds•Ca��aminiums;Planned Untt Developmerts:Barrower aprees to compty with tfie provisions of any:ease if this deed of ttust is on � ���y . : <br /> � a leasehotd.If th's deed of trust is on a unit in a condommium or a planned unit development, Bonower wilt perform aIl of Bortowers duties -? <br /> � under ffie covenarrts,by-laws,tr regutations of the condominium or planned unR development. , <br /> ,.,- <br /> ��? 9.Authortty of Landor to Porform tor Bortower. If Bonower faits to perform any of Bonnwer's duties under this deed of trust, Lender may _ <br /> ' perfortn the duties or cause them to be parformad.Lender may sign 9orrower's name or ay any amourrt'rf necessary far performance. tf any , >�: `".�- <br /> . consVUCtion on tt�a property is disco�nued or not canied on in a reasonable manner.LenSer may do whatever is necessary to protect Le�ders ,:�;:-` � <br /> sacu' interesc n the roperty.Th is m ay i n c l u d e c o mp l e ti ng M e c onstnuticn• � "``�;`''�.� <br /> r�'';t� � P �. <br /> { �L,� ;', , <br /> �:;�[1:`'; Lender's failure 8o perform will not preclude Lender irom exercising any of its other rigfits under ths law ar t"�s dzzd of msst. • <br /> � ' Any amounts paid by Lender to protect Lender's security irrt�rast witl be secured by this daed of trust.Such amoums wil be due on demand � . ' �'� •'� <br /> � + and will baar interest trom the date of the payment uMil Dai�m full at the irtterest rate in effezt on the searred datrt. • <br /> : 1 ;.. . �. .� ,,s: <br /> 10. Defeuit end AecNemtion. lf Bortowat fails to make any payment whan due or breaks any cave�ents undet this deed of trust or anV � • -' d� • �'_ <br />• �-� obligation secured by this deed of vust or any prior mortgage or deed of trust, Lender may acceterate the maturity of tha sewred debt and � � �� t': �— <br /> demand immediate payment and may invoka the power of sate and any other remedies permitted by applica�l2 law. f�. 1 �1 : <br /> 1 f�' '�': <br /> :3�. <br /> .� `.: F. <br /> 11.Rsqaeat tor Notlse ot Da�.;t k is hereby requested that capies of the notices af defau:and sale be sertt to asch p2rson who is a party '' '�,� ',' f' �� �� <br /> hereto,at tha address of each sc�person,as set fortfi here�n. :x: �• � <br />� r_,�':.::. <br /> m •i�•�. .-�.. �. <br /> : 1P.Power of Sd�.If the Lender inwkes the power of sale,the Trustee shatl first record in the otfice of the register of daeds of wach county �t,.r:;,;; , •�_�::��:,. <br /> 1 mt�rein the trust property or same part or parcet thereof is situated a notice of default containing the InformaUOn required by Iaw•The Trustee ;�.,- r,z;. ,�t;:�; �° <br /> `I shalt also mail copies of the notice of defauY to the Bortower,to each person who is a party hereto, and to other persons as prescribed by • , y ' , � <br /> .�� t;,;%s`.. <br /> ayplicable lew. Not less than one month afizr the T►ustee records the notice of defautt, or two months it tfis Wst property is not in any _ . !;� <br />. ' incorporated city or village and is used in farming operations carried on by ths ttustor,the Trustee shall giva publie notice of sate to the persons � • w:�5 <br /> " and in the man�er prescnbad by appplicablo law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,shap sell the property at public auction to the hlghest .' • �... q <br /> �idder.It required by the Farm Homestead Protection Act,Trustee shall offer the properly in two separate salas as re�s,-irad by applicable law. r,;, �x �,3 �;. <br /> 4rustes may postpone sate of all or any parcel of the property by public announcemert at the time and place of any previnusly scheduled sale. ����� • }°. le <br /> Lender or its designee may purchaso tha property at any sale. � ��-1-•' °--` �� <br /> �f.. <br /> Upon receipt of paymeni of the price bid,Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustes's deed conveying the property.Ttuj recitiats contained in ( <br /> - Trustee's deed sh:1t be prima facie evidiance of the uuth of the statements contained therein.Trustee shali aOfl�Y�e proceeds of the sale in the � <br /> followtng order: (2> to aIl expenses of the sale, including, but not limited to, reasonable Trustee's fzas, reasonable attomoy's tees and �^���.----- <br /> � reinstatemont feas;(b)to s!1 sams secured b this deed of trust,and tcl the batance,if an ,to the persons legalty entiUed to recolva it. . t� --- <br /> y Y . ;o��� <br /> 73.Foredosun.At Lende-'s o�t+an,thia deed of trust may be foreclused in the maaner provide by applicabte law for foreelosure of mortgages ;��-. .. ���` <br /> on real proparty. 'j � � � <br /> � 14.Inspoedan.Lender may enter the property to Inspece it if Lender gives Bonower notice beforehand.4�a notice must state the reasonable _=_ <br /> Cause fo►LendeYS inspection. � - � <br /> `'�r. . 18,Condamation.Bonower assigns to Lender the proceeds of any awara or ctaim for damag es wnoer.ted witA a condemnaUon or other taking .'_ ~- l '�`%-�����'• <br /> of all or any part of the propertY.Such proceeds will be applied as provided in Covenant 1.7his assignment is subject to tha terms o}aoy prior ',:,�-t'1 r-� _ -- <br /> � security agreement. � <br /> ('`��:.`,•:..',�';�=-,,...,...-.� <br /> 18.Waivsr.By exercising any remedy avaitab'a to Lender,Lender does not give up any righta to later uso any other re:rca�y.By not exerdsing '"��i�•r� � �' <br /> any remedy e,�n Bortower'e defautt,Lender Caes not waive any dght to later consider the event a default�.`it happens ag„n. . -�--�+� <br /> 17,Jolnt u:9�sv�tal Llab(IitY; Co-alyn�n; Suates�on�nd Aulyns Bound AII dutiea under this de�s: t`. trust are jaint and several. Any y <br /> -�. Bottower wAa eo-slgns thla desd of trust but doea not co-sign the un��;ying debt irruumentiel E��s s� only to g ant and convey that �`:,. , -•�._ <br /> ' Borrower's intoreat in the property to the Trustee under the t*»ma of thls Gsetl of trust.In addition,such a'c�rrower agr¢w that the Lender and � ; - . , <br /> ' any othe►Borrov�er undor U's deed of bust may e�ctend,rc,��fy or make any oiher changus in the terms of this dee:e`uust or the secured �;c;r� .. �' <br /> � debt without that Bonower's coasent and without releasing tLat 8orrower hom the terms of thls deed of trust. ;�;�, '�" . • �: :`�":. <br /> ,F�—. __ <br />� The duUes and Crensfrta of this deed ot bust shall bind and benefR the succassors and asaigna of Lende�an0 @onower. =�"'�`=' " <br /> � 18.IVotic�.L'-:2ss otherwise required by law,any notlee to Borrowe►sha'7�o given by deliveri�g ii or�y ma:�ng it by certitied mail adC^�sed to �t � ' <br /> • Bairowe�at the pro�erty addrasa or eny other addresa thst Bonower has given to Lender.Bonower w�l:�-:a any n¢^�s to Lender bry oartifled t :_ • �, <br /> mail to Londer's addrese on page 1 of this doed ot trust,or to any oihar aQdrass which Lender has desiy-.,:ed.Any c��-r..�tice to LenQer shall <br /> �a seM to Lender's address as steted on page 1 0!this deed of trust. • , . <br /> , Any noUce ahall be deemed t��'�va baen given to Borrower or Londer when giveo In the rs�Rner stated above. ' � � <br /> 19.Tnnsfw of th�Prop�Ry or a Bm�flclr hsl�reat In th�Bottowa.If ail or any part of the propertV or any interest i�it is sold ar trz�sferred ' ! <br /> � without LeRda's prior writton consent, Lende+may demand ir►�mediote o�yment of the secured debt. Lender may also demand�7c-�s�iiate . <br /> payment ��a Borrower is not a natural person and a beneflciat interast m the 8orrower Is sotd or uansferred. However, LenCer�rzy not . <br /> demand pa�•��-�t in the abova situaUon�if it is prohibited by federal law as of the date of this deed ot trust. � . ; '� <br /> 20.R�cam�yanc�. When th9 obllgaUon secured by this deed of trust has been paid,and Lender has no furthet obligation to make advances ;': <br /> undor the instruments or agreements secured by this doed of trust, the Trustee shall,upon written request by the Lender,reconvey the trust • —�-- <br /> property.The Lender shall deliver to the Borrower,or to Borrower's successor in interest,the trust deed and the note or other evidence of the f� <br /> obligaUon so satisfled.Borrower shall pay any recordation costs. f . . <br /> 21. Sucee9fo► Trustaa. Lender, at Lortder's option, may remove Trustee and appoint a successar trustee by first, mailing a copy ot tlie i • — <br /> substitution of trustee as required by appticable taw,and thon,by filing the Substltution of ttustea for record in the oNice of the rogtster of deeds , <br /> of ouch county in which the ttust property,or somo part thereof,is situated.Tho successor trustee,without conveyance of the �,� <br /> succeod to all the power,duties,authonty and title of the Trustoe namod in tha doed of hust and of eny buccossor trusteo. <br /> � <br /> � �� <br /> � . = <br />. i . �,' <br /> ' Ipage?oI?1 . �`v�'. <br /> 9r!a:£RS Sr�S.^+c qr nrnm MN aHi�t H.R06197�T3411 GORIAOC°M76NE 8�1491 _ .. <br /> . . __—.. —___— ._ . . � �• °'.''. <br /> , . �. <br /> . _. �. <br /> i �_`-. <br /> '^'r;�---'�^' • <br /> � .. ti ,.. ___ — . . - .. . . ... . " .. . ' . - 5 . <br /> �.. �. 1 � . ' ��_ .n ._. ._� 6 it. !.� . . . ' .�. . " ,, . ••. . .. . . . - . . .. . � . . . . . _ r' . <br />