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2�� <br /> D � �� R-� C�RI� <br /> Huf�'man Form N�o. togl/2 Ct�ritairiing�t i Prinhed Wor�s. <br /> NO. 135^33380-THEAUGUSTINE C0.GRAND ISLAND,NE9R. <br /> ST�T�''OF 1VEI�RASKA� <br /> IFROM County of H�1 S3 Entered in Numerical Index and fi�ed for recorcl in <br /> '6dilliam L. Peterson and wife the Re�ister of Deedsoff��e oF said County <br /> �O i�e ], daY o� J�y tq�8 at ],Q o' Tz and�..,. mi s A�M. <br /> I <br />, and tecorded in book 9^l page 2'77 of Deeds ��;�1�� <br /> Jc�hn E. Bec�unann & A1ma Beckmann <br /> Register o{Dee . <br /> By Deputy. <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESB PRESENTS, 7'�«t William L.� Peterson and Elsie I. Peterson (Each in their <br /> o�m right and as husband and wif e) <br /> in consideration of One d.O�.�.a.P 8.1� other valuable conai�derations — — — — — — — — - — — — — — — DdLLA�2S <br /> in hand paid,do hereby grant, bargain,sell, con�ey and confirm unto J�hn E. Beckmann and .Alma Beckmann (Husband and Wife) <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common; the following alescrt�ienl real estate situat�e iti t�e C.'ounty of H�-�- arttil <br /> State of Nebx�aska to-wit: <br /> Lots eighteen (18) and Nineteen (19) in Sass� Subdivision, located on part of the Northeast <br /> quarter of �he northeast quarter (NE� NE�) of Section Fourteen (1�} in township Eleven (11) , <br /> North,Range Nine (9) , West of the 6th P.M. , as surveyed, platted and recorded. <br /> ( 1.10 I.R.Stamps ) <br /> ( Cancelled ) <br /> togetlter with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenanc+as to t�te same belonging, antl ��� tlte eartate, ttt�e, dota�er, rfght of Aor►testead, alaim or demaret� ui/tatstreveh oj <br /> the saicl grantor 8,o f,in or to t�ie same,or any part thereo f; subject to <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HER�TO, THAT IN TFIE EVENT OP THE DEATH OF EITH�R OF SAID GR�YIVT'�ES THE <br /> ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO`THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HERE/N SHALL VEST IN THE SURVNING GRAIVTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, wit� the apprsrtenanc�s, �nto the seeid 9rantees as.JOINT TENANTS, and not as tennnts in wmmon. <br /> and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns oF the sur�ivor of them, forever, and W8 the grantor 8 named herein for ourselves <br /> and Oux' heirs, executors, and administrators, da covenarri wtth t�e grantees numed lteretn and wtt� thefr assigns anc� wit� tlie Iieirs ancl assiqns of t�e� <br /> survivor of them, that W2 a.Y'8 lawfu�ly seized of saic� premises; tl�at tFi�y are free from ineumbrance except as stated herein,and that W6 <br /> the said grantor s ha QQ goocl right and lawful authority to sell the same, and that W8 will ancl OUI° hefr�s, execufors <br /> ant� administrators shall warrant and defend the same unto the g�rantees narned I�erein antl unto thetr assigns and unto the h.eirs ancl assigns of the suruiuor of them, forevet; <br /> against the Iacuful claims of all persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions named Iteretri. <br /> IN WITN$SS WH$R$OF We aae hereunto set Our hand g this 2�1'th daq <br /> of June , A. D. 19�8 <br /> In presence of <br /> Carl Knickrehm William L. Peterson <br /> Elsie I. Peteraon <br /> STATE QF Nebraska On this 2�tY1 day o{ June A.D. 19�8, before me,a Notary Public in and for said <br /> County of H&�..1. }ss. County,personally cama tlee above named w�.11.j.aA1 L. Peterson and Elsie Y. Peteraon <br /> (Each in their o�,m right and ae husband and wife) <br /> who are personally known to me to be t/te fdienl3ca� person S whose name $ are af fixed to the above <br /> instru.ment as grantor S , and they have acknowledged sntd instrument to be their <br /> voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my hand and Notartad ��ad the date luse aforesutd. Ch�,s. �l. Rahrhoff Jr. <br /> (SE�� Notary Public. <br /> 1�Iy commission expires on tlie 23rd clay of �LlgtiSt A. D. �953 <br /> I <br />