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� � � <br /> . DE �� R.ECrORD <br /> HuFFinan Form 1�10.'fog�/a Containing qt t Printed Wortls. <br /> NQ. �95-3$360-THEAUGUSTINECO.GRAN�ISIAND,NEDR. <br /> STATE OF 1VE$RASKA� <br /> FROM County of Ha,l.]. 83 Entered in Numerical Index and filed for record in <br /> Fred Foreman Droullard & wP. theRegister of Deeds b{f�e-of said County <br /> ' TO ' tlte 1, dity of July � 19 �}$ at 2 o'cloclz and I.�.S tes p� bl. <br /> nnil'recorded inbook 97 page 279 of Deeds �'��Q,,,�,( �s��y <br /> V erne R. Mo a eman & <br /> Register of Dee s. <br /> Lo i s M. Mo s e man sy � Deputy. <br /> KNOW AT.L MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, 7'hat Fred Foreman Droullard and Jessamine M. Droullard, eaCh in <br /> his or her own right and as Husband and Wife <br /> in consicleration of One Dollar and ,pther Valuable Consideration - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOL�ARS <br /> in hand paid,do hereby grant, bargain,sell, convey and conf irm unto V ern e R. Mo s eman and Lo i a M• Mo s eman <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, anc� not as tenants in common; th.e fo�lowing descrribed real esfiale situu'te 'in t�ie County of Ha�.]- `and <br /> State of Nebraska to-wit: <br /> Lot Four (4) , in Block Sixty (60), in Wheeler and Bennett� s �econd Addition to the City <br /> of Grand Island, Nebraska,, - <br /> ( . .R. tamps) <br /> (Cancelled ) <br /> toget�er uiith alI the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to t�te sa»te belottgfrig, an� a�I the esiate, tft��, dower, rtght of �iomest�ead, claim nr d�mand wlidtsoev�r of <br /> the said graretor g,of,in or to the same,or any part thereof; subject to unpaid balance C�.UG on a G I �.OAIl riOW 0:� reeord in f"a,VOx' <br /> of the Equitable Building and Loan Association, Grand Island, Nebraska. <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HBl'�TO, THAT IN TH� EV�NT OF THE DEATH OF EII�HER OF SAIb G�A1�T,�ES THE <br /> ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIB�D H�REI111 SHALL VES7' IN THE SURVNIIVG GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, witF� the teppurtenanees, unto flte said grarttece as ]OI1VT TENANTS, and nbt as te�ttrlts in common, <br /> and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assic�ns of the survivor of them, forever, and We the grarttor $ named heretn for ug <br /> and our heirs; executors, and administrators, do cdvenant wtih t�.e gwantees numecl heretn ancl with thetr assigns an� with t1�e heirs nnd assigns of th� <br /> sur�ivor of them, that W@ are lawJ�liy seized of said premises; tlectt t�eq are free froin inoumbrance exc�pt ds sEated herein,and tliat We <br /> the suicl grantor s ha V@ good right and Iawful authority to sell tlie same, and Chatt W8 w�Il and OUY' heirs, ezecutors <br /> anc� aalministrators shall warrant and defend the same unto the grant�es named herein and urtfu their assigns cincl untd t�e heirs und assiz�ns of fhe surviuor bf them, fofiever, <br /> against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions named �terc�lt. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF We kave hereunto set OLiI` Aartd S this 29tj� day <br /> of June , A. D. 19�� <br /> In presence of <br /> Rose P. Dudek Johnston Fred F'oreman Droullard <br /> Jessamine M. Droullard <br /> STATE OF Nebraska � On this 29t',h day of June A.D'. ].(�.2.�.�, before me,a Notary Public in and for said <br /> County of Ha,ll SS� County,personally came the above named Fred Foreman �I'OU�.1&�'d and Jeasamine M. <br /> Drou2lard, each in his or her own right and as Husband and tdife <br /> who �.e personally 1tRO�un td m� �o� be� tlre itl+eyit'ical`pet�sort g w�iose name 8 AY'8 affixed to the aboue <br /> " instrument as grantor s , and they ackrio��e'c�`ged saic�instrument to be their <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> - WITNESS my hand artd 1�ot�ial 4eaE t�� date [ast� aF�re�s+�td'. Rose P. Dudek Johnston <br /> (S�AL) Notary Pubit�. <br /> My commission expires on the l.�.tYl day o{ Februaxy A� D� 1952• <br /> r <br /> I <br />